A1 / Applicant Summary / Applicants must answer this section. If the applicant is a grouping, then a separate questionnaire must be completed for each group member.
A2 / Tax Clearance Certificate / Applicants must provide evidence of a current and valid tax clearance certificate.
A3 / Declaration of Bona Fides / Applicants must complete, sign and date this Declaration. The College reserves the right to exclude a non-compliant applicant under each heading.
A4 / Insurances / Applicants must provide evidence of the appropriate level of public liability insurance, or, alternatively, evidence that such insurance will be implemented and maintained if successful in the competition.
A5 / Proposed Course Outline and General Service Delivery / Applicants must satisfy the College that the proposed course outline is in conformity with the College’s syllabus and the Report of the Gaeltacht Placement Working Group to the Teaching Council ( Applicants must demonstrate that the proposed course will provide attendees with the necessary competence in respect of the Irish language. In this regard, attention must be paid to the College’s Draft Syllabus provided in Appendix A, and to the minimum requirement of 35 hours’ tuition per week, as specified in Section 2.3 of this document. Additionally, applicants must confirm the following:
(i) A maximum class size of 25 ;
(ii) Dates for 2016 programme.
(iii) Sample Timetable for 14 days for both programmes
(iv) List of items that students should bring
(v) Dates for 2016 Programmes
(vi) Attendance policy including definition of satisfactory attendance.
(vii) Assessment
(viii) Policy re participation in course including definition of satisfactory participation.
(ix) Options and arrangements for those who do not complete the course satisfactorily.
A6 / RECORD MANAGEMENT AND REPORTING / Applicants must satisfy the College that the proposed record management and reporting is suitable for MIC record purposes. Applicants must demonstrate a system to provide a written record of satisfactory student participation and attendance. Applicants must demonstrate how they will manage records in accordance with data protection legislation, ensuring appropriate management of personal details of students and on how they will report to MIC within 2 weeks of each placement occurring including the following details:
(i) Confirmation of satisfactory or unsatisfactory completion of the Tréimhse Foghlama sa Ghaeltacht for each student from Coláiste Mhuire gan Smál.
(ii) Confirmation of satisfactory or unsatisfactory completion of each of the two tasks for the Learning Portfolio for each student from Coláiste Mhuire gan Smál on the programme.
(iii) Confirmation of attendance record of each student from Coláiste Mhuire gan Smál.
A7 / PROGRAMME COSTS / Applicants must satisfy the College that the proposed fee schedule is appropriate and that suitable collection processes exist. Applicants should confirm:
· Cost of programme to each student.
· Any additional cost for students to participate fully in the programme.
· Arrangements for collecting fees.
Details of the cost per student per week inclusive of expenses should be provided broken down as follows:
· Cost of tuition
· Cost of accommodation
· Cost of Meals
· Cost of extracurricular activities
· Other costs
· Profit Contribution to Operator
A8 / Recruitment Process, Previous Experience and Qualifications of Resources Proposed / Applicants must satisfy the College that the recruitment process is satisfactory and that the teaching resources proposed to deliver the required services possess adequate qualifications and previous experience. The College requires that all teaching resources proposed must be experienced primary school teachers or, alternatively, must possess equivalent expertise.
A9 / Technical Resources of the Language School / Applicants must demonstrate the possession of adequate technical resources for the successful delivery of Irish language training in an educational environment. Applicants must therefore detail the classroom, IT, internet and other audio-visual facilities at the Language School’s disposal.
A10 / Accommodation & Meal Facilities / Applicants must demonstrate that they have in place appropriate accomodation and meal facilties for the College’s students. In this regard, applicants are required to detail the number, nature and relative location of the accommodation available (e.g., average distance of accommodation from class venue, travel arrangements to and from the school, maximum no. of students per accommodation unit) and to provide confirmation that all accommodation units have been approved by An Roinn Ealaíon Oidhreachta agus Gaeltachta. Applicants are required to confirm the meal provision arrangements for students and to outline a sample meal plan for students on a 7-day cycle.
A11 / Process of Supervision and Student Feedback Proposed / Applicants must demonstrate an appropriate level of student supervision and a sufficiently rigorous system for the provision of feedback in relation to oral and written assignments.
A12 / Complaints Policy and arrangements for dealing with complaints. / Applicants must demonstrate an appropriate complaints policy and arrangements for dealing with complaints.
A13 / Code of Discipline / Policy in Relation to Student Behaviour and Language Use / Applicants must outline a thorough policy in respect of student behaviour and language use (‘iompar teanga agus iompar go ginearálta).
A14 / Ability to Cater for Various Levels of Student Proficiency / Applicants must possess suitable mechanisms to cater for students with differing levels of language proficiency.
A15 / Health and Safety Measures / Applicants must demonstrate the possession of appropriate health and safety measures and accreditation, relevant to the delivery of the services in question.
CRITERION A1: Applicant Summary
PASS REQUIREMENT: Applicants must answer this section. If the applicant is a grouping, then a separate questionnaire must be completed for each group member.
Gaeltacht Language School Name
Address of School
Maximum No. of Students at any one time
(Max Class size: 25)
Contact Name
Contact Name Position
Contact Name Address
Contact Name Telephone
Contact Name Fax
Contact Name Email
Gaeltacht Language School Web Site
Date of establishment
Legal Status (if any)
(Company [Ltd.], Partnership, Sole Trader, etc.)
CRITERION A2: Tax Clearance Certificate
PASS REQUIREMENT: Applicants must provide evidence of a current and valid tax clearance certificate.
(i) Please provide a current valid tax clearance certificate from the Irish Revenue Commissioners
Registration Number(as shown in your Tax Clearance Certificate)
Certificate Number
(as shown in your Tax Clearance Certificate)
Expiry Date
(as shown in your Tax Clearance Certificate)
Tick if attached
Appendix Number
(ii) Alternatively, applicants may elect to submit a self-declaration concerning tax clearance in the form provided overleaf, which confirms either a) the possession of a current and valid Tax Clearance Certificate or b) the fact that a Tax Clearance Certificate has been applied for and will be made available upon request. It is stressed that if a self-declaration is submitted concerning tax clearance, the relevant evidence required must be submitted promptly on request by the contracting authority.
Contracting Authority: Coláiste Mhuire gan Smál, Luimneach
Competition: Gaeltacht Language School Panel
From: ______
Note: Please complete either (A) or (B) below:
(A) I/we declare that as an applicant interested in being assessed for suitability for this competition, I/we have a current and valid Tax Clearance Certificate in place and our tax affairs are in order. In this regard, our Registration Number and Certificate Number are as follows:
Registration Number(as shown on Tax Clearance Certificate)
Certificate Number
(as shown on your Tax Clearance Certificate)
Additionally, I/we hereby grant the contracting authority permission to verify tax clearance status through Revenue’s online facility (
(B) I/we confirm that a Tax Clearance Certificate has been applied for and will be made available promptly upon request from the contracting authority.
Moreover I recognise and accept without reservation that the submission of false, inaccurate or misleading information may result in future applications for lists being refused consideration under the rules of future competitions.
This declaration must be signed by a duly authorised officer.
SIGNATURE / DateName / Position
Telephone / Email
CRITERION A3: Declaration of Bona Fides
PASS REQUIREMENT: Applicants must complete, sign and date this Declaration. The College reserves the right to exclude a non-compliant applicant under each heading.
Name of Applicant:
Please tick Yes or No as appropriate to the following statements relating to the current status of your organisation.
Please ü
1. / The Applicant is bankrupt or is being wound up or its affairs are being administered by the court or has entered into an arrangement with creditors or has suspended business activities or is in any analogous situation arising from a similar procedure under national laws and regulations.
2. / The Applicant is the subject of proceedings for a declaration of bankruptcy, for an order for compulsory winding up or administration by the court or for an arrangement with creditors or of any other similar proceedings under national laws and regulations.
3. / The Applicant, a Director or Partner, has been convicted of an offence concerning his professional conduct by a judgement which has the force of res judicata or been guilty of grave professional misconduct in the course of their business.
4. / The Applicant has not fulfilled its obligations relating to the payment of taxes or social security contributions in Ireland or any other State in which the applicant is located.
5. / The Applicant, a Director or Partner has been found guilty of fraud.
6. / The Applicant, a Director or Partner has been found guilty of money laundering.
7. / The Applicant, a Director or Partner has been found guilty of corruption.
8. / The Applicant, a Director or Partner has been convicted of being a member of a criminal organisation.
9. / The Applicant has been guilty of serious misrepresentation in providing information to a public buying Client.
10. / The Applicant has contrived to misrepresent its Health & Safety information, Quality Assurance information, or any other information relevant to this application.
I certify that the information provided above is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that the provision of inaccurate or misleading information in this declaration may lead to my organisation being excluded from participation in this and future competitions. I confirm that I have read the full document regarding this competition and certify that I accept all of the terms and conditions outlined within.
Signature / Date
Name / Position
Telephone / Email
CRITERION A4: Insurances
PASS REQUIREMENT: Applicants must provide evidence of the appropriate level of public liability insurance, or, alternatively, evidence that such insurance will be implemented and maintained if successful in the competition.
i) Applicants must provide a statement from their insurers confirming that the applicant currently has in place the stated minimum levels of insurances, or that such forms and levels will be put in place if successful in the competition.
Insurance / Required LevelPublic Liability / €6.5m
Tick if attached
Appendix Number
ii) Alternatively, applicants may elect to submit a self-declaration concerning insurance levels in the form provided overleaf, which confirms either a) the possession of the requisite levels of insurance or b) the fact that the required forms and levels of insurance will be attained prior to the award of contract. It is stressed that if a self-declaration is submitted concerning insurances, the relevant evidence required must be submitted promptly on request by the contracting authority.
Contracting Authority: Coláiste Mhuire gan Smál, Luimneach
Competition: Gaeltacht Language School Panel
From: ______
Note: Please tick either (A) or (B) below:
I/we declare that as an applicant interested in being assessed for suitability for this competition, I/we have the levels of insurances in place to meet the minimum standards of Selection Criterion A4 Insurances set down in the Qualification Questionnaire. Furthermore, I/we will provide the required evidence to support this declaration when requested to do so by the contracting authority prior to any decision by the contracting authority on the list of members of the panel.
I/we confirm that, if successful, I/we will be in a position to put the required form and levels of insurances to meet the minimum standards of Selection Criterion A4 Insurances set down in the Qualification Questionnaire. In this regard, I/we confirm that a letter from an Insurance Broker attesting to the fact that, subject to success in this competition, the required levels could be put in place will be provided on request from the contracting authority.
Moreover, I recognise and accept without reservation that the submission of false, inaccurate or misleading information may result in future applications for lists being refused consideration under the rules of future competitions.
This declaration must be signed by a duly authorised officer.
SIGNATURE / DateName / Position
Telephone / Email
CRITERION A5: Proposed Course Outline and General Service Delivery
PASS REQUIREMENT: Applicants must satisfy the College that the proposed course outline is in conformity with the College’s syllabus and the Report of the Gaeltacht Placement Working Group to the Teaching Council ( Applicants must demonstrate that the proposed course will provide attendees with the necessary competence in respect of the Irish language. In this regard, attention must be paid to the College’s Draft Syllabus provided in Appendix A, and to the minimum requirement of 35 hours’ tuition per week, as specified in Section 2.3 of this document. Additionally, applicants must confirm the following:
(i) A maximum class size of 25;
(ii) Dates for 2016 programmes.
(iii) Sample Timetable for 14 days for both programmes
(iv) List of items that students should bring
(v) Assessment
(vi) Dates for 2016 Programmes
(vii) Attendance policy including definition of satisfactory attendance.
(viii) Policy re participation in course including definition of satisfactory participation.
(ix) Options and arrangements for those who do not complete the course satisfactorily.
Confirm that you have attached the Proposed Course Outline for both programmes (Tréimhse Foghlama sa Ghaeltacht 1 and 2)
Confirm proposed course outlines conform with the Report of the Gaeltacht Placement Working Group to the Teaching Council
Confirm maximum class size of 25
Confirm at least 35 hours tuition per week
Confirm that you have attached two sample 14-day timetables showing activities for morning, afternoon, evening and weekends - one for each programme.
Confirm that you have attached a sample list of items that students are required to bring with them to the course
Confirm that the applicant will participate in appropriate assessment of students in conjunction with and under the supervision of the College, including returning results within an agreed timeframe.
Dates for 2016 programme(s)
Attendance policy including definition of satisfactory attendance.
(Describe here or include as attachment)
Policy re participation in course including definition of satisfactory participation.
(Describe here or include as attachment)
Options and arrangements for those who do not complete the course satisfactorily.
Applicants must satisfy the College that the proposed record management and reporting is suitable for MIC record purposes. Applicants must demonstrate a system to provide a written record of satisfactory student participation and attendance. Applicants must demonstrate how they will manage records in accordance with data protection legislation, ensuring appropriate management of personal details of students and on how they will report to MIC within 2 weeks of each placement occurring including the following details:
(iv) Confirmation of satisfactory or unsatisfactory completion of the Tréimhse Foghlama sa Ghaeltacht for each student from Coláiste Mhuire gan Smál.
(v) Confirmation of satisfactory or unsatisfactory completion of each of the two tasks for the Learning Portfolio for each student from Coláiste Mhuire gan Smál on the programme.
(vi) Confirmation of attendance record of each student from Coláiste Mhuire gan Smál.
Please fully describe the record management and report facilities. Please expand this table as necessary.
Applicants must satisfy the College that the proposed fee schedule is appropriate and that suitable collection processes exist. Applicants should confirm:
· Cost of programme to each student.
· Any additional cost for students to participate fully in the programme.
· Arrangements for collecting fees.
Details of the cost per student per week inclusive of expenses should be provided broken down as follows:
· Cost of tuition
· Cost of accommodation
· Cost of Meals
· Cost of extracurricular activities
· Other costs
· Profit Contribution to Operator
Total Cost of programme to each student. (should be double below cost per student per week) / €
Any additional cost for students to participate fully in the programme. (detail + estimated cost)
Cost Breakdown Per Week
Cost of tuition / €
Cost of accommodation / €
Cost of Meals / €
Cost of extracurricular activities / €
Other costs / €
Profit Contribution to Operator / €
Total Cost Per Student Per Week / €
Arrangements for collecting fees.
CRITERION A8: Recruitment Processes, Previous Experience and Qualifications of Resources Proposed
PASS REQUIREMENT: Applicants must satisfy the College that the recruitment process is satisfactory and that the teaching resources proposed to deliver the required services possess adequate qualifications and previous experience. The College requires that all teaching resources proposed must be experienced primary school teachers or, alternatively, must possess equivalent expertise.
Outline recruitment process for teachers to teach and deliver the programme.
Please complete the resource allocation schedule below, ensuring that necessary supporting information is appended for all staff listed.