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Anne FirstAuthor 1, BrigitteSecondAuthor 1,2, Claude ThirdAuthor 2, David FourthAuthor 1
1First Affiliation. Country
2Second Affiliation. Country
This paper has 5-10 pages, format A4 (21.0 cm × 29.7 cm) the top and bottom margins with 2.5 cm, and left and right margins with3.0. The abstract,with approximately 20 lines, should be in Arial Narrow italic 10 points font. The main text should be in common Arial 10 points font. Please do not indent the beginning of the paragraph. All lines are single spaced and do not have spaces before and after the paragraphs. We prefer the sections named as 1. INTRODUCTION, 2. METHODS, 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, 4. CONCLUSIONS, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS, REFERENCES, numbered as first order heading with Arial Capital Bold 12 font. Do not number acknowledgements and references headings. You can use second order headings, e.g., 2.1 second order heading, 2.2 second order heading, and so on, with Arial title form bold 11 font. The heading METHODS can be replaced by EXPERIMENTAL, THEORETICAL ASPECTS, etc. Also you can add other main section headings as you need, modifying the numbers.
Keywords: add three to five keywords here.
1. Introduction
main text main text main text main text main text main text main text main text main text main text main text "The copyrights refer only to the 'format what you see in the proceedings' and the authors retain the full rights of their materials".
The references can be cited in brackets [1], [1,4], [1-3], or "as considered in Cogoetal.(1999)," or "consider that ozone mass transfer is important (Cogoetal.,1999),".
Indicate clearly the international standards. Use the International System of Units. Indicate clearly the international standards. Use the International System of Units. Indicate clearly the international standards. Use the International System of Units.
Indicate clearly the international standards. Use the International System of Units. Indicate clearly the international standards. Use the International System of Units. Indicate clearly the international standards. Use the International System of Units.
2.1 Second Order Heading
There is no paragraph separating second order heading and the main textThere is no paragraph separating second order heading and the main text. There is no paragraph separating second order heading and the main text. There is no paragraph separating second order heading and the main text.
There is no paragraph separating second order heading and the main textThere is no paragraph separating second order heading and the main text. There is no paragraph separating second order heading and the main text. There is no paragraph separating second order heading and the main text.
2.2 Second Order Heading
There is no paragraph separating second order heading and the main textThere is no paragraph separating second order heading and the main text. There is no paragraph separating second order heading and the main text. There is no paragraph separating second order heading and the main text.
The equation has Times N.R. 10 points, subscriptwith 7 points, sub-subscriptwith 5 points, symbol with 18 points e sub-symbol with 12 points. The equation should be numbered in the right side and refered as “Equation(1)”.Please always apply SHIFT+CTRL+SPACE after word "Equation" and before number (1). Do not use single "space_bar".
Tables are numbered with Arabic numbers. Note that "Table1" has the title above the table, centered with Times N.R. bold 10 points. Also use SHIFT+CTRL+SPACE.
Table 1. Title of the table.
Sample(a) / Length (m) / Pressure 10-5(Pa) / Velocity (m.s-1)Sample1 / 2.0 / 1.00 / 1.5
Sample2 / 1.7 / 0.95 / 2.0
Sample3 / 1.5 / 1.12 / 3.5
(a) - footnote
Figures are also numbered with Arabic numbers. Note that "Figure1" has the title after the figure, centered with Times N.R. bold 10 points. Also use SHIFT+CTRL+SPACE.
Figure 1: Title of the figure.
Please remember that many readers print your paper in black and white printer. Please remember many readers print your paper in black and white printer. Please remember that many readers print your paper in black and white printer.
optional optional . optional optional .optional optional .optional optional .optional optional .optional optional .
- Cogo, E., Albert, J., Coste, C. and Molinier, J. “Effect of reaction medium on ozone mass transfer and applications to pulp bleaching,” Chemical Engineering J., vol.73, num.1, pp.23-28. (1999)
- Agarwal, S.B., Genco, J.M., Cole, B.J.W. and Miller, W. “Kinetics of oxygen delignification,” J. Pulp and Paper Sci., vol.25, num.10, pp.361-366. (1999)
- Hise, R. “Chlorination,” in Pulp Bleaching, C.W. Dence and D.W. Reeve (eds.), pp.243-259. TAPPI Press, Atlanta, Georgia. (1996)
- Loureiro, P.E.G.; Fernandes, A.J.S.; Furtado, F.P.; Carvalho, M.G.V.S.; Evtuguin, D.V."Progressos na química de cromóforos de pastas de eucalipto utilizando micro-espectroscopia de raman ressonante no UV"in XXI Encontro Nacional da TECNICELPA / VI CIADICYP, 12-15 Outubro 2010 - Lisboa, Portugal. (2010)