Doctorates in Chemical Sciences and in Materials Science and Technology

Short course

Intellectual property protection-A view from the European Patent Office

Dr. Stefano Fanni

3-4 December 2015-Chemistry Building-Campus Via Langhirano

The Doctorates in Chemical Sciences and in Materials Science and Technology organize a two- day course for training PhD students on technology transfer and intellectual property protection issues. This course will be focused on patenting at the international and in particular at the european level; the lectures will be held by Stefano Fanni, an expert in the field, presently examiner at the European Patent Office (EPO) in Munich, and are aimed at fostering the interest on exploitation of the research results through intellectual property (IP) protection, giving a clear and first-hand information about EPO procedures.

The lectures will cover the fundamentals of intellectual property protection, the processes of patent submission and evaluation, and the best practices for retrieval of information on existing patents and the related bibliographic tools. The course will be open also to PhD students from the School of Doctorate of Sciences and Technology and from other PhD courses in University of Parma, and to staff members from library services who are in charge of training students on bibliographic tools.


Thursday 3 december 2015, 14:30-17:30-Aula Magna, Chemistry Building

Principles of intellectual property protection

Principles of patent evaluation in general

Friday 4 december 2015, 14:30-17:30-Aula Magna, Chemistry Building

Principles of patent evaluation in the field of Chemistry and Pharmacy

Overview of Patent Search tools and databases

Tutorials with case studies using Espacenet

All interested student/staff members are requested to register by sending an e-mail to stating: name, position, day(s) of attendance, within November 30, 2015

Parco Area delle Scienze 17/A, Campus ● I-43124 Parma

Tel. +39-0521-90.5432 – 90.5439 ● Fax +39-0521-90.5557
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