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Request for Proposals 2018

General Guidelines

  • All applications are due by 5.00pm on February 12, 2018. Applications received after the deadline will be deemed as non-responsive and will not be reviewed.
  • The application should include the following: Face Page, Project Description, Justification for Collaboration (if applicable), Budget, Budget Narrative, Biographical Sketch and Efforts to Secure External Funding.
  • Eligible applicants are limited to CHHS faculty without active SOTL or FRG grants.
  • Applicants who have received $1,500 in REF funds or more in the last 12 months are not eligible to apply.
  • Recipients of the 2017 REF Grant awards are eligible only if they have submitted an external proposal.
  • Applicants are required to inform their Department Chair or Unit Director of their intent to submit. Applicants are expected to discuss with them the possibility for some support, especially if the amount required to complete the research exceeds the cap.
  • Please send applications to and copy your Department Chair or Unit Director.
  • Successful applicants will be notified by February 27, 2018.
  • NOTE: If your project requires approval from any of the UNC Charlotte compliance committees (Human Subjects, Animal Subjects, Radioactive Materials, Biological Hazards, Chemical Hazards) your funds will not be released until the Associate Dean of Research and Graduate Studies has received a copy of your approved protocol.
  • Reporting: a one-page report is due from the awardee/s no later than November 30 2018.

Budget Guidelines

  • The budget is capped at $3,000 for single proposers and $4,500 for joint proposers.
  • Fringe benefits as a line item are not required in the budget. Please be aware that taxes and fringe benefits will be deducted.
  • All funds must be expended by May 15, 2018; the only exception issalaries, which can be paid out until June 30, 2018.
  • The number of awards is contingent upon the available funds.

Funds may not be used for the following:

  • Academic-year release time or reduced teaching loads.
  • Travel to attend seminars, symposia, professional meetings for the purpose of disseminating the results of the research.
  • Projects related primarily to teaching and/or administrative functions (See SOTL grants).
  • Projects conducted primarily to produce financial reward for the investigator.
  • Production costs for books related primarily to page charges and illustrations.
  • Computers (expected through departmental funds).
  • Professional transcription services.
  • Food or refreshments.
  • No more than 50% of the total budget can be allocated to PI’s summer pay.

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2018REFGrant Application Face Page

Rank:______/ Academic Appt: ____9-Month____12-Month
Date of Initial UNC Charlotte Appointment: ______
Research Academy Affiliation ______
Email Address: / ______
Is this a joint proposal? _____Yes _____No (If yes, provide information for co-investigator)
Rank: ______/ Academic Appt: ____9-Month ____12-Month
Department: ______
Date of Initial UNC Charlotte Appointment: ______
Research Academy Affiliation ______
Email Address: / ______
Title of Project: ______
Will your Department Chair or Unit Director provide any monetary assistance in support of this project? ______
If Yes, how much $______
Did you receive an REF grant in 2017? ____ Yes ___No
If yes, have you submitted any external proposal/s since March 2017? ___Yes ____No
If this proposal involves research with any subject or substance that requires review by a designated individual, office or committee, please check (X) as applicable.
_____ / Human Subjects
_____ / Animal Subjects
_____ / Radioactive Materials
_____ / Biological Hazards (viruses, recombinant DNA, etc.)
_____ / Chemical Hazards

Project Description

Sections A-Eare restricted to a total of five double-spacedpageswith 12-pt. type. Section F (Works Cited/References) is limited to one page and may be single-spaced with 11-pt type. All pages should have 1" margins.

A. Introduction

B. Significance

C. Objectives

D. Methods or Steps

  1. Method of Dissemination

F. Works Cited / References

Justification for Collaboration

Required for joint proposals.Limited to one double-spaced page in 12-pt type.

Justify the need for collaboration, and explain clearly how the expertise for each faculty member is necessary to the project.

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Budget Template

March 1, 2018 - June 30, 2018

BUDGET: Request by budget category. Joint proposers must select onePI to be the lead. The unit that houses the lead PI will receive this allocation.

Lead Principal Investigator:

Principal Investigator 800#: ______

Budget Period March 1, 2018 to June 30, 2018
Summer Pay
Graduate Student Salaries
Special Pay to Faculty other than Grantee
Student (Undergraduate or Graduate) Temporary Wages
Non-student Temporary Wages
Participant Incentives
Communication and/or Printing
Other Contracted Services
Year Total

Budget Justification

Include a budget justification that clearly describes every category of expense listed in the budget. For faculty summer pay or special pay, please list each faculty member who is receiving a payment.

Biographical Sketch

(Limited to two pages for each investigator.)

Phone: / Email:


List degree, institution, and dates (highest degree first)

Degree / Institution / Dates

Papers presented at meetings (selected – Please limit selection to 3):

List formal papers presented at professional meetings in chronological order. Supply full bibliographical reference for abstracts.

Publications (selected- Please limit selection to 5):

List books or papers published in professional journals in chronological order. Supply full bibliographical references. (Do not list abstracts here.)

Follow the format:


Author.Date.Title.Source. Volume. Pages.

Author.Date.Pages in Edited Volume.Book Title. Publisher

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Efforts to Secure External Funding

In one page, describe yourefforts to secure external funding for research, creative activity, or service (including development, training, evaluation, etc.) during the last 2 years by listing each proposal during that period, including the date, title, agency and whether you were the PI or a co-PI. (If your list is too long to fit on a single page, limit your description to the last 1 year of proposal activity.) Indicate the amount of the grant and if it was approved, funded, or is currently under review. Include a description of your plans to seek external funding in the next two years, related either to this proposal or in another area. Seeking external funding for this and/or other projects is an expectation of the College and the University.