Legalism Part 4

Grace, Bondage, Freedom


A)Legalism is often said to be bondage by the anti-legalist.

1)We are said to be under freedom now and God’s grace.

2)So that we can better understand this topic, we will examine what the terms, bondage, freedom, and grace are, while examining anti-legalist assumptions about these terms.

B)There are times when the Law of Moses is compared to the Law of Christ in scripture.

1)The mistake made by many Anti-legalists:

(a)Selectively take term law and apply it to all scriptural commands rather than the law of Moses.

  • Thus, the law of Christ is not a gracious law, but simply grace without law.

(b)The result of this arrangement is being able to live in the freedom of mans own desires (situational ethics) while claiming it is a loving God’s will.

II)Let’s look at Grace

A)Anti-Legalist Assumption #1:

1)The Legalist forgets grace and only follows law.

B)Anti-Legalist Assumption #2:

1)The O.T. and the Law of Moses lacked grace, the N.T. is what brings grace.

(a)This is stated in an attempt to prove love trumps law - a belief we mentioned in our third lesson.

C)What is Grace?

1)Favor, blessing, good will, kindness.

2)We often refer to this as “unmerited favor”, because “while we were yet sinners Christ died for us”.

(a)We did not in any manner earn it.

  • This is consistent with the Biblical teaching that we cannot earn our salvation through works.

3)The question is did this type of grace exist in the Old Testament?

D)Examples of God’s Grace:

1)Noah – Gen. 6:6-8 – Did Noah earn it? Did he deserve it?

(a)What did God give Noah? A chance for salvation. That was his grace.

  • Gen. 6:13-19 – Noah still had to be obedient to the requirements to keep salvation.

2)Lot – Gen. 19:19-22 – Did Lot earn the grace?

(a)He was given by grace a chance to keep salvation.

(b)He still had the requirement to get out of the city.

3)Under the law of Moses – Ex. 34:9ff – Moses new they did not earn grace.

(a)They were still given grace with a chance to keep salvation.

(b)The requirements were many.

4)Conclusion: Yes, Grace existed in the Old Testament.

(a)It is the same type of Grace given in the New Testament.

  • God has given us his son in Grace. Yet, we have requirements to keep salvation.

E)What then is meant by:

1)John 1:17 – Consider fuller text: vs. 14-17

(a)We now have the fullness of Grace.

  • That is the most Gracious thing God could have done.

(b)The law led the Jews in behavior that was good for them. This was God’s Grace.

  • The fullness of it comes with Christ which gives us forgiveness when we stumble.

2)Rom. 6:14 – Consider fuller text: vs. 12-15

(a)Paul immediately establishes in vs. 15, sin (not following the law of Christ) is not to reign.

(b)What Paul means in vs. 14 is that Christians are not under an unforgiveable system.

  • As we shall see, even Paul considered himself under the law of Christ.

F)The Anti-Legalist is Mistaken regarding Assumption #2:

1)God’s Grace has always been given to man. It was present in the Patriarchal Age, Mosaic Age, and is present in the Christian Dispensation.

(a)The law of Moses and of Christ were laws of grace.

2)The difference: with Christ we have the fullness of Grace in forgiveness through His sacrifice.

(a)His love never trumped the law – it was the law.

G)The Anti-Legalist is Mistaken regarding Assumption #1:

1)By strictly, adhering to the law of Christ, Grace is never forgotten by the legalist.

III)Let’s look at Bondage:

A)Anti-Legalist Assumption #3:

1)By strictly living by the Law of Christ, Legalists are still under the bondage they were before Christ.

B)What is Bondage?

1)From Thayer: metaphorically to obey, submit to

(a)[First] in a good sense, to yield obedience

(b)[Second] in a bad sense, of those who become slaves to some base power,…

C)The condition of bondage is in the eye of beholder.


(a)Unfaithful: a wife submitting to her husband is nothing more than bondage of abuse.

(b)Legalist:wife’s submission to husband is a love to family and God in likeness of the Church to Christ.

(c)Unfaithful:not being able to remarry under any circumstance is bondage to unhappiness.

(d)Legalist:it is a blessed chastisement of love to direct us in faithfulness. (Prov. 13:25)

(e)Unfaithful:faithful assembly at all worship times is burdensome and unnecessary bondage.

(f)Legalist:it is a reverant time before God, to worship, grow in knowledge, and encourage saints; not to be skipped or cut short.

(g)Unfaithful:law of Christ is a chain of bondage upon their feet, which stifles their lifestyle.

(h)Legalist: it is an easy yoke and a light burden from which we find rest for our souls.

D)Both the unfaithful of this world and the Legalist are under bondage.

1)Rom 1:1- Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated unto the gospel of God,

2)Jas 1:1- James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ…

3)2Pe 1:1- Simon Peter, a servant and an apostle of Jesus Christ…

4)Jud 1:1- Jude, the servant of Jesus Christ…

5)Rev 1:1- The Revelation of Jesus Christ… unto his servant John:

(a)These men put themselves under bondage to God happily.

E)Paul made it clear his bondage was under the Law of Christ:

1)1Co 9:21 - To them that are without law, as without law, (being not without law to God, but under the law to Christ,) that I might gain them that are without law.

2)He encourages others to be under this law.

3)Gal 6:2- Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.

F)We are all under Bondage Today:Rom 6:16-18

1)Always has been true: Adam, Eve, Cain, all brought themselves under bondage to sin unto death.

2)Joshua Pointed out the choice to the Israelites: Jos 24:15 - And if it seem evil unto you to serve Jehovah, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve Jehovah.

G)The Anti-legalist is mistaken regarding Assumption #3 regarding bondage:

1)Men have been under bondage from the beginning and are today, however, the legalistis not under the same bondage he was before Christ. The Legalist is now a servant of Christ not of sin.

IV)Let’s Look at Freedom:

A)I had a preacher once quote I Cor. 6:12to me:

1)All things are lawful for me; but not all things are expedient. All things are lawful for me; but I will not be brought under the power of any.

2)What Paul meant is God lets men do whatever they want, but it is not all pleasing to Him.

B)As an anti-legalist he declared to me Assumption #4:

1)God has given men freedom in Christ to do anything as long as he feels he is pleasing God. The legalist takes that freedom away when he binds himself to God’s law. (Situational ethics).

2)Is this Freedom?

(a)Rom 6:20 - For when ye were servants of sin, ye were free in regard of righteousness.

  • Pro 14:12 - There is a way which seemeth right unto a man; But the end thereof are the ways of death.

(b)Yes, there is freedom in not following God’s Word, but it is not freedom in Christ.

C)Freedom can be a lot of things to a lot of people.


(a)Freedom to a teen? Freedom to a single person? Freedom to a personal business owner? Freedom from communist rule? Economic Freedom? Prisoners have freedom!

2)Dave Miller - “’Freedom’ gradually has come to be conceptualized as freedom from restraint.“

(a)This is what the Anti-Legalist wants!

(b)This is what a great number of religious bodies are practicing today – Freedom from restraint.

  • One is said to be free, by putting aside the law of Christ for good intentions or mercy.
  • One is said to be free, if their actions are making them happy – which God “wants”.
  • One is said to be free, when they pack the building with people by not mentioning the “negatives”, -

That is not teaching the whole counsel of God.

  • One is said to be free when they ignore the silence of the scriptures.
  • One is said to be free, if they are ecumenical / inclusive – Just don’t start quoting scripture.

3)1Co 7:22- For he that is called in the Lord, a servant, is the Lord's freeman: likewise also he that is called, free, is Christ's servant. – Freedom does not come from serving man’s will and not Christ’s.

D)I Tim. 1:9-11 is a verse used by anti-legalists to say the Law isn’t for Christians.

1)Vs. 11 tells us the law here is the law of Christ.

2)Vs. 10 tells us it applies to whatever is contrary to the law of Christ.

(a)If the Anti-Legalist in his “freedom” practices something that is not in “strict, literal adhereance to the law of Christ” they are contrary to it.

(b)They are serving a law of sin, not Christ.

3)In contrast, the legalist serves Christ and is made free by following the law which is spirit and truth.

(a)Joh 8:31 - Jesus therefore said to those Jews that had believed him, If ye abide in my word, then are ye truly my disciples; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

(b)Rom. 14:23 - … Whatever does not proceed from faith is sin.

(c)Rom. 10:17 – Faith comes by hearing; hearing by the Word of God.

4)The Word makes free, putting it aside for convenience does not.

5)The Freedom we have in Christ, is from being held in bondage under sin.

(a)He has given us the power to be washed clean and forgiven.

(b)He has given us a path of obedience to him to demonstrate our love for Him.

(c)Rom 6:22 - But now being made free from sin and become servants to God, ye have your fruit unto sanctification, and the end eternal life.

E)The anti-legalist is mistaken in regard to Assumption #4:

1)If man follows his emotions rather than the law of Christ, He does not have freedom in Christ.

2)Freedom in Christ only comes when one abides as a servant to His Word as the Legalist does.


A)Four Sermons on Legalism –“strict, literal adherence to the Law”.

1)What we have seen:

(a)Legalism is approved of in the old and New testaments.

(b)Legalism is an appropriate relationship to Christ.

(c)Legalism is not phariseeism.

(d)Legalism does not teach salvation by works.

(e)Legalism does not set the Word of God aside based on a situation.

(f)Legalism embraces Grace completely.

(g)Legalism has put itself under bondage to Christ not sin.

(h)Legalism realizes Freedom from sin, in Christ.

B)Many entities have tried to insult dedicated Christians with the term legalist.

1)They have tried to shame them into following their traditions rather than God’s.

2)Christians will face this type of persecution, even from those claiming to be brothers and sisters.

3)Just remember, if you really are a Legalist…

(a)Whether they know it or not, they are really just calling you “Faithful Christian.”