
(Pronunciationof nameifunusual)………………………………………......


State...... DateofBirth:...... Age:…………………………………………..

Ph:(Home)……………….....Mobile:……….……...... E-Mail:......

School:…………………………………………………………………...... Year Level......

Iwish tosubmitentry/entriesin the categories listed below:

(example) / Cost per entry per Category / Number of Entries
(3) / Total Fee
Casual Wear / $40 – 1stgarment entry
$20 – each thereafter any category
FormalWear / $40 – 1st garment entry
$20 – each thereafter any category
WearableArt / $40 – 1st garment entry
$20 – each thereafter any category
SocietyandEnvironment / $40 – 1st garment entry
$20 – each thereafter any category
Cotton 2 Couture Award / No Cost – any garment from any category may be entered


Judgesreservetherighttoseek verificationthattheworksubmittedis solelythatoftheentrant.


IagreetoabidebyandaccepttherulessetoutandConditionsofEntry.Iunderstand thatthe decisions madewithregardtotheAATFA Youth Festivalby theOrganising CommitteeandJudgesarefinalandNOCORRESPONDENCEORDISCUSSIONwillbeentered into.

Signatureof Entrant: ...... Date: ......

Icertifythattheentrantis a Teenagerundertakingsecondarystudiesasdefinedbytherulebookandthatthegarmentsubmittedis solelyhis/herwork.Ihavereadandaccepttheconditionsofentry.


DueDatefor Entries–Please checkrelevantStateInformationat

**ALL ENTRY FORMS/GARMENT DESCRIPTION need to be emailed to payment can be made on the day of the regional/state final, or by EFT. Please contact Jeff Hardie (0409 050547) for further details.

Howdidyoufindout aboutAATFA: TV PreviousEntrant Teacher Other

Background: The AATFA Youth Festival is in the process of significantly increasing marketing and communication activities for its event under the direction of the National AATFA Committee.

These initiatives will usually involve images of students being utilised in all forms of media, including newspapers, radio, television and the Internet. Common methods of publication may likely include brochures, newspaper, radio and television advertisements, promotional videos and school websites.

In addition, the AATFA Youth Festival may attract widespread interest from media organisations for news and current affairs stories and for lifestyle programs. To ensure consistency with our organisation’s privacy principles and in keeping with applicable child protection legislation, it is a requirement for a parent or guardian of a student to give approval for their child to participate in such activities.

Consent:Consentshouldbeprovidedbyaparent orguardian of thestudent.In mattersofparentalorguardiandispute,theconsent shouldbegiven by theparentexercising majorresponsibilityforthestudentand/ortheenrollingparent/guardian.

Theconsent form willbeplacedon thestudent’sfileorrecordandretainedbyApex Australia.Ifrequested, acopyoftheform willbemadeavailabletoaparent/guardianofthestudent.

Theperiodofconsentisvalidfor thelength oftimethechildisastudentparticipating in the AATFA Youth Festival.Onceconsent hasbeen provided,written correspondenceisrequiredfromanauthorised consent giverbeforerevocationofconsentisrecognised.

Media Access:Apex Australia through the responsibility of the National AATFA Coordinatorhastherighttorefusemediaaccesswhere,intheopinionof AATFAauthorities,it wouldinterferewiththestudent’swellbeingor negatively impacton theoperation of theAATFA Youth Festival and the Association of Apex Clubs of Australia.

Copyright:At alltimesownershipof any materialobtainedfromtheaboveactivitieswillvestwithApex Australia.

1. / StudentDetails:
Dateof birth

2.MediaCommunicationRelease:IauthoriseApex Australia totakeand useanystudent works,photographs,videoorsound recordingsofmychild and anyotherreproductionsoradaptationsofmychild’slikeness(‘thematerial’),eitherinfullorpart,inconjunction withanywordingor drawings.

I understandthismaterialmaybeused forthepurposesof advertising, promotion,mediapublicity,publication,displayorinternet usageof Apex Australia and the AATFA Youth Festivalpurposein wholeorinpart.

I understandthatI,ormychild,donothaveany interestin thecopyrighttothematerialnorshallwereceiveany payment.

3.Authorisation:IauthoriseApex Australia and AATFA Youth Festival totakeactionsindicated above.

Fullnameof student’sparentorguardian


