Calyptus Consulting Group, Inc.
Training Programs

Advanced Negotiations
This 2-day program will focus on the unique negotiation dynamics present in buyer/seller interactions. We will discuss creative negotiating strategies, taking into consideration current thinking in the field. Sample negotiations in the areas of complex system contracts with advanced terms and conditions will be considered. Topics include using frameworks to set negotiating goals; consensus decision-making; packaging the details of the negotiation; and getting to yes! Negotiation simulations will be videotaped and evaluated, and participants will receive feedback on negotiation styles and results.

Advanced Procurement Law
This 1-day program focuses on legal rights, liabilities and responsibilities. As a result of attending this program, participants will understand the key aspects of the Uniform Commercial Code, and other laws and regulations governing purchases. This course will enable participants to evaluate the standard terms and conditions of contracts and purchase orders; identify the critical aspects that ensure validity, completeness and legal sufficiency; identify actions that should be taken in order to protect the interests of the company in the event a supplier encounters financial and performance difficulties; and assess proposals and counter-proposals from suppliers on company terms and conditions.

Applying Benchmarking Principles to Purchasing
This highly interactive 1-day course applies the process of benchmarking to purchasing. It includes purchasing-oriented case studies and exercises. Topics include the value of benchmarking; what to benchmark; the basic benchmarking process; and the best sources for benchmarking information. This program will trace the process of benchmarking using a purchasing example, and includes a section on purchasing data research and analysis. A major portion of the program is devoted to creation and implementation of a supply management strategy.

Basics for Buyers
This 3-day elementary course will cover the key areas of buyer's responsibilities including buyer roles, purchasing organization, policies and procedures, price and cost analysis, supplier evaluation, legal aspects, supplier quality, transportation methods, distribution, inventory management, and time management. This program will point out key areas of knowledge and opportunities for personal improvement, and innovative approaches for planners and buyers.


This 2-day elementary course will cover the key areas of developing a budget and evaluating variances. Participants will learn to fulfillthe key budget management and administrative tasks necessary for an effective budget process. Topics include understanding the purpose value of establishing budgets; types of budgeting; roles and responsibilities in the budget process; budget planning and development; importance of evaluating budgets;understanding variances and completing a variance analysis; and developing a zero-based budget. Participants will have an opportunity to apply learning.

Commodity Strategy
The purpose of this 2-day program is to define the process of developing the elements of a cross-company commodity strategy. The program will cover the ABCs of commodity management: its structure, the roles and responsibilities of the function, the key interfaces, and the organizational implications. The need to evaluate new suppliers and technology will also be covered. The establishment of long-term contracts will be emphasized and explained. The requirements for supplier reviews will be specified and the key measures and initiatives will be highlighted. The focus is to develop a strategy of procuring all the requirements for a specific commodity of products or services across the company. The various elements of the commodity strategy will be covered in detail and formats will be provided to guide the participant through the strategy development process. The output of the program will be the partial completion of the aspects of the commodity strategy that can be used in discussions with other supply management team members.

Communication and Interpersonal Skills
During this 2-day interactive program, participants will learn to improve their communication skills and change behaviors to create a people-oriented environment. The need to be receptive to new ideas and selling ideas to others will be highlighted. Participants will learn how to motivate others and build a successful team; give and receive constructive criticism and use positive reinforcement. Learning how to recognize conflicts and conflict resolution styles will also be covered.

Conducting Technical Evaluations
This 1-day course, which can be presented to both purchasing and user communities, will focus on the process that should be employed in evaluating supplier proposals. The development of effective evaluation criteria will be discussed, and various types of procedures will be considered. Specific examples of poorly conducted and documented evaluations will be covered.

Conflict Management
This highly interactive 1-day workshop focuses on improving conflict resolution skills. Participants will learn how to recognize conflict situations, and apply classic conflict-resolution strategies. We will explore how conflicts arise and discuss ways to maximize individual differences to build collaborative teams and productive relationships. Emphasis will be placed on how to recognize the conflict styles of others, individual behaviors and conflict styles; how to work out differences without making enemies; andways to prevent conflicts from escalating. Ways to develop a collaborative, team-oriented, and productive workplace will be covered. Specific examples of highly effective team leaders and high performance teams will be given. To ensure active participation, students will have numerous opportunities to apply learning in simulated situations.

Continuous Cost Management
During this 1-day program, participants will learn how to continuously monitor and evaluate cost performance. Using concepts such as value analysis, best value, make vs. buy, out sourcing, and lead-time reduction, participants will learn how to develop plans to measure, evaluate, and improve cost management on the commodities they purchase.

Continuous Improvement in Purchasing
This 2-day program will focus on a 7-Step continuous process improvement model that can be used to improve purchasing processes and supplier relationships. Participants will learn to create process flowcharts and develop implementation plans to improve results. As a result of attending this course participants will be able to assist their company in creating world-class processes. Specific examples ofvarious tools will be demonstrated in well-known purchasing situations. Reengineering high-performance teams will be discussed. The continuous improvement philosophy will be applied to suppliers and sub-suppliers.

Contract Administration Program
As a result of attending this 3-day program, participants will be able to prepare a delivery order; write a Contract Administration Plan; execute roles and responsibilities as the Contracting Officer’s representative; effectively manage contractor’s performance; review and approve appropriate contract changes; assess and approve contractor invoices; develop closeout files for task orders or contracts; and adequately complete and compile contract files. Topics include preparing a delivery order against and IDIQ contract; developing a contract administration plan; roles and responsibilities of the Contracting Officer’s representative; conducting a pre-performance conference; managing contractor performance; managing contract changes; managing contract property; remedies accountable to the government; processing contractor invoices; contract appeals and disputes; ensuring effective contract closeout; ensuring proper contract files; and helpful hints for successful contract administration.

Contract Modification Process
During this 2-day program we will demonstrate how to establish an effective change order/contract modification process; prepare, negotiate, evaluate process and document contract modifications; and determine a price for contract changes that is fair and reasonable according to FTA Circular 4220.1(d). We will describe the roles and responsibilities required to ensure an effective modification process; indicate the methods to analyze and evaluate types of contract changes; and provide tools for the analysis and documentation of modifications.

Contracting Officer Technical Representative (COTR) Program
During this 4-day program, participants will gain an understanding of the government acquisition process, and an awareness of the customer organization and the roles and responsibilities for managing the acquisition process. Topics covered include current factors influencing the acquisition process; the federal acquisition environment; government acquisition; contracting methods; elements of a government solicitation and contract; setting evaluation criteria and performing technical evaluations;managingthe schedule; key contract terms and conditions;contract interpretation; inspection and acceptance; reporting/ statusing; delays in supplier performance; contract changes; managing changes and claims; pricing adjustments; and bankruptcy.

Corporate Management Systems
The purpose of this 2-day program is to provide thorough coverage of how companies are structured, how they develop short and long term plans, and how they make key management decisions. Topics include the corporate planning process, developing the organization structure roles and responsibilities, financial planning, marketing and customer service, product life cycle, making investment decisions, corporate measures and metrics, and contract management activities.

Cost and Price Analysis
During this 2-day program, participants will learn the fundamentals of cost analysis techniques so they are better able to effectively evaluate supplier proposals and perform value analysis. We will define the concepts of price analysis, cost analysis, and best value. Examples of effective tools and techniques will be considered in the analysis of direct labor, materials, overhead, G&A costs, profit and profit margins. Learning curves and the sources of data to accomplish these types of analyses will be demonstrated. The importance of documenting the completed analyses and the formats for conducting this work will be emphasized. Participants will have an opportunity to perform a self-assessment of their cost and price analysis skills and receive feedback.

Creating Performance Based SOWs
This 2-day program teaches participants how to plan for upcoming performance-based contracting, overcome service contract performance problem, draft and complete PBC Statements of Work, facilitate the creation of key PBC SOW measurements, and effectively measure contractor performance under performance based service contracts. Topics include performance based service contracting (PBSC), conducting market research, evaluating user needs, surveillance plans, performance indicators and incentives, measuring outcomes, planning and organizing for the PBSC statement of work, and writing the statement of work.

Creating Value for the Organization
This program explores various ways to offer value to your organization and describes how to quantify the contribution made by supply management in the short and long term. Supply management professionals must add value to the overall goals of the organization to receive the resources and recognition for their efforts. We will discuss how value can be expressed in different terms, ranging from cost savings to quality improvement to cycle time reduction. We will also cover how value can be expressed in terms of value to customers, stakeholders, the community, and co-workers.

Customer Service Skills
In this 2-day interactive workshop, participants will learn the importance of a customer-focused attitude, building relationships, and using positive language, voice/tone, projection, posture, and gestures. The organization's mission will be covered, and the keys to customer service will be employed. Hands on exercises will be used to demonstrate the appropriate style, communication pattern, and follow-up. Participants will learn to recognize customer needs and expectations, how to develop a plan to delight that customer with service; and assess the effectiveness of the organization's customer service operations. The keys to customer service will be employed, and participants will receive feedback on their service practices measures, performance, and processes. Plans will be developed to convert current gaps in performance to best-in-class levels.

Cycle Time Improvement
In this 2-day workshop, we will discuss the methods used to evaluate cycle time; and the impact of the supply chain on cycle time. Participants will learn to assess the quality and performance of cycle time and develop strategies for cycle time improvement. Topics include the elements of cycle time and why cycle time improvement is important to the organization; how to specify the elements of total cycle time; concepts of cycle time reduction and working with suppliers; best practices for cycle time reduction and inventory management; developing projects for cycle time reduction and quality management; creating efficient supply chains and action plans.

E-Com Sourcing
In this 1-day program, participants will learn the basic concepts of e-business; how to assess different e-business offerings; apply e-business initiatives to improve supply chain management; and learn to develop an e-business strategy. We will discuss how e-business initiatives can achieve both the buyer’s and seller’s objectives. The benefits in terms of hard and soft cost savings will be highlighted along with other important benefits in the areas of inventory, quality, and lead-time. A structured approach to defining various e-business opportunities, along with a template for commodity analysis and strategic development will be provided.

Engineering Financial Practices Program
As a result of attending this 1-day program, participants will learn the financial impact of engineering decisions; define and apply the financial terms in evaluating options; understand various engineering financial models; learn how to plan for uncertainty and risks; and define real options analysis and its applicability to engineering projects. Topics include factors and issues in engineering finances and project decision making; economic decision making – no risk methods; economic decision making – with risk; relationship between risk and return; project life cycle; design economics; multi-stage sequential analysis – factoring probabilities; real options analysis; and a project decision making case study.

Essentials of Contracts
This 2-day program focuses on the value of contracts and provides the supply management professional with an overview of the legal principles and contract management. Participants will learn to accurately document the results of their agreements with suppliers; learn the key aspects of the Uniform Commercial Code and critical terms of the buyer-supplier relationship; understand the various types of purchase agreements and the roles and responsibilities of the buyer, legal staff, and purchasing management in developing and approving the terms agreed upon. Regularly used terms and why they are important will be covered.

Essentials of Negotiations
This 1-day program will provide the basic approaches to negotiations by buyers and sellers of goods and services. A six-step negotiation process will be described. The value of negotiation planning and preparation will be covered, and participants will plan for both one-on-one and team negotiations. Feedback on negotiating styles and tactics will also be provided.

Establishing and Maintaining Relationships
In this 1-day program, participants will learn expectations for personal and team relationships; understand methods for diagnosing and evaluating others; be able to assess current relationships and apply a model for improvement; and use methods to pick the right strategy for ongoing relationship-building.

FAR & FASA: Current Issues
In this 1-day course, new developments in the FAR and agency acquisition regulations created as a result of FASA and FARA will be covered. Both recent implemented and future changes will be highlighted. Copies of the most recent regulations will be made available and impact on procurement will be discussed.

Federal Appropriations
This 1-day program provides participants with an understanding of the federal appropriations process. Key elements of appropriations law and the impact of appropriations law on contracting offices will be discussed. The budget, authorization, and appropriations processes will be covered, as well as availability of appropriations, obligations, and how appropriations affect contracting.

Financial Analysis
During this 2-day program we will discuss the reasons to accomplish an effective cost and price analysis. Participants will learn how to recognize, evaluate and negotiate elements of suppliers' costs and prices; and, develop skills to evaluate the financial viability and capability of potential or current suppliers. Information will be provided on how to investigate price trends and the impact of industry/market developments. Ratio analysis will be demonstrated. The use of net present value, make vs. buy, lease vs. buy, and performing analysis of potential cost savings will be highlighted.

Fundamentals of Overhead
In this 1-day program, participants will learn the types of overhead, regulatory requirements for managing overhead, roles and responsibilities, ways to calculate overhead and methodologies for effectively managing overhead. We will cover what overhead is and why it is important; types of indirect rates; selected elements of costs; establishing indirect cost rates; performing an analysis of indirect cost and indirect rates; applicability of cost accounting standards to indirect costs; and managing indirect costs. Participants will apply learning through a self-assessment questionnaire and receive feedback.

Global Sourcing
The 1-day course completely describes the aspects of purchasing internationally. Differences between domestic sourcing will be analyzed. The major steps and risks will be identified and the process to arrive at a reasonable sourcing strategy will be developed. Supplier management techniques will be covered as will the development of the proper organization and competencies to source effectively. Topics include organizing for and developing an internal sourcing strategy; selecting sourcing locations, understanding local customs; legal aspects, selecting the best suppliers, purchase orders and contractual requirements; and administering the international purchase.