Form A : Jinhwa
Application and checklist for the results of applications and site-visit(s)
Reviewers: Jeongyee Bae(Certifier), Michal Grivna(Co-Certifiers)
Column 1 / Column 2Questions to be answered by the
Community / Questions to be answered by the
Section 1
1.1Briefly describe the community and its historical development
Jinhwa Community locates in the southern part of Taiwan in South District, Tainan City; it belongs to one of the 39 boroughs in the district and is with an area of 0.28 km2. The community was an abandoned salt pan which was then under development in the 1970s along withseveral urban developments. With the congregated consensus of the later-moved-in residents and organizational development of the community, the community had won multiple top community competition awards held by Environmental Protection Administration and Executive Yuan.
Interested by the news of the designation of International Safe Community of Neihuin 2005, Jinhwa Community decided to develop into a safe community as well, and began its safe community program in 2007.In 2010, Jinhwa Community was designated as the 215th International Safe Community. / Are the descriptions sufficient?
¤ yes (√)
¤ no If no! What is missing:
1.2 Describe the strategy, ambitions, objectivesand work in the community in regard to safety. It must be a higher level of safety than average for a community in the country or region.
After Jinhwa Community’s designation (December, 2010), Tainan County and Tainan City were merged to a single municipality. Mayor Ching-Te Lai, as the first elected mayor whose first development plan was to “ensure the safety of the city as a whole”, pledged to pursue the implementation of security and public construction safety. However, these goals only encompassed parts of the needs of Jinhwa Community. Jinhwa continued to establish a proactive cooperation with the city government as well as to manage the current safety promotion programs.We felt that the promotion of safe community programneeded extensive involvement of households. Therefore, a "Safe Family" project was introduced to encourage family-based participation and safety learning. For sustainable development, weset "safer and healthier" as the community goal, to prevent injury in daily life and reduce the harm caused by injury.
The safe community programs of Jinhwa Community include 8 safety issues: Home Safety, School Safety, Traffic Safety, Public Place Safety, Leisure Activity Safety, Disaster Prevention and Care Service for the Vulnerable, Elder Safety (added to the program in 2013) and Intentional Injury Prevention. The programs gathered enthusiastic residents and support from cross-sectional organizations to move forward with the action projects. Although there was no dedicated budget from the governmentfor these programs, with the full cooperation of the related offices, action projects led by Jinhwa Community were all carried out by responsible unit as the top priorities. / Are the descriptions sufficient?
¤ yes (√)
¤ no If no! What is missing:
1.3 How are the mayor (or similar function of the community) and the executive committee involved?
Who is chairing the cross-sector group?
Who is chairing the intersectoral group?
Jinhwa Safe Community Promotion Committee Convener was the Chief of Tainan City South District, who is in charge of the coordination between public sector units. The leader of Jinhwa Borough is named the director of the committee and in charge of cross-sectoral organization operations to assist the programs carried out by each working group. The organization structure is as below and the member & responsibility of the organization refer to the attachment p.14-16, Fig-4, Table-7.
/ Are the descriptions sufficient?
Is the mayor involved?
¤ yes (√)
¤ no
Is the executive committee involved?
¤ yes (√)
¤ no :
Who is chairing the cross-sectional group?
¤ …………
1.4 Describe the injury risk-panorama in the community.
Jinhwa Community does not have a hospital to assist in recording injury cases in the community; therefore, since 2009, we set up 57 injury record stations to collect injury data. According to the statistics collected in the community, most injury accidents involved males (Fig-2), and most of them were young adults (25~64 years old). It’s worth mentioning that the number of injured people in 2015 had shown an increasing trend, especially the people above 65 years old (Table-3). In most of the injury accidents, traffic accidents were the majority (Table-4) and most of the accidents took place on the road, while homes and gyms or playgrounds seconded right after. Please refer to the attachment, p.10-11, Fig-2, Table3-5.
We feel awkward to use the number of our community population as the denominator to calculate the rate, for two reasons: (1) in terms of small community like Jinhwa, one or two cases difference can mean a lot to the community. (2) Some injured cases are not our community people. We will try to find better solution. / Is the risk-panorama sufficiently described?
¤ yes (√)
¤ no If no! What is missing:
Section 2
Structure of the community
2.1 Describe the demographic structure of the community
Jinhwa Community is a hybrid community composed of business district and residential area. Its population was dense - up to the end of 2015, there had been 2,202 households and with 5,891 residents; the male to female ratio was 1:1.06. Young adults were the majority of the population, but since the designation in 2010, the total population had been shrinking, but the population of children and elders were still growing. For the details of the populationchange trend, please refer to the attachment, p.4, Table-1.
According to the analysis of injury data, males were the majority of victims in injury accidents and most of them were young adults (25~64 years old). On the other hand, elders above 65 years old hada noticeable increase of injury cases in 2015. For details, please refer to the attachment, p.11, Table-4-4.1. / Is the demographic structure and the different
risks sufficient described?
¤ yes (√)
¤ no If no! What is missing:
2.2 Describe the SC/IP at present and the plans for the future.
The current 8 aspects of safety promotion programs are listed below for different targets and environments:
Project / Target Group(For all genders)
0-4 / 5-14 / 15-24 / 25-44 / 45-64 / 65↑
Traffic Safety
Report and Improve Safety Issues on the Road / * / * / * / *
Promote the use of helmets for motorcyclists and cyclists / * / * / * / * / *
D.U.I. Prevention – Restaurant with taxi service / * / * / * / *
Pedestrian Safety Promotion – smooth arcades / * / * / * / *
Home Safety
Home safety Promotion / * / * / * / * / * / *
Home Safety Inspection for Children / *
Promotetrial implementation of “Safe Family” Certification Project / * / * / * / * / * / *
Elder Safety
Home Environment Inspection / *
Tumble Prevention Training for Elders
Safety Education Promotion
School Safety
Safe to School / *
Bicycle License / *
Safety Education Promotion / *
Disaster Prevention and Escape Drill and Safety Education Promotion / * / *
Anti-bullying / *
Public Place Safety
Public Place Patrol and Inspection / * / * / * / * / * / *
Lanes and Alleys Safety Promotion / * / * / * / * / * / *
Idle Space Management / * / * / * / * / *
Leisure Activity Safety
Leisure Equipment Safety Promotion / * / * / * / * / * / *
Safe Usage of Leisure Equipment / * / * / * / * / *
Promotion for warm-up exercise / * / * / * / * / *
Promotion of Protection Gears for Leisure Activity and Sports Activity (skating) / * / * / * / * / *
Disaster Prevention and Care Service for the Vulnerable
Set Up Disaster Management Network / * / * / * / * / *
Hold Disaster Management Drill / * / * / * / * / *
Disaster Responses and Care Service for the Vulnerable / * / * / * / * / * / *
Store Disaster Prevention Resources / * / * / * / * / * / *
Update Relief Tools / * / * / * / * / * / *
Intentional Injury Prevention
Adolescent Crime Prevention / * / *
Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Prevention Promotion / * / * / * / * / *
Suicide Prevention Promotion / * / * / * / *
Set up Safety Care Shops / * / * / * / * / *
To cope with the traffic safety issues in Jinhwa Community (please refer to Form A –1.4 and 2.1), traffic safety promotion will be the focus in the future: 1. To reduce the risk of elders driving vehicles and enhance the safety education for elder pedestrians, 2. Promote the slow-driving concept for lanes and alleys in the community; police forces are also incorporated to reduce the amount of traffic accidents.
Thanks for your suggestions. For now, we are unable to revise with the Hodon matrix. We will counsel TCSPC and learn to use afterwards. / Are the descriptions sufficient?
¤ yes (√)
¤ no If no! What is missing:
2.3 Describe the political support for the sustained injury prevention in the community and which parts of the program have been undertaken and/or supported by the regional government?
Government offices have been proactively supporting the injury prevention programs in Jinhwa Community; all the safety issues processed and raised by the community’s working groups had been assisted with timely support from district offices and the city government offices, including conducting inspections and improvements, e.g. installing traffic signals, signs in the community and inspections and improvements for community parks and leisure activity venues. / Are the descriptions sufficient?
¤ yes (√)
¤ no If no! What is missing:
2.4 Describe the strategic program concerning the safety promotion and injury prevention work, which has been formulated!
All the safety promotion and injury prevention works of Jinhwa were directed by TCSPC. Based on injury analysis, we set 8 safety issues on home safety, school safety, traffic safety, elderly safety, public place safety, leisure activity safety, disaster prevention and intentional injury prevention. The action projects take 3E strategies and financial support to carry out. For example:
- Education Strategy: Hold various safety lectures and produce home safety manuals and so on.
- Engineering Strategy: Improve community public places, idle spaces and home environment.
- Enforcement Strategy: To prevent D.U.I.
- FinancialSupport: Cooperating with vendors, safety gears like helmets and slippery-proof mats are provided with lower price, e.g. “group buying” for local residents.
¤ yes (√)
¤ no If no! What is missing:
2.5 Who is responsible for the management of the SP/IP program and where are they based in the political and administrative organization?
The director of the SC program as well asthe leader of Jinhwa Borough is in charge of the injury prevention and safety promotion issues; the borough leader is under the directives of the district chief. / Are the descriptions sufficient?
¤ yes (√)
¤ no If no! What is missing:
2.6 Which is the lead unit for the SP/IP program?
The lead unit for the SP/IP program is Jinhwa International Safe Community Promotion Committee. / Are the descriptions sufficient?
¤ yes (√)
¤ no If no! What is missing:
2.7 Is the Safe Communities initiative a sustained program or a project?
Yes, Jinhwa Safe Community Program is a sustained program and seeking forre-designation now. / Are the descriptions sufficient?
¤ yes (√)
¤ no If no! What is missing:
2.8 Are the political objectives covering the whole community? Which are they?
The safety objectives set up by the national government or Tainan City Government cover parts of the needs in the community. Not only did Jinhwa Community incorporate the existing objectives, the community also developed other safety objectives based on the features and needs of the community.
National objectives: drunk driving prevention, natural disaster prevention and control
Tainan City Government's objectives: Disaster prevention, traffic safety, domestic violence prevention, community defense and public environment / construction. / Are the descriptions sufficient?
¤ yes (√)
¤ no If no! What is missing:
2.9 Who have adopted these objectives?
The public and private sectors and residents all adopted the above mentioned objectives and working as a whole. / Are the descriptions sufficient?
¤ yes (√)
¤ no If no! What is missing:
2.10 How are the safe community objectives evaluated and to whom are the results reported?
Jinhwa Safe Community Promotion Committeeholds a meeting quarterly to track the progresses of each working group and presents an evaluation on behalf of the whole committee in the end of every year. Advisory group and experts from TCSPC are invited to the meeting to provide advice and evaluate the results. The content of the evaluation includes: injury surveillance statistics, safety promotion program progresses and results, and survey results of community residents.
The evaluation result is reported to the convener (Chief of South District, Tainan City) and also to community residents and shared withother communities via community website and bulletin board. / Are the descriptions sufficient?
¤ yes (√)
¤ no If no! What is missing:
2.11 Are economic incentives in order to increase safety used? If yes, how are they used?
Yes, in order to raise the awareness of local residents to safety gears, economic incentives (group buying) are provided for community residents when buying safety gears like helmets and slippery-proof mats (please refer to Form A – 2.4). We also promote the use of safety gears in community activities. / Are the descriptions sufficient?
¤ yes (√)
¤ no If no! What is missing:
2.12 Are there local regulations for improved safety? If so, describe them.
Yes, safe walking lanesfor Sinsing Junior High school students are in place: vehicles are forbidden to pass to protect the students during the hours of students going to and getting off school. / Are the descriptions sufficient?
¤ yes (√)
¤ no If no! What is missing:
Section 3
Indicator 1
An infrastructure based on partnership and collaborations, governed by a cross-sector group that is responsible for safety promotion in their community;
3.1 Describe the cross-sector group responsible for managing, coordinating, and planning of the SP/IP program.
Jinhwa Safe Community Promotion Committee is the lead unit of the whole program; the convener is the District Chief of South District, whose responsibility is to oversee the execution of the project and coordinate community resources. A director (Jinhwa Borough Leader) is also assigned to coordinate the operation and planning. Responsibilities of the organization are divided into the8 working groups,injury surveillance group and administrative secretariat.These units are responsible for the execution of promotion programs and organizing collected statistics.
The convener of the Committee had been replaced due to the changes of positions in the government offices. Mr. Tung Chu is the current district chief and the convener. In addition, elder safety promotion group was added to the organization in 2013.
For detailed organization structure and its members please refer to the attachment, p.13 ~ 18. / Are the descriptions sufficient?
¤ yes (√)
¤ no If no! What is missing:
3.2 Describe how the local government and the health sector are collaborating in the SC/IP work.
Jinhwa Community and South District Office maintain a close cooperation as the district chief is also the convener of the SC program. The funding provided from the office to improve community environment had been a great help. Except the traffic accident statistics provided by Police Department, they were also assisting in improving the traffic condition and responsible for violence prevention. Fire Department, on the other hand, provides professional assistance to the community in terms of disaster prevention.
Cooperated with nearby Medical Schooland Health Center, Jinhwa invites“Post Graduate Year program” doctors to provide care visits to elders at home along with safety care services. / Are the descriptions sufficient?
¤ yes (√)
¤ no If no! What is missing:
3.3 How are NGOs: Red Cross, retirement organizations, sports organizations, parent and school organizations involved in the SC/IP work?
The main members of Jinhwa Safe Community Promotion Committee are mostly coming from Jinhwa Borough Office and Jinhwa Community Development Association which is a NGO.Other cooperating NGOs and their involvement in safety promotion programs are listed below:
˙Tainan Community Society – assisting in community public place constructions and planning
˙Chung Hwa Health Promotion Association –providing care facility for elders and training
˙Medical Institutes–promoting home safety, elder safety and leisure activity safety as well as psychological counseling service
˙Academic Institute – assisting in designing surveys, analyzing statistics and evaluating the performance of the programs / Are the descriptions sufficient?
¤ yes (√)
¤ no If no! What is missing:
3.4 Are there any systems for ordinary citizens to inform about risk environments and risk situations they have found in the community?
The borough office in acts as Headquarters where local residents can report safety issues to the office via hotline or smart phone app –LINE instant messages. / Are the descriptions sufficient?
¤ yes (√)
¤ no If no! What is missing:
3.5 Describe how the work is organized in a sustainable manner.
To pursue the sustainable development has been our goal ever since the founding of Jinhwa Community.We have been combining local professional teams and the community organization, Training our core staff and volunteers, setting up the democratic participation system in which local residents are encouraged to partake in community affairs.After 30 years of operation, the community has always been striving to pursue better in environment improvement, industrial development, welfare benefits and day care service, life-time learning and cultural heritage. The community holds the same spirit of devotion to the sustainable development of the safety promotion programs. / Are the descriptions sufficient?
¤ yes (√)
¤ no If no! What is missing:
Section 4
Indicator 2
Long-term, sustainable programs covering genders and all ages, environments, and situations;
4.1 Describe the sustainable work in regard to SC/IP in following areas and how the different sectors including specific NGOs are involved in the work.
1. Safe traffic
2. Safe homes and leisure times
3. Safe children
4. Safe elderly
5. Safe work
6. Violence prevention
7. Suicide prevention
8. Disaster preparedness and response
9. Safe public places
10. Safe hospitals
11. Safe sports
12. Safe water
13. Safe schools
Are some of these areas overseen by from other organizations and/or agencies than from the community? How is the community involved?
There are 8 working groups in Jinhwa Community to promote the above mentioned safety issues (there’re no workplace and hospital in this residential community, so no related programs). For the list of the participating units and their responsibilities, please refer to the following table.Usually, the community takes the initiative to discover unsafe issues. The improvements of the environment and facilities or the law enforcement are performed by the public sector. Some educational programs are assisted by professional organizations. Community volunteers are in charge of inspecting community environment and carrying out patrols.