AP U.S. History Chapter 29 Civil Rights, Viet Nam, & Liberalism

David Halberstrom youtube

Name______Per. ______Date ______

1. Describe presidential candidate John F. Kennedy’s upbringing and the two concerns regarding his candidacy: ______



2. Identify and describe Pres. Kennedy’s domestic reforms. List both successes and failures.





3. Describe Lyndon B. Johnson’s background and his political rise to power: ______




4. Describe the ‘Great Society’ proposed by Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson: ______



5. Medicare provided federal aid to the elderly for medical expenses. List the concerns of those opposed to this program; explain the benefits as well as how the program would be funded

Concerns / Benefits/Funding

6. Describe the concept of “Community Action” and why it proved to be a failure. ______




7. Explain the purpose of the Housing Act of 1961: ______



8. Why was the public concerned about using federal aid for public education. ______



9. What was the impact of the Immigration Act of 1965? ______



10. List the failures and accomplishments of the Great Society programs:

Accomplishments / Failures

11. Historians now speak of plural Civil Rights movements. What are these movements? (from inset on pages 812-813) ______





12. Define & describe members and activities of the following groups/events

‘Freedom Rides’

13. Explain why President Kennedy sent federal troops to Oxford, Mississippi: ______



14. Who was Eugene ‘Bull’ Conner and what actions was he responsible for? ______



15. What was President Kennedy’s response after the murder of NAACP official Medgar Evers and college unrest? ______




16. Explain the purpose and results of the March on Washington, D.C. in August 1963:





17. Describe and explain the events and the impact of ‘Freedom Summer’ 1964:







18. What events helped push the Civil Rights Act of 1965? What was the Act’s purpose? _____





19. Describe the concept of ‘affirmative action’______




20. What happened in the Watts district of Los Angeles? What did it trigger during the summer of 1964





21. What were the findings of the Commission on Civil disorder?______



22. Describe the new approach of ‘Black Power’ What impact did it have socially and psychologically on African Americans? ______





23. Discuss the causes for the increasing divide within the Civil Rights movement: ______






24. Who were the Black Panthers? What was there purpose? ______



25. Who was Malcolm X? Briefly explain his influence on the Civil Rights movement. ______




1945 GNP :
1960 GNP:
1930’s Unemployment:
1950’s Unemployment:
Cost of Interstate Highway Program:
Peak economic growth 1950-55:
Decline rate of economic growth
From 1955-60: / Baby boom peak year:
Population 1950:
Population 1960:
% Expansion of suburbs:
Pace of economic growth in comparison to population:
Increase in purchasing power from
1960 per capita income: