Alfalfa Community Hall, 21655 Willard Rd, Alfalfa, OR

October 11, 2017


The October 11, 2017 business meeting of the Alfalfa Fire District Board of Directors was brought to order by President Bob Kathman followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and roll call.


Fire Chief, Ron Thompson

Board of Directors:

Presidentt, Bob Kathman

VP, Nate Starr

Treasurer, Rowan Hollitz

Director, Gary Hughes

Secretary, Carolyn Chase

Visitors in attendance:

Chad LaVallee

Dona Barber

LynneAnn Olsen

Ole Olsen


The minutes from the September 13, 2017 and September 27, 2017 had been previously read and edited and a motion to approve was made by Hollitz and seconded by Hughes and all agreed.


Treasurer Hollitz presented the Board will bills totaling $26,186.32 to be paid. Chase made a motion to pay the bills and was seconded by Starr with Hughes desenting. The majority agreed to pay the bills and the motion passed.

The balance in the checking account is $373,194.87.


Chief Thompson reported that there was one emergency call within the last two weeks making the total calls for the year at forty-six.

All the fire apparatus is in service and all pumps are dry in preparation for winter weather and the firefighters are currently working on a winter response plan. Training has been on loss control (salvage), overhaul, and utility control as well as working on FF1 task books.

Chief Thompson reported that outdoor debris burning is now open and the webpage has been updated.

The focus for this winter is home fire safety, home exit plan, address signs, heater safety, CO safety and smoke detectors.

Chief Thompson applied for the FEMA AFG regional radio grant that was made in partnership with all Central Oregon fire agencies. The grant was recently awarded and will provide an upgrade to the current analog radio system to a digital system improving fire ground communications. It is very important for Alfalfa Fire District to be part of this new radio system and the grant will pay most of the costs of the new radios. Chief Thompson will be attending a meeting with the radio group on October 12, 2017 regarding the grant and will provide more information to the Board at the October 25th meeting. Thompson will be preparing for the 2018 FEMA AFG grant.


Hughes and Starr advised the Board of the progress on the construction of the building site.

Deschutes Residential Construction will be setting the forms and footings by the first of next week and the concrete pad should be poured by the first of November.


Chief Thompson spoke to the Board about the promotional opportunity for an Assistant Fire Chief. The purpose of this position is to provide for the succession of the Fire Chief position.

The qualifications needed to apply is to be a current AFD firefighter. Those interested in the position must email a letter of interest to the Fire Chief by October 20, 2017. An interview board will be established consisting of the Fire Chief, one Board member, one firefighter and possibly one community member. Starr made a motion to go forward with establishing an interview board and the criteria for an Assistant Fire Chief. The motion was seconded by Hollitz and the vote was unanimous.

Chief Thompson inquired about an In-Kind Donation form to send out to those who donate to the Alfalfa Fire District. Dona Barber volunteered to send a template to Starr to use.

President Kathman reminded the Board to prepare the paper work of donated hours and mileage for the VFA grant.

President Kathman inquired about items for a November/December newsletter. The information should be presented to Kathman by the first meeting in November.

Holliz moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:15PM and prepare for the Contract Review Board meeting. The motion to adjourn was seconded by Chase and all agreed.

NEXT MEETING: The next business meeting will be Wednesday, November 8, 2017 at 6PN and the next work session will be Wednesday, November 22, 2017 at 6PM.

______Carolyn Chase, Secretary


The Contract Review Board meeting was brought to order by President Bob Kathman followed by roll call.


Fire Chief, Ron Thompson

Board of Directors:

President, Bob Kathman

VP, Nate Starr

Treasurer, Rowan Hollitz

Director, Gary Hughes

Secretary, Carolyn Chase

Visitors in attendance:

Chad LaVallee

Dona Barber

LynneAnn Olsen

Ole Olsen

The Contract Review Board met to discuss and vote on the quotes received regarding the erection and insulation for the steel shell of the fire station.

The quotes received were from Erectors Inc from Milwaukie, Or at $170,000, Mike Horn from Sisters, OR at $95,200 and Dave Tacy from Prineville at $62,000.

With much discussion Starr moved to award the contract for the erection of the steel to Dave Tacy and the motion was seconded by Hollitz and the vote was unanimous. Hollitz made a motion to award the insulation contract to Dave Tacy using Therm-All insulation and doing the steel and insulation simultaneously. The insulation is an additional $13,076 and the motion was seconded by Starr and the vote was unanimous.

Starr moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:50PM and the motion was seconded by Chase and all agreed.

______Carolyn Chase, Secretary