Friends of Highland Music
Friends of Highland Music exists to promote and support Scottish traditional music song and dance. Requests for financial support are considered on their own merits taking account of the available resources. Support is not given retrospectively.
Please read the AD HOC CONDITIONS OF GRANT before completing this form and remember to submit any supporting evidence with this form.
Name of Applicant
Forenames ………………………………… Surname………………………..
Address ……………………………………………………………………………
Summarise the project/event/activity. Include details of any partner organisations and details of proposed expenditure. Continue on separate sheets as required.
Total cost of project £……… Dates of the project/event……………………..
Have you applied for, or will you be applying for, financial help towards this project from any other source? If so, give details.
APPLICATION: I declare that I have read and accept the Ad Hoc Conditions of Grant and that all the information I have given is accurate. I authorise Friends of Highland Music to request information from any of the persons or organisations named in the application.
I apply for a grant of £…………….. to be made payable to
In awarding this grant, Friends of Highland Music will expect due acknowledgement in all related communications and where appropriate the inclusion of our logo in any related publications or publicity materials. Copies of the logo may be obtained from the Secretary.
Applicant’s signature …………………………………………….. Date …………………………..
You may also submit additional material as appropriate.
Please return to -
Jean Fleetwood, Secretary FoHM, 56 Kingsmills Road, Inverness IV2 3LD
Tel: 01463 221355 email:
FRIENDS OF HIGHLAND MUSIC charity No. SCO22098 for the advancement of Highland music and culture.
Patrons: Eric and Helen Allan, Arras, Drumossie, Inverness
Convenor: Moira Leslie, The Old Manse, Avoch, IV9 8RW Tel: 01381 620412 email:
Secretary: Jean Fleetwood, 56 Kingsmills Road, Inverness IV2 3LD Tel: 01463 221355 email:
Treasurer: Alison Mackenzie, Greenvoe, Caulfield Rd North, Cradlehall, Inverness IV2 5NQ Tel: 01463 794823