Minutes of the meeting on 23rd May 2006

RCM Offices, Cathedral Road, Cardiff


Jan Szabo (Chair), Lorna Tinsley, Virginia Spight, Debra Lomasney, Kathryn Charles


Angie Oliver, Julie Reader, Helen Rogers, Rosemary Tuszynska, Jill Manley

Minutes of the last meeting:

Agreed as a true record.

Matters Arising

FAQs – 30 pages of FAQs have been revamped and updated and will be published shortly.

Membership of the group – DL stated that there were concerns regarding attendance at SG meetings and suggested widening the membership of the group to ensure KSF was progressed at this important phase of implementation. The meeting agreed that Richard Dungey will attend KSFSGs to deputise for Angie Oliver, this will support communications with West Wales, Richard also has extensive knowledge of e-KSF and will give technical expertise as an interim measure. KC to contact Richard to advise.

Suzanne Penny, HRD of Powys LHB sits on UK KSF and would be helpful in supporting the KSFSG to ensure continued communications with AWHRDs and could also feed back to the KSFG if involved at an All Wales level. KC to contact Suzanne to advise.

The chair of the All Wales Training and Development Managers group - Helen Thomas. To ensure good communication joint initiatives were progressed between KSF Leads and the AWTDM group. KC to contact Helen to advise.

As a result of the additional membership agreed above, JS suggested that additional staff reps need to be invited onto the group. The meeting agreed that Karen Davies from Glan Clwyd RCN offices be approached. JS to approach Karen and ask her views on attending the group. LT and JS to take forward to full PF. It was agreed that Maria Whittaker from Skills for Health attend when available.

New SG Membership as follows:-

Management / Staff
Virginia Spight (Joint Chair)
Julie Reader
Rosemary Tuzunska
Angie Oliver (Richard Dungey
Suzanne Penny
Helen Thomas
Debra Lomasney, Kathryn Charles / Jan Szabo (Joint Chair)
Lorna Tinsley
Jill Manley
Karen Davies
Helen Rogers

Health Profession Wales – Additional functionality on e-ksf. VS reported that good feedback had been received from those attending the discussions and need to keep developing e-KSF and links with support workers. JS stated that the NOS that are referenced in e-KSF will be of great help.

Pay and Progression Paper – DL asked for comments on Draft 6 of this paper. VS stated that there had been good discussions at the sub group meeting and this draft captured it all. LT stated that until she receives confirmation of the HR letter circulated to AWHRDs from IMS, to progress with the midwifes pay progression, she cannot agree to the paper. LT will meet with Ian to discuss and take forward.

Website – DL stated that the website would be updated shortly and re-launched on 30th June with additional links to NHS Employers.

UK KSFG update

DL stated that the meetings at UK level are now focussing on progress of Post Outlines. England appear to have had major progress at about 85% of post outlines completed – and currently SHA’s reporting 55% with ‘full’ post outlines. KSFG currently looking at future workplan and DL suggested that Wales should mirror the plan and take this forward. Group to e-maiL DL with comments in two weeks.

City and Guilds currently looking at reviewers training and will be released to the service shortly. VS to look at paperwork and give feedback to DL.

KSFG currently looking at who are other stakeholders which should be communicated with in the NHS – this was huge and realised the scale of the task and the need to communicate wider in order to ensure the effective implementation of KSF.

Scotland have had to advertise for a new KSF lead. Currently the A4C Project Lead is covering KSF. DL has been invited to attend events in Scotland where there is currently a good relationship and we would like to develop the sharing of good practice between the two countries, initially this could be agreeing to share post outlines. Scotland had two Trusts where e-KSF was well progressed and DL to link those Trusts with those of similar size and organisation in Wales, (Ayrshire & Aron and Ayr) and support the KSF Leads to make contact and share knowledge and also link via the e-KSF tool to exchange outlines etc. DL would like eventually to have a link with Scotland in each of the 3 regions in Wales. DL stated that NI were not at a stage where information could be shared but this will be reviewed in the future. We would also progress links with England.


We now have submissions from Wales going forward for consideration in the National Library. We have 51% of post outlines needed across Wales, drafted. 250 have now been approved and ready to use in the PDR process with staff.

Discussions took place regarding processes and the Consistency Checking checklist and the group confirmed that common sense must prevail and processes must be reviewed – DL to circulate again in Wales. DL asked whether we should ask for names of the Trusts Consistency Checking Sub Group? This was agreed - KC to add to next TSR – ‘do you have a consistency checklist Sub group, how often to they meet, are they in partnership’.

National Equality & Diversity SG recently met and it was noted that this SG will be reviewing staff who are not going through gateways, to identify any equality concerns. Wales need to know how we can monitor this, at the moment equality information can be collected on e-KSF and ESR. We need to have more information on what reports could be generated by both systems and whether the filling of information is mandatory.

Trust Status Reports

DL referred to the monitoring information which England were collecting and stated that we need to collect similar data in Wales. Discussions took place regarding the TSR information currently collected and progress on submitting post outlines. There was a concern regarding the ‘approval stage’ and the actual delay in assigning post outlines to staff. DL to reword TSR to ‘Please remember to add those Post Outlines which are currently in paper form’. If you have an approved outlines, who does it cover and how many staff’.

DL asked the SG how do we collect data for those who are due to go through gateways as most staff are not on A4C, some don’t know what date their increment is due. JS stated that ESR shows the incremental date once due. JS stated that divisions and directorates are responsible for collecting this data and ensuring progression. LT stated that concern was that clinical staff become paper chasers and don’t deliver clinical care. JS stated that this has to link to payroll. Discussions took place regarding the management of the collection of this data at trust level with VS stating the clinical governance and finance director must be involved in the process to ensure benefits realisation.

DL updated the England KSF data collection sheet and TSR and the meeting agreed that monitoring will start in October 2006.

DL to circulate the updated KSF TSR for agreement.

VS to create an annual review form for reviewers. DL to take forward from October 2007.

DL to update the reporting template for Wales to include the quarterly reporting starting from October 2006, January, March, July, October 2007 collection data dates for additional data, for the first year. First comparative figure will be taken from the yearly figure not monthly etc. DL to circulate updated draft.

Current monitoring – DW created graphs and DL to circulate to the group covering outline data, reviews and e-KSF links.


DL advised of current position on e-KSF via e-mail DL circulated.

Feedback from Regions

JS to e-mail NW report. KC to circulate to group.

VS to e-mail SE report. KC to circulate to group.

JM to e-mail M&WW report. KC to circulate to group.


VS asked that the Equalities minutes be circulated to the KSFSG. Darryl Williams to circulate.

BRME – LT advised that the C&TSG merged with BRMESG and highlighted that they haven’t met since last November as it was agreed that it should merge with NWWSG. LT thinks that BRME and KSF are the more sensible link to take this forward. Monitoring and Evaluation of everything which does cover KSF needs to be constantly reviewed.

IMS needs to clarify what the NWWSG will do and must put forward a process for BRME.

DL stated that the graphs need to be circulated to the PFSG for information and its very important for openness and transparency of progress.

IMS to speak to Alan Wilson (NLIAH) regarding a way forward although concerns were raised regarding the partnership working principles.

LT to forward ToR from NWWSG to discuss at PMU team meeting.

LHB - Progress hasdropping behind so DL has offered to cover a KSF workshop with support from Sandra Spray. DL currently speaking with Guy Holt and looking at the current KSF structure and it would appear that M&W Region are going well, some concerns have been raised with the N and SE. Workshop taking place on 16th June.

KSF Workshop 30th June – DL advised that this was taking place in Swansea with Sue Carrington, Tim Newman and Lindsay Mitchell agreeing to present. Invitations will be open to KSF Leads, Trainers and e-KSF administrators with a maximum audience of 100. KC to take forward. (8 seats for Gwent, Swansea and CV).

Newsletter to be circulated at end May/beginning of June.

Date and time of next meeting:

26th June 2006 – 10.30am – 3.30pm, Post Grad Centre, Cardiff & Vale

KSFG to advise in advance of attendance, if NW members are travelling, meeting will be moved to 12noon – 3.30pm.

The meeting suggested that videoconferencing be used in the future due to venues and travelling of sub group members.

Advanced Apologies: Lorna Tinsley

Confirmed Attendance: Helen Rogers