GSE Algebra II Fall 2017

Michelle Bowman

GSE Algebra II

GSE Algebra II is the third course in the sequence of secondary mathematics courses designed to provide students with a rigorous program of study in mathematics. It includes inferences and conclusions from data, polynomial functions of higher degree, rational and radical relationships, exponential and logarithmic functions, and modeling functions. Instruction and assessment will include the appropriate use of manipulatives and technology. Topics will be represented in multiple ways, such as concrete/pictorial, verbal/written, numeric/data-case, graphical and symbolic.

Steps for Success

Be on time and prepared for class each day.

Participate in class activities and discussions.

Complete all homework assignments (>80.0%)

Be organized.

Ask questions in class & seek extra help after class.

Class Expectations

1. Attendance is critical: If you are absent, it is expected and to your

advantage to come in for help the morning you return. This will increase your

readiness for the new material presented that day. Be sure and check the blog for missed work.

Daily notes will be posted on my blog.

2. Preparation:Come prepared to class. Have materials ready and your homework complete.

Bring your book, homework and calculator to class daily.

3. Make Up Work: Students needing to make up work or tests should see their teacher. You MUST make up all work prior to the next test date. See your teacher if there is additional information that should be considered. If you miss only the day of review for a test, you are expected to take the test with the class if you return on test day. Test make up times are Wednesday mornings or Thursday afternoons. See the schedule posted in the classroom.

4 Homework is to be done daily. I will always answer a few questions from the homework at the start of each class period. Homework will either be checked for completion or by a homework quiz that includes problems from the assignment. You must show your work for all problems to receive credit. Late work is only accepted with an excused absence and it must be turned in by the day of the chapter test. Remember that homework is an important part of the learning process. Mark problems that you do not understand so they can be addressed in class the next day.

5. Calculator Policy:You are expected to have a graphing calculator with you in class

each day and to know how to use it. A Texas Instrument graphing calculator is required for this

course. The TI-84 or TI-83 are acceptable. TI-89 calculators are not allowed. Do not purchase

a Casio calculator. A limited number of used calculators are available for rent from the

bookroom, but it is advisable to purchase your own. To rent a calculator, please ask me for

a slip to bring to the bookroom when your check out your books.

6. Honor Policy:Copying homework, talking or looking around during a test or quiz, being in

possession of unauthorized "helpful" information (including calculator programs or notes on

calculators), or other violations of honor principles will be considered cheating. Cheating will

result in a zero on the assignment, a "U" in conduct, and a call to your parents.

7. Tardy Policy:

First Tardy—warning to student.

Second Tardy—30-minute detention before orafter school.

Third Tardy—two 30-minute detentions at two different times.

Fourth Tardy—Saturday School.

Fifth Tardy—two Saturday Schools or a day of ISS.

Sixth Tardy—two days ofISS.

Seventh Tardy (and every one thereafter)—three days of ISS.

8. Materials:graphing calculator TI-84 or TI-83, scientific calculator (optional), notebook paper, graphing paper, pencils, highlighters, binder.

Requested classroom donations –kleenex, hand sanitizer

9. Cell Phones: Students shall not use, display or turn on cellular phones, video phones, or electronic devices during instruction time except when a teacher uses these devices for instructional purposes. The consequences for inappropriate cell phone use are:

1st offense: Saturday school 2nd Offense: 1 day of ISS 3rd Offense: 2 days of ISS

I am looking forward to getting to know you and sharing my excitement about mathematics with you. It should be a great year!

PARENTS: Please email to acknowledge receipt of the student syllabus. We will respond with a welcome to Algebra II email.