Application Date __Click to enter date__

Applicants Name_Click here to enter Contact Name.______

Address _Click here to enter mailing address.__Phone__Click to enter #.

Contact Email: _Click here to enter text.______

Name of Organization __Click here to enter group/company name.______

Activity Planned _Choose an event type._Click here to enter text if “other”._

Expected Number in Attendance_Choose an item.______

Performance date(s)

1. [Date ] Time to Enter:Select Time._Time to Vacate: Select Time._ Time of Event: Select Time._to_Select Time._

2. [Date ] Time to Enter:Select Time._Time to Vacate:Select Time._ Time of Event:Select Time._ to_ Select Time._

3. [Date ] Time to Enter:Select Time._Time to Vacate:Select Time._ Time of Event:Select Time._ to_ Select Time._

4. . [Date ] Time to Enter:Select Time._Time to Vacate:Select Time._ Time of Event:Select Time._ to_ Select Time._

Rehearsal Date(s)

A. . [Date ] Time to Enter:Select Time._Time to Vacate:Select Time._ Time of Event:Select Time._ to_ Select Time._

B. . [Date ] Time to Enter:Select Time._Time to Vacate:Select Time._ Time of Event:Select Time._ to_ Select Time._

C. . [Date ] Time to Enter:Select Time._Time to Vacate:Select Time._ Time of Event:Select Time._ to_ Select Time._

D. . [Date ] Time to Enter:Select Time._Time to Vacate:Select Time._ Time of Event:Select Time._ to_ Select Time._

E. . [Date ] Time to Enter:Select Time._Time to Vacate:Select Time._ Time of Event:Select Time._ to_ Select Time._

F. . [Date ] Time to Enter:Select Time._Time to Vacate:Select Time._ Time of Event:Select Time._ to_ Select Time._

Auditorium Space Requirements & Dates needed:

(Check all that apply, use codes as listed by blocks above,(Performance 1,2,3,4 and Rehearsals A,B,C,D,E,F)

Performance / Rehearsal / Performance / Rehearsal
Stage / Select # / Select Ltr / Dressing Room / Select # / Select Ltr /
Green Room / Select # / Select Ltr / Chorus Room / Select # / Select Ltr /
Band Room / Select # / Select Ltr / Dance Studio / Select # / Select Ltr /
Loading Dock / Select # / Select Ltr / Concession Stand / Select # / Select Ltr /

Other Space Requirements:

Click here to enter text.

NOTE: No food/beverage may be taken into the auditorium and all users must police this policy.


FEES: These will be assigned based upon the policy attached to/included with this application. Based on needs of the production.

Estimated Actual

Rental of facilities $

Custodial fee $

Technical services/personnel $

Security $

Other $

Total Estimated Cost $

Final Cost $

This Individual/Group Agrees to:

Assume all responsibility for the use of the facilities and observance of regulations. Make prompt restitution for any loss or damage occurring during the use of facilities. Leave the facilities in the order and condition in which they were found. Have proof of Liability Insurance coverage in accord with this rental policy (For all non-school and for profit groups.)

Having read the above conditions and having received a copy of Reservation Policy, this group agrees to abide by them.

I declare myself the person responsible for supervising the group, payment of fees, and restitution, if any.


Applicants Signature AD’sSignature

Distribution:_____ Applicant

_____Custodian/Maintenance Dept.


_____High School Principal

_____Business Services/Accounting

Please Mail the Completed Addendum A that corresponds to your category and all supporting documentation(deposit,proof of liability insurance and/or non-profit if applicable) needed as well as the Completed Addendum B to the following:

Performing Arts Center Director

Marietta High School

1171 Whitlock Avenue

Marietta, GA 30064

The Arts Director will contact you as soon as your application has been reviewed.