1)What is a colony? And who ruled the colonies?

2)What were the 13 colonies?

3)What were the New England colonies?

4)What were the Middle colonies?

5)What were the Southern colonies?

6)What was the first attempted English colony?

7)Who was the leader of this colony?

8)Was it successful?

9)What was the colony’s nickname?

10)Who started this colony?

11)Where was this attempted colony?

12)Why did the Pilgrims come to America?

13)Were they Puritans or separatists?

14)Why did the Puritans come to America?

15)Why were the Puritans hypocrites?

16)What was the first colony in America to truly offer religious freedom?

17)What were the Pilgrim’s laws called?

18)Where did the Pilgrims come from?

19)What ship did they come over on?

20)How did they communicate with the natives?

21)What colony kicked people out which started the Rhode Island and Connecticut colonies?

22)What was the land like in the New England colonies?

23)What was the climate like in the New England colonies?

24)What were the natural resources of the New England Colonies?

25)What were the major industries (businesses) of the New England


26)What kind of governments existed in the New England colonies?

27)What was the first colony to truly offer religious freedom?

28)What two people started the Rhode Island colony? Why?

29)How were the native and colonists relations in the New England region?


1)A colony is a settlement in one country ruled by another country, in this case England

2)New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia

3)New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island

4)New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware

5)Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia

6)Roanoke Island

7)John White

8)No, the colonists disappeared.

9)“The Lost Colony”

10)Sir Walter Raleigh

11)Off the coast of North Carolina

12)For religious freedom

13)Separatists- they wanted to break away or separate from the church

14)To clean up or purify the Church of England- the Protestant church

15)They left England for religious freedom, but yet didn’t give it in their own colony

16)Providence, Rhode Island

17)Mayflower Compact

18)Plymouth, England


20)Through Squanto and Samoset

21)Massachusetts Bay Colony

22)Rocky and not fertile except by the rivers

23)Frigid long winter/short growing season/not the best climate for farming

24)Lumber, furs, whales and fish

25)Shipbuilding, lumberjack, fishing, whaling

26)Charter governments (Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island) where the colonists had much control and royal governments (New Hampshire) where England officials had the control

27)Rhode Island

28)Ann Hutchinson and Roger Williams- because they disagreed with the Massachusetts Bay Colony who banished them

29)At first the relations were peaceful but problems arose – the Pequot War broke out

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