Elections for the NACE National Board will be held on Monday, July 17, 2017 during Experience! 2017 in Houston, Texas.
NACE chapters are responsible for electing delegates to represent their chapter by participating in the voting process. Each chapter may elect one delegate for every 25 members (excluding student members) or portion thereof as of May 15 each year.
It is important to remember that the delegates who vote at the election are vote carriers, not actual voters. It is the policy of NACE that delegates are informed by their chapters whom to vote for. Some chapters may allow delegates to make their decision on-site.
This packet includes all information, forms, and templates that your chapter will need in order to complete the voting process.
Election Process Information 2
Excerpts from NACE Bylaws 3
Delegate Election Announcement 4
Voting Delegate “Intent to Run” Form 5
Delegate Requirements and Responsibilities 6
Delegate Selection 7
Ballot 7
Chapter Delegate Allocation List 8
Delegate Confirmation Form 9
Proxy Form 10
For questions about the NACE National elections and/or delegate voting process, please contact:
Lauren Williams
Manager, Membership Development and Chapter Services
National Association for Catering and Events
Phone: 410-290-5410 x227
Election Timeline:
· By June 8- Send delegate election announcement and supporting information to members
· By June 15- Hold delegate election
· June 22- Return delegate confirmation form to NACE National
· June 27 and 29- Informational webinars about candidates (exact date TBD)
· June 30- Proxy form deadline
· July 17- Mandatory town hall and voting
· July 18- Official Board of Directors announcement at NACE One Awards Gala
Instructions for Attached Documentation:
**Many of the enclosed documents include text in <BRACKETS>. Please customize these templates for your chapter by filling in all information within <BRACKETS> before sending to members.**
1. Election Announcement Template
Customize and send to all members of the chapter by no later than June 8, 2017.
2. Voting Delegate “Intent to Run” Form
Attach with Election Announcement.
3. Delegate Requirements and Responsibilities
Attach with Election Announcement.
4. Ballot
Customize and send to chapter members after the “intent to run forms” have been collected.
5. Chapter Delegate Representation List
Please find your chapter on this list and note the maximum number of delegates that you will be able to elect. Then, customize the attached forms to match that number. For example, the announcement template, delegate ballot, and delegate confirmation all reference the number of delegates you may send in <BRACKETS>.
6. Delegate Confirmation Form
After delegate elections, note delegate choices and send to NACE headquarters.
7. Proxy Form
For use in the event that one or more of your delegates find themselves unable to attend Experience! 2017.
5.5 Voting delegates. Voting delegates shall be elected by the members with voting rights to vote on their behalf. Every member who has been assigned a chapter (designated their primary chapter) and who holds membership with voting rights is entitled to vote in that chapter’s election of delegates.
5.5.1. Representation. The Professional Members of each chapter for whom that chapter is their primary chapter shall elect one Professional Member delegate for every 25 Professional Members in good standing or portion thereof to vote on their behalf at national membership meetings of NACE. Said delegates must be NACE Professional members in good standing and not subject to suspension or removal proceedings at time of election and at time of meeting. NACE membership records as of May 15 of each year will determine chapter member numbers.
5.5.2. Representation for Members-at-Large. Members-at-Large with voting rights may, by a process to be established by the Board of Directors, elect one delegate for every 25 Members-at-Large or portion thereof to vote on their behalf at national meetings of NACE. Said delegates must be NACE Professional members in good standing and not subject to suspension or removal proceedings at time of election and at time of meetings. NACE membership records as of May 15 of each year will determine chapter member numbers.
5.5.5. Process of Certifying Voting delegates. Chapters and the Coordinator for the Members-At-
Large shall forward, by written letter and at least thirty (30) days in advance of an Annual Meeting, a list of their elected delegates. The Executive Director shall then verify that the delegates meet the qualifications of membership.
5.5.6. Authority of Certified Voting delegates to Act. Any member duly certified to act as a delegate shall have and may exercise all of the powers, rights, and privileges of members at national membership meetings of NACE, and shall act for their chapter and its members in the affairs of NACE, including the holding of office or offices therein. Each delegate shall have one vote to cast.
5.5.7. Delegate term of service. Voting delegates shall be elected annually at least thirty (30) days prior to the Annual Meeting of NACE and shall serve until the next election of delegates.”
5.9. Proxy Voting. If for any reason a delegate is unable to exercise his or her vote at the Annual Meeting, the chapter may assign that vote by proxy to any current and paid NACE member eligible to serve as a delegate, and who is of the same membership category as the delegate from whom proxy is being assigned.
5.9.1. Certification of Proxy. No proxy shall be accepted or acknowledged unless the chapter shall have submitted a signed, written certification of such proxy to the Secretary/Treasurer of NACE and the Executive Director has verified that the member meets the qualifications of membership.
5.9.2. Limitations on Proxy Voting. A member may only hold a proxy for one chapter other than his or her own. A proxy certification statement is valid for only sixty (60) days.
5.10. List of Certified Voting delegates and Proxies. A list of delegates and individuals holding a proxy shall be produced at any meeting of members upon the request of any member who has given written notice to NACE at least ten days (10) prior to such meeting. If the right to vote at any meeting is challenged, the chairman shall require such list to be produced. All persons who appear on such list may vote at such meeting.
TO: NACE <chapter> Members
FROM: NAME – chapter Nominations Chair
RE: Special Election – Chapter Delegates
Elections for the NACE National Board will be held on Monday, July 17, 2017 during the 2017 Experience conference in Houston, TX. Candidate bios may be viewed at www.nace.net/Elections2017 (login required).
Each chapter must elect delegates to represent their chapter and participate in the voting process and may elect no more than one delegate for every 25 Professional members or portion thereof as of May 15 each year.
The <NAME> chapter is required to elect <NUMBER> delegates. We will be holding a special election of chapter delegates on <DATE>. If you are interested in being a chapter delegate, please review the attached position description and send the completed “intent to run” form to <NAME>, chapter chapter Title>, by <DATE>.
In this document you will find:
§ Candidate Intent To Run Form
§ Responsibilities and Requirements of Delegates at the National Conference
In order to be considered as a candidate, you must complete and submit all forms no later than 5:00PM on DATE> by email to your chapter’s nominations committee chair or president at <email address>. Candidates who do not meet the qualifications will be notified before the special election.
Please note: In fairness to all candidates, no deadline exceptions of any kind will be made. If your submission is not received by this date and time, your candidacy cannot be considered for this election.
Once all delegate candidate information is received and approved by the chapter nominations committee, the chapter membership will be provided with the names of all candidates and instructions for voting.
If you have any questions, you can contact <NAME> with any questions that may arise at <PHONE> or <EMAIL>.
Please accept our personal appreciation for your interest and willingness to serve NACE for the next year. It is YOUR dedication that makes us great! Thank you again for participating in this exciting and important association leadership process.
chapter Title>
I, , understand the requirements and responsibilities associated with representing my chapter during the NACE election process and hereby declare my intent to run for the position of:
q Chapter delegate for the ______chapter
q At-Large delegate
Please Print:
Telephone: Fax:
Please e-mail or fax this form to:
This form must be submitted by 11:59 PM on <DATE> to recognize your intent to run.
1. You must be a member of the chapter for at least (1) year to qualify as a delegate.
2. The chapter must be your primary chapter – you cannot be a secondary chapter member of chapter and be its delegate.
3. You must plan to continue your membership throughout the delegate term year.
4. You must also intend to attend the annual NACE National Experience conference, where delegate voting occurs. Please note – the chapter is not responsible for any monetary reimbursement for membership or conference expenses. If you are unable to attend the Experience conference, you must assign a proxy to vote on your behalf.
5. Student members are not eligible to be a delegate or vote in the national election.
The Professional Members of each chapter for whom that chapter is their primary chapter shall elect one Professional Member Delegate for every (25) Professional Members in good standing or portion thereof to vote on their behalf at national membership meetings of NACE. Student members will not be counted in membership total. Said delegates must be NACE Professional members in good standing and not subject to suspension or removal proceedings at time of election and at time of meeting.
(Article 5.5.6. of the NACE national Bylaws)
Authority of Certified Voting Delegates to Act:
Any member duly certified to act as a delegate shall have and may exercise all of the powers, rights, and privileges of members at national membership meetings of NACE, and shall act for their chapter and its members in the affairs of NACE, including the holding of office or offices therein. Each delegate shall have one vote to cast.
1. You must be a member of the chapter for at least (1) year to qualify as a delegate.
2. The chapter must be your primary chapter – you cannot be a secondary chapter member of chapter and be its delegate.
3. You must plan to continue your membership throughout the delegate term year.
4. You must also intend to attend the annual NACE National Experience conference, where delegate voting occurs. Please note – the chapter is not responsible for any monetary reimbursement for membership or conference expenses. If you are unable to attend the Experience conference, you must assign a proxy to vote on your behalf.
5. Student members are not eligible to be a delegate or vote in the national election.
Delegate Voting:
There will be a mandatory “meet the candidates” town hall session on Monday, July 17, during Experience! 2017 in Houston, TX. Voting will take place directly after the mandatory town hall. If one candidate does not get a majority of the vote (50 percent plus one), then another round of balloting must occur. In this case, the candidates will be notified prior to the announcement of the next round of balloting. The winners of the election will be announced during the awards gala on Tuesday, July 18.
The following is a list of potential delegates to represent the CHAPTER in NACE National Elections this summer at the 2017 Experience conference. The chapter needs to elect <NUMBER> delegates total.
Please indicate at the bottom of the ballot that you have voted for all listed delegate candidates.
q <NAME>
q <NAME>
q <NAME>
q <NAME>
q <NAME>
q <NAME>
q <NAME>
q <NAME>
q <NAME>
Yes, I vote for the above listed chapter delegates: ______
Member initials: ______
Each chapter may be represented by one delegate per every 25 professional members or fraction thereof.
Therefore, chapters with less than 25 members will receive one delegate and all other chapters will receive delegates based on the following formula: number of Professional Members in your chapter, divided by 25 and rounded down to the nearest whole number.
Alamo / 3 / New Orleans / 3
Anchorage / 1 / New York City / 1
Appalachian / 1 / Northeast Florida / 1
Austin / 2 / Omaha / 1
Baltimore / 5 / Orlando / 5
Capital Area of Wisconsin / 1 / Philly/S.Jersey/Del / 4
Charlotte / 4 / Phoenix / 4
Columbus / 1 / Reno/Tahoe / 2
Dallas/Ft. Worth / 7 / Richmond / 2
Greater Atlanta / 5 / Sacramento / 1
Greater Chicago / 3 / San Diego / 3
Greater Cincinnati Area / 1 / San Francisco / 3
Greater Denver / 4 / Silicon Valley / 2
Greater Detroit / 3 / South Florida / 3
Greater New Jersey / 1 / Southern Wisconsin / 4
Greater Seattle / 5 / Tacoma S. Puget / 2
Hawaii / 1 / Tampa Bay / 5
Houston / 10 / Triangle / 4
Las Vegas / 5 / Ventura / 1
Los Angeles / 1 / Washington DC / 4
Memphis / 1
Minneapolis/St. Paul / 2
Nashville / 1
New England / 6