Woodring Graduate Council Meeting Minutes
October 12, 2015 (10:30-12pm)
In attendance: Stan Goto (Chair), Bruce Larson (ex-officio), Tracy Coskie, Lauren McClanahan, Joseph Hunter
Absent: Beth Boland
Support Staff: Courianne Willard
- Welcome
- Dean Rios: Overview of 2015-16 Priorities
- B. Larson attends representing the Dean’s office (overlaps w/WCC)
- Survey placed, less response rate than anticipated, analyzed results
- Graduate Program Future and Response to WGC Survey
- Most people prefer a hybrid model (in-person, online, video conferencing)
- 4-5 interest areas under discussion—appeal to a variety of avenues but with core courses that represent core values/ethics of the college
- Idea of staggering “cognate areas” that people could come into
- Promotes flexibility in the program
- Self-sustaining
- Extensive Marketing/outreach
- Know a year in advance the amount of participation expected for specific concentration area
- Recognition that there is a “tsunami” of need for new teachers
- Lots of conversation regarding amount of teachers needed
- 85-90% of teachers hired in WA come from WA institutions
- ECE concentration to start? New part of a masters is linking PB to MA to leverage core courses w/PB.
- Cert. plus MA aspect
- Be attuned to teacher need. (ELED/SEC/SPED with respect to what they think is needed) Recognizing state need
- Would we have to coordinate with Alt. Cert program?
- Different model, small population, students not likely to come to proposed programs (lack of overlap)
- Data from surveys and thinking about MA offerings.
- Task of committee= create program/timeline
- What is relationship btwn existing MA’s and this one?
- Develop recommendation, take it to leadership councils (FAC, WAC) then create a team of people (recommendation would include team proposal) to carry it out. Principals of programs,
- 2 years from now?
- Lois Longwood—30 ppl? Closer to 12-14?
- Cohort to “break even”—12 per cognate area
- Another push to get data?
- SPED Certified teachers
- State that requires that all teachers require MA? Some states have 5th year program requirement (CA, NY, etc.)
- UW doesn’t have UG teaching degree
- Graduate Assistantship Allocation Policy
- Notification
- Fac. Cannot hire Grad Assistants until notified as such
- We need a policy—future agenda item?
- Curriculum Changes (if any)
- Routing for curriculum approval
- Need a calendar for current changes
- Need to verify routing process
- Proposed new graduate programs: next steps?
- Copy of the survey? Sent as attachment
- Timeline needs revision
- Dean/WGC wanting an MA but there was no process and no data; not enough resources
- Task force to look at design, timeline, etc. and conducting “needs survey”
- Survey was made available for principals to distribute/push it to their respective interested parties
- Results from survey is not reliable as representation of ed. programs
- Has to be self-sustaining and anyone running a cognate has to demonstrate ability for completion.
- Identify similar existing programs
- Evidence of subject matter offered in a cognate model
- Common set of core courses would require an agreed upon curriculum
- Representative of WCE values?
- Formal proposals?
- Dean requested data—no return.
- SG to ask Dean about written proposals for program push? Rationale for proposed programs?
- SG drafting a letter of request for more information and sending it to council
- How devoted each principal is to developing program
- How planned out it is
- Invite principals to a WGC informational session in November.
- Principals: Gail, Veronica, Victor, Lauren, Paula, Don Green, Chairs to each department—informational meeting about what Grad Committee is working on this year, any interested party should have a representative to the conversation.
- Revised context; clear expectations about clear proposal for program.
- Checklist of questions that we need answered?
- Charged to review/approve programs. Create viable pathway for programs to start. No expectations on existing programs.
- Certification = Cognate
- Review findings from the survey
- Look at other University models, and this model was the most supported
- Success and Efficacy in where it is used
- Review of McCallum fellowship, due Nov. 1st?
- Meeting times/dates this quarter
- New meeting times set for every other Monday from 9-11AM starting October 26th.
Further discussion on information session:
MA WITH Cognates. Team dedicated to the whole.
Meeting Protocol (November?)
- Invite stakeholders/proposers/representative (All College)—from Dean’s office
- Remind of the charge of the Graduate Committee
- Informational Meeting and Open discussion
- Gathering further information to move forward
- Provide specific information for moving forward
- Our task is to provide a pathway for programs who are interested in developing an MA
- In a way that makes it viable (facilitators of the process)
- Next meeting set a date for the discussion
SG—Drafting email announcement for information session to review at the next meeting; list of items that we would like (keep reasonable)
Moving forward…meeting logistics…
**Accommodating off-campus attendance via web meetings, etc.
**Editing documents—via projector