AP3014Hiring Procedures: Administrative and Exempt StaffAP3014

3014.1Hiring Procedures for Administrative and Exempt Staff (not including the President):

A.The Director of Human Resources will prepare the position opening announcement in collaboration with the immediate supervisor of the position and, along with a position description, post the announcement in accordance with approved affirmative action guidelines.

B.An applicant's complete set of official credentials, as required by the college, must be received in the college's Human Resource Office by the advertised closing date in order to be considered as an applicant for the position.

C.A screening committee, composed of two (2) faculty representatives designated by the president of the Faculty Association, two (2) administrative or other exempt staff designated by the college President, and one (1) classified staff member designated by the college Classified Staff Representative, will screen the candidates. A committee chair will be appointed by the President.

D.The Director of Human Resources will screen applicants within three (3) working days after the position closing date to determine if a complete set of official credentials has been received.

E.The Director of Human Resources and the Chair of the Screening Committee will screen applicants within six (6) working days after the position closing date to determine if the applicants meet minimum qualifications.

F.The Director of Human Resources shall brief the screening committee on procedures prior to each series of interviews, including but not limited to the following:

1.Questions from screening committee members shall be submitted to the Director of Human Resources or his/her designee prior to the time of the interview. No question which violates affirmative action or human rights shall be allowed. Only questions pertaining to the position or the candidate's qualifications shall be allowed.

2.Questions which arise in an impromptu fashion during the course of the interview may be asked by committee members providing such questions pertain to the position or the candidate's qualifications.

G.Finalists will be recommended for interview by the screening committee. This interview recommendation will be delivered to the Director of Human Resources upon completion of applicant file screening process.

H.If no interview recommendation is made by the screening committee, the President at his/her discretion can reopen the position or review the candidates with the President’s Cabinet.

I.Within seven (7) calendar days after the last interview the screening committee shall submit an unranked list of each candidate interviewed. The recommendation shall state the strengths and weaknesses of each candidate.

J.The President reserves the right to refer the hiring recommendations of the screening committee back to the screening committee for additional information or recommendations.

K.The President or his/her designee may interview the finalist(s).

L.The President has the final responsibility for hiring administrative and exempt staff.

Legal Reference: Appointing Authority RCW 28B.10.528


Cabinet ApprovedHiring Procedures: Administrative & Exempt Staff

Revision 10/13/97AP3014