PRESENT: The Mayor, Councillor M S Streeter;Councillors H D Beddow; P S Board; C Evans; V Gay; M Green; E E Greensmith; B M J Gregory; C Gregory; T R Lloyd; T Walkerand the Town Clerk.
Apologies were received from CouncillorsT AEvans;A C Lloydand A J Pearson.
The Mayor, Councillor Streeter, introduced The Reverend David Speed, the newly appointed Minister of the Saltney Methodist Church.
The Mayor, Councillor Streeter declared an interest in item 16(3) (request for a grant from Saltney Methodist Church).
Subject to the addition of the words 'where bilingual names already exist they should continue to do so', the Minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 9 September and the Special meeting held on 7 October, 2015were confirmed as a correct record.
Members queried what response had there been to the resolution at Minute 70 and also progress on the demolition of the former amenity site on Sandy Lane.
PCSO Hughes was in attendance and reported as follows:
- there had been instances of thefts from vehicles; sheds and garages in both wards. Members were asked to remind the public of the necessity of securely fastening cars, sheds and garages;
- the Saltney Action weeks had been well received with a drugs arrest on Victoria Avenue; lack of MOT and car tax; speeding offences;
- three crime prevention exhibitions had been held one in each of Douglas Place, Community House in Ewart Street and at Morrisons. Each had been well received by members of the public;
- the Fire Service had also taken part with the offer of free smoke alarms with free fitting. Members were asked to advise the public that this free service was available.
Members raised the following points:
- cyclists continuing to ride on the footpath along Sandy Lane;
- speeding along Chester Road particularly after they have passed through the traffic lights at the entrance to Morrisons;
- early morning traffic (5am) and late evening traffic ignoring the traffic lights at the High Street/Bridge Street/Victoria Road junction;
- selling of 'legal highs' within the Town
- abandoned cars on the Marley Way trading estate with the potential danger that it brings;
- parking on the junction of the High Street and St David's Terrace particularly the entrance to St David's School, although it was understood that the entrance from St David's Terrace was only to be use by the staff at the school.
Unfortunately Mr Griffiths was unable to attend the meeting. Members raised the question with regards to the provision of the recycling boxes and bags and the difficulty in obtaining replacements. Members were reminded that those householders on the 'receiving assisted collection list' were entitled to have replacement bags/boxes delivered.
The Town Clerk reported that the new CCTV camera and the two upgraded ones (as good as new) were almost ready/about to be installed. Following discussions with the Police and having regards to the demands on the NWP it was suggested that the cameras be placed as follows:
- Victoria Roadnew camera
- Ewart Streetupgraded camera
- Recreation Area, Salisbury Avenueupgraded camera
- Marley Wayexisting camera
- Larch Wayexisting camera
The camera in Ewart Street would replace the camera, purchased by The Tenants and Residents Association for a better more useful camera. As the play area on Carlton Avenue did not seem to present many problems during the winter months it wasalso suggested that the 'spare' camera was placed on the Mainwaring Estate where Crime and ASB statistics suggested it was most needed. A number of Members were concerned at the lack of camera provision at Carlton Avenue and also sought reassurance that the camera installed in Ewart Street would be owned by the Town Council and that the one installed on the Mainwaring Estate would continue to be owned by the Tenants and Residents Association.
RESOLVED: That 1). cameras be installed as set out above and the 'spare' camera be installed in a suitable place on the Mainwaring Estate; and 2) that another camera be purchased and installed at Carlton Avenue. A supplementary estimate be authorised for the purchase price.
In connection with part 2) of the Resolution set out above, a named vote was called for and the voting was as follows:
Cllr H D BeddowCllr P S BoardCllr T R Lloyd
Cllr C EvansCllr C GregoryCllr M S Streeter
Cllr V GayCllr T Walker
Cllr E E Greensmith
Cllr B Gregory
The Mayor submitted a written report which she circulated to all Members. (a copy of which is in the Official Minute Book).
The Town Clerk reported the receipt of a letter from the Auditor General for Wales announcing that from the completion of the 2014/15 audit by UHY Hacker Young, he would become the statutory auditor for the Town Council. This followed from the amendment of the Public Audit (Wales) Act 2004 by Section 11 of the Public Audit (Wales) Act 2013. He had appointed BDO LLP of Arcadia House, Maritime Walk, Ocean Village, Southampton to act on his behalf.
The new Audits would have an extended 'Governance Statement' highlighting 'thematic' areas for review. The theme would vary from year to year and would address concerns arising from audit findings. The theme for this financial year would focus on budget setting and monitoring and the engagement of the internal audit for the 2015-16 audits.
RESOLVED: That the report be received.
Further to the earlier decision made by the Council with regards to the upgrade of the Carleton Avenue play area, the Town Clerk reported that the County Council had received so many requests for match funding that they had to reduce their contribution from £10,000 to £5,000. They had therefore allocated £5,000 to the work to improve the Carleton Avenue Play area and were requesting that the Town Council confirm approval. Members were reminded that the Town Council's contribution was subject to the receipt of final costing and approval of the equipment to be provided.
RESOLVED: That the County Council be informed that the Town Council wish to continue with the upgrading of the Carleton Avenue and were still awaiting the County Council's proposals for the area.
The Town Clerk reported that both Motions submitted on behalf of the Town Council, for consideration at the AGM of OVW on Saturday 3 October, 2015, were approved. One Voice Wales would now process them with the respective partners.
Councillor Greensmith reported that she had attended the recent Area meeting of OVW. Members had agreed that Area meetings should be held November, Chirk; January, Mold; February, Wrexham. The Area Committee had also shown an interest in the fact that Saltney Town Council had a Youth Councillor and had invited him to attend a future meeting.
RESOLVED: That the report be received.
94. PENSIONS ACT 2008.
The Town Clerk reported that the law on workplace pensions had changed. Under the abovementioned Act, every employer with staff in the UK must automatically enrol those who meet certain criteria into a workplace pension scheme and contribute towards it.
The date for the duty to start for the Town Council had been notified as 1 October, 2016. At least 6 months in advance the Council would need to select a scheme and make arrangements to register that scheme. Following a meeting of the North Wales branch of the SLCC, when this matter had been discussed, a number of Town and Community Councils had approached the Clwyd Pension fund, administered from County Hall, to ascertain the costs of joining that scheme. The costs would depend on the actuarial valuation of the likely pension payable and there would be some costs of the actuaries time in preparing that estimate. The more Town and Community Councils asked for a valuation the less the overall cost to each Council.
The nominated key contact had to be made by 1 November and the Town Clerk had nominated himself to receive further information from the Pensions Regulator, however as the employer, the Town Council remain legally responsible for complying with these duties.
Financial provision would have to be made in next year's budget for this and future years expenditure.
RESOLVED: That 1.) the action of the Town Clerk in nominating himself as the nominated contact be confirmed; and 2) The Town Clerk be authorised to approach the Clwyd Pension Fund in order to obtain an estimate of the costs of joining that scheme
1. The item to receive a half year report on the Council's accounts was deferred to the next meeting.
2. The Town Clerk reminded Members that for the past 8 years Councillors had been asked to consider their personal budget proposals in time for the Finance and General Purposes Committee to consider them during December in time to make recommendations to the Council in January for the budget and the precept for the forthcoming financial year. As this Committee no longer existed it would be for the full Council to consider their proposals earlier in the cycle at the November meeting. Members were therefore asked to be prepared to submit their individual proposals in time for them to be costed and presented at the meeting in November.
RESOLVED: That the report be received.
The Town Clerk reported requests for grants from:
- Flintshire Flicks - £150 to cover the costs printing and a licence fee to enable them to put on a show at the end of October at Douglas Place Community Centre;
- Saltney Ferry Scout and Guide Troop - £440 to complete the changeover of the lighting system in their headquarters to LED tubes in order to save on their electricity bills;
- Saltney Methodist Church - £250 towards the costs of their Santa event for the children of Saltney. (The Mayor declared an interest in this item and vacated the Chair in favour of the Deputy Mayor).
RESOLVED: That grants be made as follows:
- Flintshire Flicks- £150;
- Saltney Ferry Scout and Guide Group - £500;
- Saltney Methodist Church - £250.
RESOLVED: That 1. the Town Clerk be nominated to receive daily details of proposed gritting actions together with an accurate weather forecast for the area. He will then pass the information on to other interested parties;
2. the Town Council do not purchase any additional salt bins.
3. subject to their agreement, the scouts/youth club be nominated as a suitable group for snow clearing. They will be supplied with basic equipment for clearing footpaths, that is:
- 8 bags of rock salt
- shovels for snow clearing
- instructions and indemnity notices for those people carrying out the work.
The Town Clerk reported that:
- there had been a number of complaints about the continuous barking of dogs at the bottom of St David's Terrace. The County Council Officers had been involved but the level of noise had not been considered a formal nuisance;.
- Complaints have been received with regards to the removal of the recycling paper bins at Morrisons and also at the rear of Tesco's in Broughton.
RESOLVED: The County Council be encouraged to make arrangements for the recycling paper bins to be replaced.
The Town Clerk reported the receipt of the following planning application for comment:
Ref: 054260
PROPOSAL: Erection of two storey extension to side of dwelling
LOCATION: 19 Leyland Drive, Saltney Ferry, Flintshire CH4 0BG
Grid ref: E336995 N364788
RESOLVED: That the County Council be informed that the Town Council have no comment.
TheTownClerkwas asked if he had received a copy of the Local Democracy and Boundary Commission for Wales Report on the review of the Community Boundaries in the County of Flintshire. The Town Clerk replied that he had received a copy, but that it had not been delivered in time to include it in the agenda for this meeting. He had noted an error in the report with regards to the naming of the electoral divisions in Saltney. The recommendation to the Welsh Government was to rename the divisions East and West instead of Mold Junction and Stonebridge. The error seemed to have occurred because originally the Town Council had suggested changing the boundary from the High Street to the course of the Balderton Brook and renaming the wards East and West Saltney. However the suggestion of changing the ward boundaries had not found favour with the County Council and somehow the renaming of the wards had become detached from the original proposal to change the internal ward boundaries and now appeared as a 'stand alone' proposal to change the ward names.
RESOLVED: That the Town Clerk be authorised to write to the Welsh Government, the Chief Executive of the County Council; the Chief Executive of the Boundary Commission and the AM informing them of the error and seeking confirmation that the document had been amended accordingly.
Further to Minute 210 of 2008/9 Local County Council members, Councillor Richard Lloyd and Councillor Gay were invited to give any feedback they had received from County Council meetings that may or will affect Saltney.
Councillor Lloyd referred to: Police Action week-EVA used 3 skips to take away rubbish; dropped kerb on St David's Terrace; Big Dee Day with Saltney Ferry Primary School litter picking; Coffee Morning in aid of the Macmillan Nurses; road works in Broughton for 2 weeks commencing 2 November; increase in the number of bike thefts in the area and the need for vigilance; seats in bus shelter.
Councillor Gay referred to the AGM of OVW; meeting with CWAC re shuttle bus; Big Dee cleanup - more people from Saltney required; Older Persons Day celebrated without the need to call on the budgetary provision; resolving the ownership of the steps adjacent to the Stonebridge; the appointment of a new housing officer; parking problems at Wood Memorial soon to be solved by the provision of a car park, Network rail and the closure of Green Lane Level Crossing.
RESOLVED: That the following accounts be passed for payment:
A ThornileySalary + Office (£50.00) October £991.86
HMRCTown Clerk’s IT£235.40 NI£74.01 £309.41
Town Clerk's claimMileage and stamps £164.92
Deeside LdgeRoom Hire £25.00
Zurich InsuranceInsurance £838.17