Tenderers must use the template below for their response to quality evaluation criteria. Responses in any other format will not be accepted.

Service Delivery
Please state your company’s vision of the delivery of this contract ensuring that the appropriate staff will be available to provide the required service within Thurrock. This should include
  • A description of which staff will be involved in what capacity and level of senior engagement available for successful mobilisation
  • A detailed plan of how you will recruit staff members and ensure that they remain within your organisation
  • A detailed staffing structure of the organisation, indicating line management
  • Full time equivalent estimates for each activity and dependencies
(Maximum 1000 words) / 15%
Equipment Supply
Please detail how will you ensure that the Telecare equipment you will source and supply is best value for money?
(Maximum 500 words) / 8%
Service User Needs
How will you provide innovative and solution focused outcomes for individual service users?
(Maximum 1000 words) / 12%
Please explain how you will ensure the safety and best interests of Service Users and their families including what systems and procedures you have in place to protect vulnerable adults from abuse?
(Maximum 500 words) / 9%
Partnership Working
Adult Social Care is currently developing a Technology Enabled Care Strategy as part of its vision Living Well In Thurrock. As this Strategy is currently being developed we expect the successful provider to work in partnership with the Council to deliver this approach. Please detail what your organisations approach will be to partnership working with the Council?
(Maximum 500 words) / 8%
Social Value
Please state clearly the additional social value offer that you will provide for the service (include timescales and outcomes to be achieved)
Outline your evidencing/verification/evaluation methodology to demonstrate that the social value outcomes have been achieved
(Maximum 500 words) / 8%