The Illinois Employer Training Investment Program (ETIP), administered through the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity provides training grants to businesses operating or locating in Illinois in conjunction with planned permanent expansion, location or retention activities; and to multi-company training projects sponsored by business or industry associations, institutions of secondary and higher education, strategic business partnerships, large manufacturers for supplier network companies, and labor organizations. The purpose of the Program is to enhance employment opportunities for Illinois citizens by assisting Illinois employers in the training of their workforce, to assist multi-company training projects in addressing common employee training needs identified by participating companies, and to facilitate self-employment by encouragement and preparation through comprehensive, instructional programs and services and entrepreneurial education. The program can fund up to fifty percent of a company’s overall eligible training activities. Awards made in response to this application will be contingent upon the availability of funds appropriated and released for the purposes authorized by this program.
July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011. All training and related expenses that occur during this time period are eligible for reimbursement. Proper documentation of training activities and related cost must be provided.
Businessesthat are located in Illinois may be eligible for up to 50% of approved training costs if they:
- Are expanding the business enterprise in Illinois
- Are expanding into new markets
- Are introducing more efficient technologies/continuous improvement systems into their operations which will result in greater output per employee
- Are training full-time Illinois employees (part-time, temporary or seasonal workers are not eligible)
- Are expanding exports from Illinois
- Are providing additional training to employees who will be threatened with layoff
- Training programs required to respond to new or changing technologies, processes, product lines, machinery or equipment being introduced in the workplace.
- Training necessary to implement continuous improvement systems in the workplace, including quality certifications.
- Training employees in skills necessary to enable the company to establish/maintain or expand into new export markets.
- Basic and/or remedial training of employees as a prerequisite for other vocational or technical skills training.
- Training related to regulatory compliance issues mandated for the workplace.
Entities Not Eligible for ETIP Awards:
Units of local, municipal, home rule, county, state or federal government; government agencies; government-operated facilities are not eligible for ETIP training grants.
Ineligible Employees: Employees who are part-time, seasonal, contractual or temporary are not eligible to participate in the ETIP Incentive Program.
Ineligible Training Activities
Examples of ineligible training activities include:
Administration and Compensation SystemsRecognition Systems
Credit or degree courses
Diversity / Consulting Services including Strategic Planning
Sales training
Personal development G.E.D.
Sales product training / Human Resource practices
Performance appraisals
Employee discipline/termination / Non-job related training
Stand-alone basic and/or remedial training
Non-skill related assessments
Grants for employee training will allow for reimbursement or payment on the terms and conditions agreed to between the grantee and the Department through the execution of a Notice of Grant Agreement. The Department may reimburse a grantee for up to a maximum of 50 percent of the total training costs of all approved training programs.
- External vendor/trainer costs
- Individual or one-on-one training may be eligible for reimbursement; however, the applicant must provide sufficient justification that group or classroom based training is unsuitable.
- Internal trainer wages and limited fringe benefits
- Training materials
- Trainee wages and fringes
- Assessments (on a pilot basis)
- Administrative costs
- Travel
- Meals
- Lodging
- Depreciable equipment
- Consulting cost associated with preparation and documentation of applicationConferences and/or seminars (unless technical course certificate of completion or certification can be provided
- Conferences and/or seminars (unless technical course certificate of completion or certification can be provided
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Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity
Grant Application Cover Page
Employer Training Investment Program (ETIP)
Single Company/Competitive
Type of Applicant: (Please check one)
Small/Mid-Sized Company Component
(Company has less than 250 employees)
Large Company Component
(Company has 250 or more employees)
Section 1: Applicant Information1.1 / Legal Name of Applicant: (Attach copy of W-9)
1.2 / Address of Applicant:
(Include your extended 9-digit zip code):
1.3 / Chief Officer:
(If more than one, attach a list with all Officers) / Name:
1.4 / Description of Applicant:
(200 Character maximum)
1.5 / NAICS Code: / (6-digit Industry Classification Code)
1.6 / Applicant Website:
1.7 / Applicant FEIN:
1.8 / Applicant SSN: / N/A
1.9 / Applicant’s DUNS Number: / N/A
1.10 / Applicant Fiscal Year: / From: / To:
1.11 / If applicable, indicate the following. / Women-Owned Minority-Owned Not Applicable
If minority-owned, then check the appropriate race/ethnic group box. / Black / African Americans
Hispanic Americans
Native Americans
Asian-Pacific Americans
Asian-Indian Americans
1.12 / Indicate the number of people expected to be served by the grant in the appropriate race/ethnic group box below.
Race/Ethnic Group / # People Served by Grant
Black / African Americans
Hispanic Americans
Native Americans
Asian-Pacific Americans
Asian-Indian Americans
Section 2: Applicant History
2.1 / Have you received a grant from the State of Illinois within the last 3-years? / Yes No
Provide total number of grants received from the State of Illinois within the last 3 years.
If yes, provide the following for each grant received in last 3 years: / Agency:
Grant #:
Grant Amount:
Grant Term:
Name of Grant Program:
2.2 / If applicable, list all Names and FEINs that are registered to your organization or have been registered during the past 3 years.
Name / FEIN
2.3 / In the past twelve months, have there been any changes in the following key staff? Check all that apply. Provide detail for any boxes checked including names of the person who left the position and the name of their replacement. Indicate the number of months the position has been vacant if the position is currently vacant.
CEO/Executive Director/Chief Elected Official
Grant Administrator
Grant Administrative Support Staff (i.e. Reporting, correspondence, document control)
Bookkeeper/Accountant for Grant
No Changes
Provide detail for any checked boxes.
2.4 / If your proposed budget includes any staff costs for this grant, please indicate the type of documentation that will be maintained and used to allocate staff costs to the DCEO grant.
Time sheets
Cost allocation plans
Certifications of time spent
Other, please describe:
2.5 / Has the applicant or any principal formed a business that existed for less than two years? / Yes No
If yes, provide name(s) of the business and reason(s) that it existed for less than two years.
2.6 / Has the applicant or any principal experienced foreclosure, repossession, civil judgment or criminal penalty (or been a party to a consent decree) within the past seven yearsas a result of any violation of federal, state or local law applicable to its business? / Yes No
If yes, identify the nature (including case number and venue) of the action and the disposition. If the action/proceeding is still pending or unresolved, provide a status identifying the unresolved issues.
2.7 / Is the applicant or any principal the subject of any proceedings that are pending, or to the best of applicant’s knowledge, threatened against applicant and/or any principal that may result in any adverse change in applicant’s financial condition or materially and adversely affect applicant’s operations? / Yes No
If yes, provide requested information.
2.8 / Does the applicant or any principal owe any debt to the State? / Yes No
If yes, list reason and amount:
Section 3: Proposal Information
3.1 / Submittal Date:
3.2 / Project Title: / ETIP Program – Single Company/Competitive
3.3 / Brief Project Description: (Complete attached Scope of Work)
(550 Character maximum) / (Addressed in Section 4)
3.4 / Project Location: / Street Address
City: / County:
3.5 / Counties Served:
3.6 / Project Contact: / Name:
Address: / N/A (Addressed in Section 8.7)
3.7 / Project Period: / Start Date: / 7/1/2010 / End Date: / 6/30/2011
3.8 / Project Costs: / (Addressed in Section 7)
Section 4: Scope of Work
Type Company Name Here
Description of project: (In the space provided below, please provide a detailed description of the proposed project, including a description of training courses, dates of training sessions, number of employees to be trained, number of training hours, trainees per session, timetable of training, and if the training will be administered by internal or external trainers. Use additional paper if necessary)
Grantee will complete the following tasks:
DESCRIPTION OF TASKS / Estimated Completion Date
Task 1. Grantee will be responsible for allocating the grant funds to eligible participating companies to train a requisite number of new and existing employees as indicated in Section 8.19 of this application. / 6/30/2011
Task 2. Grantee will be responsible for providing the Department with quarterly reports and required documentation outlining grant expenditures and performance through the completion of grant terms. / 6/30/2011
Section 5: Performance Measures
Performance Measure / Target
Number of new employees to be trained / Addressed in Section 8.18
Number of existing employees to be trained / Addressed in Section 8.18
Section 6: Projected Employment Impact
6.1 / Number of permanent full-time individuals currently employed by applicant:
6.2 / Number of permanent part-time individuals currently employed by applicant:
6.3 / Number of permanent full-time jobs that would be created by applicant as a direct result of receiving the grant award:
6.4 / Number of permanent part-time jobs that would be created by applicant as a direct result of receiving the grant award: / N/A
6.5 / Number of permanent full-time jobs that would be retained by applicant as a direct result of receiving the grant award:
6.6 / Number of permanent part-time jobs that would be retained by applicant as a direct result of receiving the grant award: / N/A
6.7 / Describe any other projected employment impact as a result of receiving the grant award:
Section 7: Budget
(Must be same as Schedule C)
Line Item or Cost Category Description / Requested Grant Budget Amount / Proposed Match Budget Amount
Internal Instructor Wages
Internal Instructor Wages
Training Vendor Costs
Trainee Wages
Trainee Fringe Benefits
Training Materials
Other Costs (Detail)
Total Cost / $0.00 / $0.00
Section 8: Program Specific Information
8.0 / The Illinois Employer Training Investment Program (ETIP) Single Company component administered through the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity provides training grants to businesses operating in Illinois.The ETIP program supports Illinois workers’ efforts to upgrade their skills in order to remain current in new technologies and business practices, enabling companies to remain competitive, expand into new markets and introduce more efficient technologies into their operations. ETIP grants may reimburse Illinois companies for up to 50 percent of the cost of training their employees.
The ETIP Single Company Program - Large Company (250 or more employees) is competitive based and designed for Illinois companies that may be eligible and are training new employees and/or retraining/upgrading the skills of their existing workforce.
The ETIP Single Company Program – Small - Midsize Company (250 or less employees) is competitive based and designed for Illinois companies that may be eligible and are training new employees and/or retraining/upgrading the skills of their existing workforce.
8.1 / Is the proposed training related to capital investments? Yes No
8.2 / What is the proposed capital investment of the facility this fiscal year (7/1/2010 – 6/30/2011)? $
8.3 / What was the capital investment of the facility last fiscal year (7/1/2009 – 6/30/2010)? $
8.4 / Will the qualifying project result in the reopening of a facility closed within the past two years? / Yes No
8.5 / Primary Training Location Address / Street:
City: / , Illinois
9 Digit Zip:
8.6 / Additional Training Location Address: (if Applicable)
(If further locations exist please list their address on a separate sheet of paper and attach to the application) / Street:
City: / ,Illinois
9 Digit Zip:
8.7 / Grant Contact/Administrator Information / Last Name:
First Name: / Mr. Mrs. Ms.
Job Title:
Phone: / Ext
8.8 / Is the project facility address located within either of the following? / TIF District Yes No
Enterprise Zone Yes No
8.9 / Type Of Company (choose One) Manufacturing Distribution Service
8.10 / Company Headquarters Location:
Year Incorporated:
8.11 / Describe the type of products manufactured, distributed and/or services provided.
8.12 / Are any employees at the project location (s) represented by a union? / Yes (if yes please complete section 8.12)
No (if no please mark NA in section 8.12)
8.13 / Union Name / Name of Union Contact / Contact Phone #
8.14 / List Major Customers: (by name)
8.15 / Majority of Competition (Total =100%) / Foreign % Domestic %
8.16 / Percentage of Sales (Total =100%) In Illinois: % Other States:% Foreign: %
8.17 / Applicants must complete and attachSchedules A, B and C and submit with application. Applications will not be processed until completed schedules are submitted. / Please Attach
Schedule A –Description of Training & Timetable Schedule B - Trainee Wage and Training Cost Schedule C – Project Budget Summary
8.18 / Total Amount of ETIP funds being requested by Company
(Total must match ETIP share in Schedule C and Section 7 ). / $
8.19 / Number of new/created and existing/retained fulltime (unduplicated) Illinois employees to be trained during the grant period 7/1/10 thru 6/30/11.
Note: A “New/Created" employee is defined as a person hired/will be hired, during the grant period and results in a net increase in the facility's employment level as of July 1, 2010. / Total Number to be Trained
8.20 / Applicants must attach most recent three years of company financials to the application. Application will not be processed until financials are submitted. / Please attach Company Financials (3 years)
This state agency is requesting disclosure of information that is necessary to accomplish the statutory purpose as outlined under 20 Illinois Compiled Statutes 605. Disclosure of the information is REQUIRED. Failure to provide any information will result in this form not being processed.
The applicant understands that receipt by the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (Department) of an application for training assistance is not a guarantee or commitment by the Department for funding.
The applicant certifies that it will agree to discuss with representatives of the local Illinois Employment and Training Center (IETC) office the hiring of Workforce Investment Act (WIA) eligible individuals for new jobs created as a result of this project.
The applicant agrees to submit to the Department on a quarterly basis, information regarding training activity as required for training payment under the Employer Training Investment Program (ETIP).
The applicant agrees to submit to the Department 60 days following the end of the grant period, a written evaluation of the results of the training experience by the company. The evaluation report should be based on the measurable outcomes or benefits contained in this grant application. In addition, the applicant agrees to submit the names of all employees participating in the approved training program plus documentation of external and/or internal training cost incurred. The report should also indicate if any interest was earned on grant funds, and what approved training cost those funds were used to pay.
The applicant agrees, on request by the department, to provide to the Department a notarized certification signed and dated by a duly authorized representative of the applicant, or that representative’s authorized designee, certifying that all participating employees are employed at an Illinois facility and, for each participating employee, stating the employee’s name and providing either (i) the employee’s social security number or (ii) a statement that the applicant has adequate written verification that the employee is employed at an Illinois facility. The Department may audit the accuracy of submissions.
The applicant agrees to report the employment status of all trainees at 90 and 180 days following the completion (last day) of training.
The applicant agrees that, upon request by the Department, it will conduct an audit of the grant funds in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and any special audit conditions, which the Department deems necessary to ensure the accountability of public funds.
The company certifies that it is a company in good standing, authorized to do business in Illinois and has no delinquent state tax liabilities.
The applicant authorizes the Department to verify in any manner deemed appropriate any and all items indicated in this application which includes information obtained through the Illinois Department of Employment Security, Consumer Credit Bureau Services and business reporting services such as Dun and Bradstreet.
The applicant agrees to promptly notify the Department regarding any major business or personnel changes at their facility (e.g., layoff situations, changes in training plans or schedules).
The applicant acknowledges that if its application is funded, it will be required to comply with the Illinois Drug Free Workplace Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Illinois Human Rights Act and any future laws enacted which may be applicable to the grant.
The applicant certifies that to the best of its knowledge, as of the date of this application, it is not in material violation of any local, state or federal labor laws at the site and that abnormal labor conditions such as a strike or lockout do not exist at this site. The grantee agrees to immediately notify the Department regarding any major changes in the above-mentioned conditions. The Department reserves the right to collect grant funds orwithhold paymentin situations wherestaff was reduced due to layoff or turnover in excess ofnormal attrition.
The applicant understands the company is required to maintain appropriate records for a period of four years.
The applicant agrees to notify all trainees that, if funded, the training is being partially funded by an Employer Training Investment Program grant administered by the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity.
Theapplicant agrees, if the project is funded, to make every effort to reemploy individuals who were previously employed at the facility when: 1) the employer is reopening, or is proposing to reopen a facility that was last closed during the preceding two years; 2) at least one-third of the persons who were employed at the facility before its most recent closure remain unemployed; 3) the product or service produced by, or proposed to be produced by, the employer at the facility is substantially similar to the product or service produced at the facility before its mostrecent closure. Further, the grantee agrees to notify the Department when all these conditions are met.
The information contained in this application may be subject to disclosure by the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity under the Freedom of Information Act (5 ILCS 140). However, if the applicant makes the following certification, all applicable commercial and financial information provided in this application shall be deemed by the Department to be exempt from disclosure under Section 7 of the Act. In addition, if the Applicant considers information contained in its application to be confidential business or proprietary information, which could result in competitive harm to the Applicant, it should clearly mark all such information as "CONFIDENTIAL". The Department shall exert that such information is subject to exemption from disclosure to the extent allowable by law.
The applicant hereby certifies that the commercial and financial information contained in this application is proprietary, privileged, and confidential or is of a nature that its disclosure may cause competitive harm to the applicant.
Portions of the contents of an approved application will become part of the grant agreement. The application and all documentation submitted with it shall become the property of the Department.
The Department reserves the right to request at least one copy of all training materials used by the grantee or any subcontractor for training, which is eligible for reimbursement under the grant. However, the Department will not distribute any proprietary information nor circulate any training materials without the express consent of the grantee or Subcontractor, with the exception of those materials, which are developed in whole or in part with state funds.
Portions of the schedules contained in this Application Package become part of the signed contract between the Department and the grantee. Reimbursement of training costs will be based on the information contained in Schedules A, B and C.
The applicant certifies that the information contained in the training schedules is accurate to the best of their ability, and any changes to the schedules must be completed through grant agreement modifications to the actual grant contract. In addition, the applicant certifies that all individuals to be trained are full-time Illinois employees of the business, and none are unauthorized aliens as defined in 8 U.S.C. 1324a
I acknowledge I have read and understand the above Business Certification, Disclosure of Financial Information Certification and Training Information Certification.
Initials of Authorized Signator / Date
Section 9: Applicant Certification
Under penalty of perjury, I certify that I have examined this application and the document(s), schedule(s), and statement(s) submitted in conjunction herewith, and that, to the best of my information and belief, the information contained herein is true, correct, and complete. I represent that I am the person authorized to submit this application on behalf of the applicant, and that I am authorized to execute a legally binding grant agreement on behalf of the applicant if this application is approved for funding.
I hereby release to DCEO the rights and use of photographs and/or any written statements or information, regardless of format (whether they are direct quotes or paraphrased by DCEO), contained in or provided after grant application for the purpose of publication on DCEO's website. I hereby also release any and all claims against DCEO its officers, agents, employees and/or affiliates arising out of, or in connection with, the usage of photographs and/or written statements or information, regardless of format (whether they are direct quotes or paraphrased by DCEO), for the purpose of publication on DCEO's website.
Authorized Signature / Printed Name & Title / Date