Village-level community survey
Introductory information
Name of the Village/ Ward No
Name of union
Name of thana
Name of district
GPS location
Any change in name or status of Village since 1970? (Yes/No)
If changes occurred mention those:
- Physical characteristics
1.1. Total number of population:
1.2.Total number of arable land of the Village :
1.3.Total amount of non arable land of the village:
1.4. Total number of Khas ponds/ ditch/ marshland/? in the village:
1.5. Educational qualification of the villagers:
Educational qualification / Percentage (%)Educated
Half - Educated
Less- Educated
Able to sign ( literate)
1.6. What are the sources of clean water?
Tube wellWell
Rain water
1.7. When scarcity of water is experienced by the villagers?
1.8. Number of landless people in the village:
1.9. What are the sources of cooking fuel in the village?
Chaff/ Husk of grain
Tree leafs
Chaff wood
1.1.Is there any government owned or private forest in the village? If so, percent% of total area (in Square km)?
- Educational facilities
- How many primary schools are there in the village? List them
- Queries for each Primary School
No / Name of the School / When did it open (if after 1970)? [year] / Type / Are there any years in which the school was temporarily closed? [ In years] / Reason for close?
Bangla medium( Government) / 1
Bangla medium
( Non-government) / 2
Madrasha / 3
Kindergarten / 4
English Medium / 5
Non formal/Vocational school / 6
2.3.If there is no primary school, how far away is the nearest one? [km]
2.4.List all the secondary schools in the village. :
2.4.1. Queries for each one
No / Name of the School / When did it open (if after 1970)? [year] / Type / Are there any years in which the school was temporarily closed? [ In years] / Reason for close?1
Bangla medium( Government) / 1
Bangla medium
( Non-government) / 2
Madrasha / 3
Kindergarten / 4
English Medium / 5
Non formal/ Vocational school / 6
2.5.If there is no secondary school, how far away is the nearest one? [km]
- Health facilities
- List all clinics, dispensaries and hospitals in the village. Queries for each one:
No / Name / When was it established (if after 1970)? [year] / facilities / Are there any years in which the facility was temporarily closed? [ In years] / Reason for closure
Clinics / 1
Hospitals / 2
Dispensaries / 3
Homeopathies / 4
Ayurvedic physician / 5
Religious healers / 6
3.2.List all pharmacies in the village. Queries for each one:
No / Name of the pharmacy / When did it open (if after 1970)? [year] / facilities / Are there any years in which the facility was temporarily closed? [ In years] / Reason for close?1
3.3.If there is no clinic, hospitals, pharmacy, dispensary, Ayurvedic physician, homeopathies in the village, how far away is the nearest one? [km]
- Population
- How many religious communities or ethnic groups live in the village?
List of the 4 largest ethnic groups
Communities/ ethnic groups / Percentage (%) / Total Household / How many years are they living in the village? / Decrease (1)Increase (2)
4.2.Has any new community moved in the village?
4.2.1.Is there a period in which they came or left large number? [Y/N]
4.2.2.When this period didbegan and end? [year]
- Diseases
- Please tell us about the major diseases that have affected the village since 1970.
no / Name of diseases / At present which diseases are frequently occurring? / In which year did the disease appear? / Which diseases frequently occurred in 20 years before? / Year of disappearance of these diseases
1 / Diarrhoea
2 / Hepatitis
3 / Arsenic
4 / Skin Diseases
5 / Dengue
6 / Kala-azar
7 / TB
8 / Malaria
9 / Leprosy
10 / Small pox
11 / Others
- Harvest failures
- Are there any years since 1970 when the harvest has been particularly bad? [Y/N]
Ask in decade: (2012-2001); (2000-1990); (1989-1980); (1979-1971)
6.2. In which years the harvest failures were worst?
Year / Reasons(Drought ,Excessive rain, Shortage of rainfall, flooding, Storm/cyclone, damage or attack by pests, river erosion others / Did those affected sell livestock? [Y/N] / Did those affected sell possessions? [Y/N] / Did people leave the village? [Y/N] / Did people go hungry? [Y/N] / Did people adjust their diet? [Y/N] such as eating potato, Muri (fried rice), Chira instead of rice / Was there mutual assistance? [Y/N] / Other
- Principal economic activities
- Please tell us about the principal economic activities in the village since 1970.
Profession / Most (over 80%), / Many (over 50%), / Some (over 10%) / Hardly any (under 10%)] / Before 1970 / Year after 1970 (When?
Shrimp culture
Fish farming
Craft production
Plantation business
7.2.How many crops are cultivated in a season in this village?
7.3.Please tell us about the principal crops grown in the village since 1970.
Crops name / When did the production of the crop start? [year] / Is it mainly grown for consumption or sale, or both? / If mainly sold, when did it start to be sold [year]Paddy
7.4.Please tell us about the agricultural technology used in the village since 1970.
Agricultural technology / Is this used? [Y/N] / When did the villagers started using it [year] / Is this widely used [Y/N] / When did it become widely used [year]Tractors/ Power Tiller
Pump Irrigation
Chemical fertilizers
Threshing Paddy machine
/Grinding mill
Rice processing machine
Spices processing machine
Hybrid Seeds
7.5. Forms of land tenure found in the village?
Ownership-Possession / land tenure system / Percentage (%) of own land / Farming in Rented or mortgaged land (%) / Sharecropping/Tenants farming (%) / Mortgaged land (%)Present Situation
20 yearsbefore
7.6.Related to non arable land
Non arable land / Yes / No / YearIs there non arable land in the village?
Has there been any change since 1970?
In which year the changes were observed?
Did the size of non arable land get larger or smaller?
7.7.Is there any change in land use pattern?
Got WaterloggedLack of irrigation water
Intrusion of saline water
Shrimp culture
Homestead in the cultivable land
Brickfield in the cultivable land
7.8.Has farming in the village been affected by the weed? (Yes/No)
7.8.1.When did the weed problem start? [year]
7.8.2.Has it been eradicated? [Y/N]
7.8.3.If Y, when? [year]
- Employment
8.1.Is it possible to find paid work in the village?
8.1.1.Which sector?
8.1.2.What activity?
8.1.3.What is the name of the employer/company?
List each enterprise offering paid work:
Name of the employer/company / When did the
Enterprise start? [year] / When did the enterprise finish? [year] / How many are employed? [>50 (More than 50)
; 10-50; (10 t0 50) <10 less than 10 / Is employment temporary/seasonal/ permanent? [Y/N] / Have people from other village moved to the village to take up this employment?
8.2.Are there any sources of paid work in the village that have existed since 1970, but no longer exist? List each enterprise that offered paid work:
8.2.1.Which sector?
8.2.2.What activity?
8.2.3.What was the name of the employer/company?
Name of the employer/company / When did the
Enterprise start? [year] / When did the enterprise finish? (year) / How many are employed? [>50 (More than 50)
; 10-50; (10 t0 50) <10 less than 10 / Is employment temporary/seasonal/ permanent? [Y/N] / Have people from other village moved to the village to take up this employment?
8.3.Is it possible to find paid work close to the village? List each enterprise offering paid work:
8.3.1.Which sector?
8.3.2.What activity?
8.3.3.What is the name of the employer/company?
Name of the employer/company / When did the
Enterprise start? [year] / How far away is the enterprise? [km] / How many are employed? [>50 (More than 50)
; 10-50; (10 t0 50) <10 less than 10 / Is employment temporary/seasonal/ permanent? [Y/N] / Have people from other village moved to the village to take up this employment?
8.4.Are there any sources of paid work close to the village that existed after 1970, but no longer exist? List each enterprise that offered paid work:
8.4.1.Which sector?
8.4.2.What activity?
Name of the employer/company / When did the
Enterprise start? [year]
if abolished, which year? / How far away is the enterprise? [km] / How many are employed? [>50 (More than 50)
; 10-50; (10 t0 50) <10 less than 10 / Is employment temporary/seasonal/ permanent? [Y/N] / Have people from other village moved to the village to take up this employment?
8.4.3.Major professions (Past and Present)
Profession / Exist before (20 years) but no more / Present/ Still existDay labour
Rickshaw/ Van puller
Driver of auto ( C.N.G, Scooter, Bus, Truck)
Confectioner/ sweet maker
Ghee seller
Oil seller (ferry)
Scrape collector
Mobile phone Booth, Flexi load business
Honey collector
Share cropper
- Development projects and associations
9.1.How many development projects are currently operating in the village?
For each project:
Name of the project (Government/Non-government/ N.G.O operated) If Govt. Project, name of ministry/Department / When did it start? [year] / What sector? [agriculture, livestock, credit, health, education, other]9.2.Are there any development projects in the village since 1970 that are no longer operating? [Y/N]
Name of the project (Government/Non-government/ N.G.O operated) If Govt. Project, name of ministry/Department / When did it start? [year] / When did it finish? [year] / What sector? [agriculture, livestock, credit, health, education, other]9.3.Are there any village associations or co-operatives? [Y/N}
For each association:
Name of the associations or co-operatives / When did it start? [year] / Is it for men, women, or both? / What sector? [agriculture, livestock, credit, health, education, other]9.4.Are there any village associations that used to exist since 1970, but no longer exist? [Y/N}
For each association:
Name of the associations or co-operatives / When did it start? [year] / When did it finish? [year] / Is it for men, women, or both? / Whatsector? [agriculture, livestock, credit, health, education, other]9.5.Are there any Diaspora associations or associations of migrants? [Y/N}
For each association:
Name of the association / Which country/Where is it based? / When did it start? [year] / What sector? [cultural activites; economic support to the village; integration of migrants at destination]9.6.Are there any diaspora associations or associations of migrants that used to exist since 1970 but no longer exist? [Y/N}
For each association:
Name of the association / Which country/Where is it based? / When did it start? [year] / When did it finish? [year] / What sector? [cultural activities; economic support to the village; integration of migrants at destination]- Village infrastructure
- Do you have the following in the village?
Name / Yes / No / If No, how far away is the nearest place you can find it? [km] / If Yes, since when has it been available [year]
Grazing land
Safe drinking water supply
Piped drinking water
Irrigation system
Grinding mill
Credit institution
10.2.Do you have a market in the village? [Y/N]
10.3.When did the local market first start? [year]
10.4.Is the market daily or weekly?
10.5.Has the frequency changed? [year]
10.6.Can you buy the following in the village?
Goods / Yes / No / If No, how far away is the nearest place you can find it? [km] / If Yes, since when has it been available [year]Cooking oil
10.7.Does the village have a paved road? [Y/N]
10.7.1.If N, how far away is the nearest one? [km]
10.7.2.If Y, when was it built? [year]
10.8.Does the village have motorized public transport? [Y/N]
10.8.1.If N, how far away is the nearest place? [km]
10.8.2.If Y, when was it first available? [year]
10.9.Does the village have a boat landing? [Y/N]
10.9.1.If N, how far away is the nearest place? [km]
10.9.2.If Y, when was it first available? [Year]