My Future Project Name/Per._____________________________
This project is about your future life and goals. The poster will be a fun way to present your college of interest, your future career, and the way you would like to be living in 10-15 years.
Poster - Must have color
Must have a minimum of 6 pictures - pictures and drawings should be labeled.
Title - first and last name, period, date, and pictures (drawn or printed)
Goals – Write down goals: One each - personal, educational, and career goals, plus two actions to achieve your goals
Your Career – A description of the job, salary, two reasons why you would like this career, and a picture or drawing of you doing this career. (use your Career Web quest for this information -
Skills and Tasks – List three skills needed for your career, then three tasks you would do for this career (use your Career Web quest handout)
Education – The college you would like to attend, the degree you would like to earn, the cost (tuition) and two admission requirements to the college or university. Also, how you intend to pay for college. Pictures of your college (banner, logo, mascot)
Your Future Life – The city and state where you would like to live (add a map), your family in 15 years (what do you want your family to look like, any kids?), the car you would like to drive and the cost of the car.
Write Down Your Future Information:
1. Personal Goal:
Two Actions:
2. Educational Goal:
Two Actions:
3. Career Goal:
Two Actions:
Which College will you attend?:
How much money will you make?
Two skills you need for your job?
Family? (# of children):
Car: (what type of car do you want?)
Where do you want to live?
Portfolio Contents: (All items with an * must be typed) (50 pts)
o A. Resume*:
o B. Business Letter*
o C. Budget of expenses and salary – Bar or pie graph*
Rent, food, utilities (phone, gas, electricity, water), car expenses, recreation, cable
o D. Interview questions and responses* (hand written or typed)
o E. Personal Data Sheet (will start in class, then finish for HW)
o F. Four Year High School Action Plan*: Already should have been completed
o G. Research on careers and colleges: - Web quest already completed (keep in portfolio) and – Web quest already completed (keep in portfolio).
Questionnaire: During the presentations, you must fill out the questionnaire provided to you for 20 of the presenters.
o F. Four Year High School Action Plan*: Already should have been completed - Print out and turn in by this Thursday, December 18. The Plan has all your High School courses - including graduation requirements, A-G requirements, electives, ROP courses, and extracurricular activities that will prepare you for your higher education and chosen career
o G. Research on careers and colleges: - Web quest already completed (keep in portfolio) and – Web quest already completed (keep in portfolio) plus research from the Classifieds, Pennysaver, etc.
Questionnaire: During the presentations, you must fill out the questionnaire provided to you for 20 of the presenters.
Job Fair Questionnaire Name/Per.____________________________
During the Career presentations you will fill out the questionnaire neatly and thoroughly for 20 of the presenters. Listen carefully during the presentations and answer the following questions:
1. Student’s Name ____________________________ Career______________________________
Salary: College:
Description of the job:
*An additional detail you
found interesting in the
Tasks or duties: presentation:
2. Student’s Name ____________________________ Career______________________________
Salary: College:
Description of the job:
*An additional detail you
found interesting in the
Tasks or duties: presentation:
3. Student’s Name ____________________________ Career______________________________
Salary: College:
Description of the job:
*An additional detail you
found interesting in the
Tasks or duties: presentation:
4. Student’s Name ____________________________ Career______________________________
Salary: College:
Description of the job:
*An additional detail you
found interesting in the
Tasks or duties: presentation:
5. Student’s Name ____________________________ Career______________________________
Salary: College:
Description of the job:
*An additional detail you
found interesting in the
Tasks or duties: presentation:
****In your opinion, which one of these five presenters had the most professional presentation?
And Why? (provide 3 reasons)______________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________________________________6. Student’s Name ____________________________ Career______________________________
Job Fair Questionnaire Name/Per.____________________________
During the Career presentations you will fill out the questionnaire neatly and thoroughly for 20 of the presenters. Listen carefully during the presentations and answer the following questions:
6. Student’s Name ____________________________ Career______________________________
Salary: College:
Description of the job:
*An additional detail you
found interesting in the
Tasks or duties: presentation:
7. Student’s Name ____________________________ Career______________________________
Salary: College:
Description of the job:
*An additional detail you
found interesting in the
Tasks or duties: presentation:
8. Student’s Name ____________________________ Career______________________________
Salary: College:
Description of the job:
*An additional detail you
found interesting in the
Tasks or duties: presentation:
9. Student’s Name ____________________________ Career______________________________
Salary: College:
Description of the job:
*An additional detail you
found interesting in the
Tasks or duties: presentation:
10. Student’s Name ____________________________ Career_____________________________
Salary: College:
Description of the job:
*An additional detail you
found interesting in the
Tasks or duties: presentation:
****In your opinion, which one of these five presenters had the most professional presentation?
And Why? (provide 3 reasons)______________________________________________________
Rubric for My Future Project Name/Per.____________________________________________
Points Points Possible
1. Title for each category _________/ 6
2. Neat & well organized (readability) _________/ 15
3. Effective use of color and design _________/ 10
4. Comprehensive information for each category _________/ 36
5. Creativity _________/ 15
6. Pictures: Minimum of two pictures-each category _________/ 12
7. Animation – PowerPoint / Construction Paper - Poster _________/ 6
TOTAL POIN TS ____________/ 100
Category 1: Title – Title, first and last name, period, date, and clip art/pictures (two pictures)
Category 2: Goals – Two each of your personal, educational, and career goals, plus two actions to achieve your goals (at least one picture)
Category 3: Your Career – A description of the job, salary, two reasons why you would like this career, and a picture or drawing of you doing this career. (use your Career Web quest for this information) (add clip art or pictures)
Category 4: Skills and Tasks – List three skills needed for your career (add clip art or pictures), then four tasks you would do for this career (use your Career Web quest handout)
Category 5: Education – The college you would like to attend, the degree you would like to earn, the cost (tuition) and two admission requirements to the college or university. Also, how you intend to pay for college. Pictures of your college (banner, logo, mascot, map, etc.)
Category 6: Your Future Life – The city and state where you would like to live (add a map), your family in 15 years (what do you want your family to look like, any kids?), the car you would like to drive and the cost of the car (add a picture of your car)
Rubric for My Future Project Name/Per.____________________________________________
Points Points Possible
1. Title for each category _________/ 6
2. Neat & well organized (readability) _________/ 15
3. Effective use of color and design _________/ 10
4. Comprehensive information for each category _________/ 36
5. Creativity _________/ 15
6. Pictures: Minimum of two pictures-each category _________/ 12
7. Animation – PowerPoint / Construction Paper - Poster _________/ 6
TOTAL POINTS ____________/ 100
Category 1: Title – Title, first and last name, period, date, and clip art/pictures (two pictures)
Category 2: Goals – Two each of your personal, educational, and career goals, plus two actions to achieve your goals (at least one picture)
Category 3: Your Career – A description of the job, salary, two reasons why you would like this career, and a picture or drawing of you doing this career. (use your Career Web quest for this information) (add clip art or pictures)
Category 4: Skills and Tasks – List three skills needed for your career (add clip art or pictures), then four tasks you would do for this career (use your Career Web quest handout)
Category 5: Education – The college you would like to attend, the degree you would like to earn, the cost (tuition) and two admission requirements to the college or university. Also, how you intend to pay for college. Pictures of your college (banner, logo, mascot, map, etc.)
Category 6: Your Future Life – The city and state where you would like to live (add a map), your family in 15 years (what do you want your family to look like, any kids?), the car you would like to drive and the cost of the car (add a picture of your car)