Appalachian Foodshed Project Enhancement Grant Application
Please use the following format to complete your proposal
NOTE: Place cursor inside the gray box to type your response.Project Narrative: Each section (1 – 5) has a 500 word limit (3200 characters with spaces).
Title of Proposal:
Lead Organization:
State (North Carolina, Virginia, and/or West Virginia):
List Counties Represented:
Total Funds Requested:
Project Narrative
- Need for the Project: What is the community or food system need for the project?
- Project Goal and Objectives:Briefly describe the goal or purpose of the project with supporting objectives.Project objectives should be measurable and observable. Successful projects will meet stated objectives.
How does the proposed project enhance collaboration?
How does the proposed project meet the AFP goal and your respective state goal? (See page 2 of the RFA for more information).
Please check the “Whole Measures” emphasis areas that are being addressed by this proposal. (We encourage you to select at least two from this list. Please reference the attached summary for more information on each of these areas):
- Justice and fairness
- Strong communities
- Vibrant farms
- Healthy people
- Sustainable ecosystems
- Thriving local economies
- Project Activities: Provide a detailed description of the major project activities. Describe how these activities address the need for the project and align with the “Whole Measures” identified in your project goals and objectives.
- Timeline: What is the schedule for implementation of the project?
Enhancement Grant Period (1 ½ years): May 1, 2014 – Oct. 1, 2015
- Outcomes: Briefly state the expected outcome(s) or product(s) to be derived from the project. Describe how your community and community’s food system will benefit.
Key Personnel Profile
Provide a brief description of each key project collaborator’s role in the project. Identify the lead contact person who will ensure its success and completion according to the timeline.
List the names and contact information of any partners or organizations that have agreed to collaborate with you on this project.
Budget and Budget Justification for Proposed project:
Use the budget framework below to complete your budget needs. If your proposal has identified matching funds or resources (which can include mileage, volunteer hours, and other forms of “in-kind” time), please include a letter of support acknowledging the match.
Budget categories should be individually listed (with requested costs) using the table format below. For each category, briefly describe how the funds will be used in relationship to the proposal. Explain any consulting or sub contractual arrangements that are included in the proposal with estimated rate of pay for any consultant and cost breakdown.
Budget Categories and Justification / TotalTRAVEL:
Total estimated cost
Identify any IN-KIND Matches1
NOTE: Unallowable costs include administrative costs such as general office supplies (pens, paper, notebooks, paperclips, printer cartridges, postage, and courier services) not directly related to the project.
1In-kind matches are not required, only encouraged. In addition to in-kind funds, volunteer hours, mileage and other “in-kind” time would qualify and will be recognized as an “in kind” match.
If relevant, include or attach supportive evidence for the proposed project that helped inform the narrative or other components of the proposal.
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