Application for Erasmus+ Staff Training Mobility funds

School /Department:
Proposed Host Institution:
Anticipated start date :
Anticipated end date :
Additional travel days needed: / Before / After
Brief outline of anticipated training programme:

I agree that the above proposed mobility meets the basic Erasmus+ eligibility criteria (see overleaf):

Applicants signature:
/ Date:
I agree that the applicant will be permitted to participate on the Erasmus+ programme, and that the mobility will be recognised as per the Erasmus+ requirements noted overleaf.
Head of Department / School
Submit to Erasmus & Study Abroad Office upon completion. / Date:

The information collected here will be used for administrative purposes so that the University can manage its operations effectively. All personal information will be processed by the University of Reading in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and the University's Data Protection Policy.

Basic ERASMUS eligibility criteria

§  Applicant / participant is an employee of the University of Reading at the time of the mobility.

§  The training should be of benefit to the individual’s role at Reading and therefore benefit the Department/ School and not just the individual

§  Minimum eligible period is 2 days; the maximum eligible period is 8 weeks.

Recognition of Staff Mobility

Under the Erasmus+ programme all participating HEIs must recognise staff mobility assignments, as described in the ECHE[1] and in the Teaching programme Agreement with the staff member.

Recognition can include:

§  Through the Department / School’s performance management system,

§  Recording the mobility via TRENT.

§  Noting the mobility in any department / school newsletters

It is recommended by the EU that the participant should disseminate learning to colleagues at the appropriate level within the HEI (Department, Faculty etc) in line with requirements for dissemination of outcomes of activity.

ESAO will note all mobilities which have taken place on Blackboard, to the various University committees that ESAO reports into, as well as the PVC Global International and Dean Teaching & Learning (International).

