Dear Parents and Students,

Welcome to back to school! Eighth grade science is focused on Earth Science. This includes geologic time, geologic processes and astronomy. We also study some physical science: motion and waves. Throughout the year we will be building on our inquiry skills. You may visit the WMS web page to keep up with our weekly studies. Be sure to open the Document Manager and look for new handouts. My individual web page is updated weekly.

The supply list for Science includes the following.

pencils/pens (black or blue & red)

2 marble composition books (cow books)

coloring pencils

glue stick or scotch tape


folder with loose leaf paper

If you are able, please donate one of the following to the class: Kleenex tissues, Scotch tape, small box of coloring pencils, hand sanitizer, post-it notes or glue sticks. These items will be kept in class so that they will be readily available when needed.

Students will keep their materials organized in a marble composition book that will serve as their Interactive Science Notebook. The purpose of the interactive science notebook is to:

  • Involve students in “making sense” of their notes visually
  • Develop students nonfiction reading and note-taking skills
  • Teach students “approaches to learning“ that will prepare them for success in middle school and high school

If you are interested in learning about interactive science notebooks, please visit the following web site.

For the majority of the school year, my students are engaged in hands-on inquiry based activities. Due to this structure they will conduct most of their work in group settings. Here are the procedures for our group activities:

  1. Be an active listener.
  2. Be part of the discussion.
  3. Choose to respect and be respected.
  4. You are to ask a “Support Buddy” for help if you have a question.
  5. You must help if you are asked for help.
  6. You may ask for help from the teacher after the entire group agrees on a question.
  7. Stay in your group.

Students’ grades will be based on the following grading format that was created by the school district.

Homework 5%

Classwork, & ISN assignments25%

Lab/Experiments/Quiz 30%

Chapter Test/Projects 40%

Graded work assignments are kept in your child’s ISN (Interactive Science Notebook). Graded tests are kept on file in the classroom. Grade sheets will be sent home to be signed periodically throughout the school year. You will be able to view grades by visiting the following Power School web site.

You should be able to use your password from last year. If you haven’t set this up, please do so. It is beneficial to you and your child.

The following are my classroom expectations.

  1. Be on time and prepared for class
  2. Be polite & respect yourself and others and not act in a manner that is disorderly, disruptive or offensive.
  3. Be productive…make sure you complete all assignments!
  4. Be responsible- follow class, school, and district rules as they apply to property and school sponsored events.

Consequences for not following instructions are:

1stVerbal Warning

2nd Conference with teacher or Teacher Exchange or Lunch Detention

3rdParent Contact or Conference or Lunch Detention

4thLunch Detention

5th Referral

In order for you to receive reminders of assignments that are due, enter the following number in your cell phone and text the following message.

(843) 353-6205

@0a9d4 (That is a zero after the @ symbol!)

If you would rather receive emails, send an email to

This service is provided by

Parents, please feel free to contact me with any concerns at 237-0106 or at . If I do not reply to your e-mail within 2/3 days, it is because I did not receive it. Together we can make this a successful school year!

Thank You,

Cynthia Crisp

Please sign and return this page.


Now that you have read this syllabus, your signature below indicates that you understand what students will be learning this year in Science, academic requirements, the grading policy and expectations of Mrs. C. Crisp students.

Student’s Signature: ______

Student’s Name (Print): ______

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______

Parent/Guardian Name (Print): ______

Email Address (Print): ______

Cell Phone : ______

Is there anything you want me to know about your child at this time that will help me be a better teacher for him/her?
