Appendix Table: ICD-9 Codes Used to Measure Co-Morbid Health and Mental Health Disorders

Dichotomous Indicator / Conditions Included / ICD-9 Codes
Asthma / 493.0, 493.1, 493.8, 493.9
Allergy / Atopic dermatitis
Chronic conjunctivitis
Contact dermatitis
Drug allergy
Environmental allergies
Food allergy
Latex allergy
Otitis media, acute
Otitis media, chronic
Other / 691.xx
372.10, 372.11, 372.12, 372.13, 372.14, 372.2x, 372.3x, 372.0x
692.0x, 692.1x, 692.4x, 692.6x, 692.70, 692.71
692.72, 692.76, 692.79, 692.81, 692.83, 692.72, 692.76, 692.79, 692.81, 692.83, 692.89, 692.9x, 692.5x, 373.32
692.3x, 999.42, V14.0, V14.1, V14.2, V14.3, V14.4, V14.5, V14.6, V14.7, V14.8, V14.9, 995.0x, 995.2x, 999.4x V64.04
995.3x, 477.xx
V15.01, V15.02, 693.1x, 995.6x, V15.03, V15.04, V15.05
989.82, V15.07
380.22, 381.04, 381.05, 381.06x
381.3x, 381.4x
708.0x, 708.1x, 708.9x
493.0x, 493.9x, 495.xx, 518.3x, 518.6x, 530.19, 558.3x, 716.2x,
V15.06, 287.0x, 999.4x, V15.xx, V15.08, V15.09, V15.06
Autoimmune disorder / Derm Autoimmune
Endocrine Diabetes
Endocrine Thyroid
GI Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Hematology Autoimmune
Neurology Autoimmune
Rheumatic Arthritis
Rheumatic Connective Tissue
Rheumatic Lupus
Rheumatic Other
Rheumatic Psoriasis
Rheumatic Sarcoidosis
Rheumatic Vasculitis
Other / 694.5x, 697.0x, 704.0x, 709.01x, 709.xx
250.xx, 357.2x, 581.81x, 583.81x, 585.xx, 707.1x, 713.5x, 791.0x,
242.01, 242.0x, 245.2x
555.1x, 555.9x, 555.xx, 556.1x, 556.5x, 556.9x, 556.xx, 558.9x, 558.xx
273.2x, 283.0x, 286.52, 287.31
323.51, 323.52, 340.xx, 357.0x, 357.81, 358.01, 358.0x, 358.1x, 446.1x, 775.2x
714.0x, 714.2x, 714.30, 714.31, 714.32, 714.33, 714.3x
446.2x, 701.0x, 710.8x, 710.9x
373.34, 695.4x, 710.0x
359.71, 517.2x, 710.1x, 710.2x, 720.0x, 725.xx, 728.11x, 728.81x, 733.99
135.xx, 517.8x
136.1x, 443.0x, 446.0x, 446.4x, 446.5x, 446.7x, 447.6x, 447.8x
360.12, 362.18, 363.2x, 364.3x, 376.12, 386.0x, 571.42, 571.6x, 576.1x 579.xx, 583.89, 583.9x
Cardiovascular disorder / Heart Failure
Hypertensive Disease
Ischemic Heart Disease
Valve Disorders
Vascular Disease
Other / 398.91x, 428.xx, 428.xx
401.xx, 402.xx, 403.xx, 404.xx, 405.xx
410.xx, 411.xx, 412.xx, 413.xx, 414.xx
424.xx, 396.xx
440.xx, 451.xx, 452.xx, 453.xx
425.xx, 426.xx, 427.xx, 429.xx, 745.xx, 746.xx, 747.xx, 785.xx
Dichotomous Indicator / Conditions Included / ICD-9 Codes
Endocrine disorder / Adrenal Disease
Diabetes Type II
Pubertal and Gonadal Disorders
Thyroid Disease
Other / 255.xx
249.xx, 250.02, 250.10, 250.12, 250.20, 250.22, 250.30, 250.32, 250.40, 250.42, 250.50, 250.52, 250.60, 250.62, 250.70, 250.72, 250.80, 250.82, 250.90, 250.92
256.xx, 257.xx, 259.xx
240.xx, 241.xx, 242.xx, 243.xx, 244.xx, 246.xx
251.xx, 252.xx, 253.xx, 254.xx, 258.xx
Genetic disorder / Chromosome Anomaly
Imprinting Disorder
Other Metabolic Disorders And Immunity Disorders / 758.xx, 330.8x, 759.5x, 759.6x, 759.83
759.81, 759.89
237.7x, 237.71, 237.72
270.xx, 271.xx, 272.xx, 273.xx, 274.xx, 275.xx, 276.xx, 277.xx, 278.xx, 279.xx
Neurological disorder / Abnormalities of Skull/Face
Disorders of Peripheral Nervous System
Intracranial Hemorrhage
Other / 742.10x, 754.00, 756.0x
249.3x, 250.3x, 780.01, 251. 0x, 348.1x
350.xx, 351.xx, 352.xx, 353.xx, 767.6x, 354.xx, 355.xx, 356.xx, 357.xx, 358.xx 359.xx
346.xx, 307.81, 784.0
772.2x, 430.xx, 767.0x, 852.xx, 432.9x
433.xx, 434.xx, 435.xx, 436.xx, 438.xx
325.xx, 330.xx, 331.xx, 333.xx, 334.xx, 335.xx, 336.xx, 337.xx, 338.xx, 339.xx, 341.xx, 342.xx, 343.xx, 344.xx, 346.xx, 348.xx, 349.xx,
741.xx, 742.xx, 781.xx, V48.X, 783.xx
Epilepsy / Paroxysmal / 779.00, 780.31, 780.32, 786.90, 345.xx, 780.33x, 780.39
Sleep Disorders / Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorders
Sleep Related Breathing Disorders
Sleep Related Movement Disorders
/ 327.3x
780.5x, 307.40x, 307.42x, 307.44x, 307.46x, 307.47x, 307.49x, 327.42x, 3278x,
327.40x, 327.41x, 327.49x, 327.44x
327.43x, 327.5x
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder / 314.00, 314.01
Conduct Disorder and/or Oppositional Defiant Disorder / 312.81, 312.82, 312.89, 312.9, 313.81
Anxiety Disorder / Generalized anxiety disorder
Adjustment disorder with anxiety
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Other / 300.02
300.00, 300.01, 300.09, 300.20, 309.21, 300.22, 300.23, 300.29
Dichotomous Indicator / Conditions Included / ICD-9 Codes
Depressive Disorder / Major depressive disorder Dysthymia
Depression NOS / 296.2, 296.3
Other Severe Mental Illness / Schizophrenia spectrum disorder
Bipolar spectrum disorder
Other psychosis / 295.1-295.9
296.1, 296.4, 296.5, 296.6, 296.7, 296.80, 296.81, 296.89
297.1, 297.3, 298.8, 298.9, 301.22
Substance Use Disorder / Alcohol and illicit drug abuse/dependence / 291.0 – 291.9, 292.0 -292.9, 303.0, 303.9, 304.0 – 304.9, 305.0-305.9