HMA Implementation
Issue 0.draft
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Heterogeneous Mission Accessibility
GMES Contributing Mission Implementation
date of issue/date d’éditionJune 2008
Document type/type de documentStatement of Work
Titletitre / Statement of Work
HMA GMES Contributing Mission Implementation (DMC) / issue
issue / Error! Reference source not found. / Revision
auteur / A.Tassa (EOP-GS) until v1.0
J. Martin (EOP-GU) from 1.0 / date
date / May 2007
approved by
approuvé by / E. Monjoux (EOP-GP) / date
Authorized by
Auteurize’ / date
reason for change /raison du changement / issue/issue / revision/revision / date/dateFirst Version / 1 / 0 / December 2007
Update for COA-1 / 1 / 1 / May 2008
Update for RFQ / 1 / 2 / June 2008
Issue: Revision:
reason for change/raison du changement / page(s)/page(s) / paragraph(s)/paragraph(s)Removal of Task-7 due to timing of issue of COA-1 / various / various
Reference to finalised applicable documents / 1.4 / -
T a b l e O f C o n t e n t s
1.1Purpose of the Work
1.2Project Context and Background Information
1.3Document Overview
1.4.1Applicable Documents
1.4.2Reference Documents
1.5Acronyms and Definitions
2.1Scope of the Work
2.2Project organization
2.3Relations with other Projects
3TASKs Description
3.1Task 1 - Project Management
3.2Task 2 – Requirements Definition
3.3Task 3 – System Design
3.4Task 4 – System Implementation and Validation
3.5Task 5 – GSCDA-S Integration, Verification and end-to-end Validation
3.6Task 6 – Pre-Operational (GSCDA V2) Phase Support
4.1Project Schedule
4.2Project Deliverables
4.2.2Customer Furnished Items (CFI)
4.3Project Management
4.3.1Project Management Plan (PMP)
4.3.2Management of Project Schedule
4.3.3Progress Reports
4.3.5Quality Plan
4.4Risk Management
4.5Quality Management
4.6Product Assurance
4.6.1Methods and Tools
4.6.2Documentation Quality
4.6.3Non Conformances
4.6.4Configuration Items Data List
4.7Purchase and Reuse
4.7.1Hardware Purchase
4.7.2Software Purchase
4.7.3Re-use of Pre-developed Items
1.1Purpose of the Work
This Statement of Work (SoW) defines the ESA requirements for the implementation, of an HMAback-end at the addressed GMES Contributing Mission (GCM) Ground Segment to support full operability of the GMES Space Component (GSC) Data Access System (GSCDA-S). GSC-related operations are separately agreed with the Agency.
The SOW describes the project needs in terms of tasks (including activities and deliverables), high-level technical requirements, and organisation required to the Contractor.
This Statement of Work shall be the basis for the Contractor's Commercial and Technical proposal. In the following sections, the words ‘shall’ and ‘should’ are used to define the priority of the requirements / activities, with the meaning that requirements / activities described by:
- ‘shall’ are mandatory
- ‘should’ are strongly recommended, but may be replaced by a different technical solution with equivalent or better functionality or deleted for well justified reasons
‘Should’ requirements or activities remaining in the Technical proposal shall be, in agreement with the ESA Technical Representative, converted to ‘shall’ requirements or activities or deleted during the negotiation phase.
1.2Project Context and Background Information
The Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) Programme is a EU-led programme mainly intended to provide independent access to information for policy and decision makers in order to support European policies implemented by European and national agencies related to environment and security (see and ).
The main components in this programme are:
The GMES Space Component (GSC), in charge of providing all space-based information
The In-situ component (for all sort of in-situ data)
The GMES Service Projects (GSPs), that are the service providers, in charge of elaborating the above mentioned data for supplying information immediately useful for the above mentioned end-users.
The data information and integration management component.
The whole GMES system will be validated and tested through a threeyears pre-operational phase covering the period 2008 to 2010. During this period, the GSC system will be started incrementally, depending on the readiness of both data suppliers and users.
The GMES Space Component iscomposed by a constellation of satellites from various GMES Contributing Missions (GCMs), including the related Ground Segments (G/Ss) and all the necessary interfaces towards the other components of GMES.The GSC G/S relies on all the G/Ss of the various GCMs, and includes data acquisition, processing up to the appropriate level, archiving, data communication networks and the associated data user services.
In charge of coordinating the overall access to the GSC space data, the European Space Agency (ESA) has started the GSC Data Access (GSCDA) project.
Purpose of the GSCDA project for 2008/2010 is to support the supply of space data to the GMES users in an integrated, timely, secure and coordinated way. At the same time, the system design shall be relying on concepts and schemes that are suitable for a long term perspective.
The GSCDA system aims at providing a comprehensive and coordinated access to space data allowing the capacity:
to link transparently the different Earth Observation (EO) Data Providers and the different (GMES) Service Providers using coordinating functions;
to create synergy and sustainability across the contributing missions;
to facilitate the data access for the services and aim at a long term data reliability beyond single missions.
In charge of coordinating the GSC Data Access programme, ESA has undertaken activities towards:
GMES Service Projects, in order to capture their needs in terms of data and services
European EO data providers, in order to understand the actual availability of EO data matching the above mentioned requirements
The results of such analysis are summarized within the EO Data Access Portfolio document (DAP). The DAP is addressed to the GMES Service Projects and describes the Earth Observation data that will be made available by the GSC Data Access System during the GMES pre-operations period (i.e. from 2008 to end 2010). It describes the general conditions (e.g. ordering mechanisms, processing level, delivery timeliness) and constraints (e.g. data quantities, satellite tasking, data licensing) of the data access, and it also details the GMES data policy for the products being distributed through the GSCDA.
At the same time, ESA is signing agreements with the GMES Contributing Missions, detailing all the terms and conditions of data and service provision, via Service Level Agreements (SLAs).
It is important to notice that further technical evolutions of the GSCDA concept are based on the results of the Heterogeneous Mission Accessibility (HMA) Project, notably on a number of interface specifications forming the current baseline for access to heterogeneous mission data. HMA activities are monitored by an HMA Architecture Working Group(HAWG) which works in close connection with the Ground Segment Coordination Body (GSCB) and is composed by representatives of various space agencies. In particular, HAB members commit to exploit their own facilities and projects to run testbeds as necessary to ensure the conformance testing of HMA standards evolution or to test the adoption of standards developed by related programmes and projects.
Consolidated standards and procedures from HMA might constitute a basis for further evolutions of the GSCDA concept.
The GSC Data Access System will start to provide data and services to the GSPs starting from autumn 2008(GSCDA V1).The services will be progressively enhanced (by adding the types of data products involved, available services and performances), until the consolidated, fully automated, fully interoperable system (GSCDA V2) is running (beginning 2010).
At any moment during the operations, the GSCDA system shall be capable to cope with a dynamically evolving scenario, depending on the various missions lifetime. However, impact on operational GMES services shall be minimised.
1.3Document Overview
The present SoW is divided into the following parts:
Section 1: Introduction (this section)
Introduces the general context of the SoW.
Section 2: Project Description
Describes the overall scope of the project, its organisation and the relations with other projects.
Section 3: Tasks Description
Describes at high-level the project key tasks to be performed, with their boundary conditions, and the related items to be delivered.
Section 4: Project Organisation
Describes the ESA suggested project schedule and the ESA preferred methods for handling deliverables and managing the project.
Annex A: ECSS Tailoring
It provides the ESA ECSS Tailoring applicable to the project
1.4.1Applicable Documents
The following documents are applicable to the extent specified herein:
[AD 1] / ECSS-E-40 Part 1B (28/11/2003) ECSS-E-40 Part 2B(31/03/2005) and ECSS-Q-80 / ECSS - Space Engineering Standards - Software[AD 2] / GMES-GSEG-EOPG-RD-08-0003. Issue 1.0 / GSC DATA ACCESS SYSTEM OPERATIONAL INTERFACE REQUIREMENTS FOR GSC CONTRIBUTING MISSIONS
[AD 3] / GMES-GSEG-EOPG-TN-08-0005 / GSC Data Access System Operational Scenarios for GMES Contributing Missions
[AD 4] / OGC 06-131 / OGC™ Catalogue Services Specification 2.0 Extension Package for ebRIM (ISO/TS 15000-3) Application Profile: Earth Observation Products
[AD 5] / OGC 06-141 / Ordering Services for Earth Observation Products
[AD 6] / OGC 07-018 / OpenGIS® Sensor Planning Service Application Profile for EO Sensors
[AD 7] / OGC 07-118 / User Management Interfaces for Earth Observation Services
1.4.2Reference Documents
The following documents are not formally part of this document and they shall only be considered as a reference for clarifying the project context.
[RD 1] / HMA-LI-ASU-EN-0001 / HMA Acronyms and Definitions[RD 2] / GMES-DFPR-EOPG-RS-07-0005 / HMA Information Security Requirements
[RD 3] / GMES-PMAN-EOPG-TN-07-0003 / GMES Space Component – EO Data Access Portfolio for 2008 – 2010
[RD 4] / ISO/IEC 27001 First edition 2005-10-15 / Information technology — Security techniques — Information security management systems — Requirements
[RD 5] O / OGC-06-080 / GML 3.1.1 Application schema for Earth Observation products
[RD 6] / OGC 07-063 / OpenGIS® Web Map Services - Application Profile for EO Products.
[RD 7] / OGC 07-038 / OGC® Cataloguing of ISO Metadata (CIM) using the ebRIM profile of CS-W
1.5Acronyms and Definitions
Acronym / DescriptionCIDL / Configuration Item Data List
CM / Contributing Mission
CUS / Coordinated User Services
DAIL / Data Access Integration Layer
DAP / Data Access Portfolio
DAP-DS / Data Access Portfolio Data Set
DIL / Deliverable Items List
DS / Data Set
EC / European Commission
ECSS / European Cooperation for Space Standardisation
EO / Earth Observation
EOP-G / Earth Observation Ground-Segments Department (ESA)
ESA / European Space Agency
ESRIN / European Space Research Institute
EU / European Union
GCM / GMES Contributing Missions
GMES / Global Monitoring for Environment and Security
GSC / GMES Space Component
GCF / GSC Coordinated Function
GSCDA / GMES Space Component Data Access
GSCDA-S / GMES Space Component Data Access System
GSCDA-P / GMES Space Component Data Access Portfolio (Mngt)
GSP / GMES Service Projects
HMA / Heterogeneous Missions Accessibility
ICD / Interface Control Document
LTA / Long Term Archive
MM / Multi Mission
MTA / Medium Term Archive
NCR / Non-Conformance Report
PM / (Contractor) Project Manager
RID / Review Item Discrepancy
SOW / Statement of Work
SPR / Software Problem Report
TBC / To Be Confirmed
TBD / To Be Defined
2.1Scope of the Work
The Contractor shall perform all the activities necessary to achieve the objective defined in sub-section 1.1 of this SoW.
To this end the Contractor shall define the specific requirements, design, implement and test on its own ground segment (hereafter called CMG/S) the services needed for supporting the GSC Data Access System. The operational and technical high-level requirements are detailed in the following documents:
GSC Data Access System Operational Scenarios for High-resolution Optical Missions ([AD 2] )
Technical Requirements for integration of GCMs to the GSC Data Access System ([AD 3] )
In particular, concerning selected services (e.g. catalogue, ordering, programming) implementation detailed requirements are specified within a set of HMA ICDs (from [AD 4] to [AD 7] ),
The Contractor is expected to produce and deliver the project documentation according to the tailoring of [AD 1] within Annex A.
2.2Project organization
The Project shall be organised according to the following tasks:
Task 1 - Project Management
Task 2 – Requirements Definition
Task 3 – System Design
Task 4 – System Implementation and Validation
Task 5 – GSCDA-S Integration, Verificationand end-to-end Validation
Task 6 – Pre-Operational (GSCDA V2) Phase Support
Full description of the tasks is given in Section3.
2.3Relations with other Projects
ESA is presently developing the GSC Data Access System (GSCDA-S):
By implementing the necessary Coordinated functions
By establishing agreements with other GMES Contributing Missions
The GSCDA operations take place in two phases (as detailed in the schedule presented in this SoW). Integration of the CM back-end shall be phased with GSCDA-S schedule.
Core component of the Coordinated Functions, ESA is running the development of a Data Access Integration Layer (DAIL). The DAIL implementation project will rule and define the dates for the GSCDA-S V2 Integration and end-to-end validation task of the present project.
For the GSCDA-S V1, ESA is implementing ad-hoc tools and solutions in mutual agreement with the CM.
ESA is developing an HMA testbed that could support compliance testing of the back-ends. The testbed could offer sets of tests to be run for each interface specification. Such tool might be made available by ESA for supporting dry-run testing if available.
3TASKs Description
In this Section, a high-level description of the various tasks is given. Expected documentation and deliverables are detailed.
The Contractor is free to group the activities in an own work package structure.
3.1Task 1 - Project Management
This task shall include all project management activities for the Contractor and possible Sub-contractors.
The project shall be managed though the following Project Management Documents to be generated and / or maintained by the Contractor. The documents shall include:
Project Management Plan (PMP),
Progress Reports
Minutes of Meetings
Configuration Items Data List (CIDL)
Review Item Discrepancies (RIDs)
Non Conformance Reports (NCRs)
Quality Plan
The above mentioned documents are characterized in detail in Section 4.3
The Contractor's Project Manager(PM) shall be the interface for all technical communication between the Agency and the Contractor.
The PM shall report immediately to the ESA Technical Officer any major technical or schedule problem arising during the project, as well as on technical issues or options that have not been identified in the initial plan.The Contractor shall provide complete visibility to the Agency of all relevant aspects of the work.
The PM shall manage subcontractors, and shall communicate to ESA all relevant details.
The Contractor shall regularly review the planning status and the progress of work and assess the impact on future activities.
Details on Project Management requirements and deliverables are given within Section4.3.
3.2Task 2 – Requirements Definition
Within this task the Contractor shall:
Analyse the high-level requirements specified within [AD 2] , and as tailored within [AD 3] , and within HMA ICDs (from[AD 4] to [AD 7] )
Collect (and rank by relevant criteria like usefulness, cost, …) the above mentioned requirements by evaluating and detailing the impact on its own G/S
Define, in agreement with the ESA Technical Officer, the priorities and the requirements of the implementation on its own ground segment.
As output of this Task, the contractor shall deliver, for ESA Technical Officer’s approval, the Requirements Baseline Documents (RBD) including:
Functions and performance requirements
Impact analysis on existing CM G/S
Design constraints and verification and validation requirements
Interface requirements
Operations requirements
Security and User Management requirements (If any)
Traceability to the input requirements
The contractor shall evidence and motivate any possible mismatch with the ESA Technical Requirements.
As a final milestone of this Task, the Contractor shall support the organization of a SystemRequirements Review (SRR)
3.3Task 3 –System Design
Within this task the Contractor shall, in agreement with the ESA Technical Officer:
evaluate the impact of the requirements baseline on its own G/S
design the architecture of the necessary services implementation on its own Ground Segment
ensure complete traceability with the requirements baseline
consolidate requirements baseline as needed
support the organization of a Preliminary Design Review
As output of this Task, the contractor shall deliver, for ESA Technical Officer’s approval, a Design Document package, that provides an overview of the services implementation on its own Ground Segment. The document package shall include:
- A general overview of own G/S, for what is relevant to the GSCDA Project
- Interface Control Documents detailing the CM Interface to GSCDA-Snot covered by HMA ICDs (if any), and tailoring of HMA ICDs as necessary (e.g. specification of optional items, details of any restrictions)
- The CM back-end architectural design, with details of the required modifications of each element
- Update of the RBD as needed
- The traceability matrix with respect to the requirements identified in the RBD
- Functional and performance specifications, including hardware characteristics
As a final milestone of this Task, the Contractor shall support the organization of a PreliminaryDesign Review (PDR)
3.4Task 4 – System Implementation and Validation
Within this task the Contractor shall, in agreement with the ESA Technical Officer:
perform the coding and unit testing of the implementation on its own Ground Segment, on the basis of the results of Task 3.
Test and validate its own G/Sback-end
Prepare a testing plan for the Factory Acceptance, including necessary test data and procedures
Prepare and perform the Factory Acceptance Test of the implemented Services at ESA Technical Officer’s presence
Define operational procedures detailing the interface of the CM with the GSCDA-S
The GSCDA-Soverall Integration, Verification and E2E Validation Requirements are specified in [AD 2] .
As output of this task the contractor shall deliver, for ESA Technical Officer’s approval,
The implemented GSCDA-S services (tested and accepted)
The CMback-end validation test reports, detailing the results of dry-run tests made at CM without the presence of ESA Technical officer