Minutes of a Planning Meeting of the above mentioned Parish Council was held at the Council Office, Ravenshead Leisure Centre, Longdale Lane, Ravenshead on Monday 7th April 2014 commencing at 7.30pm

PresentCllr Bruce Andrews (Chair), Cllr Joe Lonergan, Cllr David Evans, Cllr Carol Wright

  1. Apologies were received from Cllr Molly Bell (Illness)
  1. Declaration of Interest – There were no declarations of interest on any of the planning applications.
  1. Planning Applications

2014/0188138 Nottingham Road, Ravenshead – Increase height of front wall, pitched roof over annex, timber decked area.

CommentNo objections were made subject to green belt regulations and retention of current or appropriate dry stone wall.

2014/023911 Chestnut Avenue, Ravenshead – Alterations and extensions to existing dwelling.

CommentConcerns are raised over sufficient/adequate parking at the property if the development goes ahead.

2014/024731 Sheepwalk Lane, Ravenshead – Conversion of existing bedroom window into a walk in bay/dormer on the rear elevation.

CommentNo objections were made by the Parish Council.

2014/0257/TPOPendlewood, Newstead Abbey Park – T1 & T2 Scottish pine, T3 Beech, T4 Silver birch – Remove all trees and replant 2 X replacement trees.

CommentNo objections subject to arboricultural officer’s approval.

2014/0258TPO 55 Nottingham Road, Ravenshead – Felling and cutting back trees.

CommentNo objections were made subject to arboricultural officer’s approval.

2014/027688 Chapel Lane, Ravenshead – Replacement flat roof incorporating lantern lights, balconies to front, low level plinth course and render to existing walls.

CommentNo objections were made by the Parish Council.

2014/0317Pinewoods Healing Church, Newstead Abbey Park – Remove old driveway and car parking area and re-level. Renew with roadstone and add drains and soakaways to remove surface water, remove part of lawn to allow extra parking and re-surface.

CommentNo objections were made by the Parish Council subject to green belt regulations.

2014/03197 Gorse Hill, Ravenshead – Demolition of bungalow and garage and construction of two chalet format houses with integral garage and access

CommentThe Parish Council objects to infill and over development of the site.

2014/032046 Longdale Lane, Ravenshead – Front and rear extensions, new raised dormered roof, new front boundary wall and gates.

CommentThe Parish Council has no objections to the development however does object to the height of the gates and there being no splay and the development being subject to Special Character Area regulations and that it could overlook the properties at the rear.

2014/034747 Haddon Road, Ravenshead – Two storey side extension, porch extension, rear single extension.

CommentThe Parish Council have no objections but question if a dropped kerb permission will be required at the front of the garage.

2014/0040The Bungalow, Newstead Abbey Park – Demolish dilapidated bungalow and construct new two bedroom bungalow and free standing garage.

CommentThe Parish Council have no objections subject to green belt regulations and that the original property is an established residence (not of timber framed construction i.e Holiday home) and that the new development sits on the original footprint.

2014/035640 Main Road, Ravenshead – Two storey side with single storey rear extension.

CommentThe Parish Council have no objections to this application.

2014/0273Land at Corner of Longdale Lane and Kighill Lane – site for residential development


  1. The frontage of the development is too intensely developed. Suggested that 1 or 2 less ¾ bedroom homes are developed.
  2. Ravenshead Parish Council welcomes the development of older people’s bungalows and this should be encouraged. Although the plot is not in the SHLAA and is disapproved for development it would mitigate the danger of other developments in the Green Belt area in other inappropriate green belt areas.
  3. If this development is approved the developer has to consider/support the improvement of the sewage and water disposal on Longdale Lane that is currently inadequate.
  4. The Parish Council disagree with paragraph 3.21 –“ that the Parish Council have accepted that the Green Belt boundary will have to be amended as part 2 of the Local Plan emerges”

The Parish Council have NOT accepted this, contrary to the statement in the plan.

  1. Contrary to the statement in paragraph 3.2.4 Ravenshead Parish Council have not advocated amendments to the Green Belt boundaries.
  2. Ravenshead Parish Council would need some assurance that if this site was developed that adequate funding was made available to keep the woodland maintained over a long period of time.

The meeting closed at 9pm.