AP Spanish Language & Culture

Sra. Escobar

DuncanvilleHigh School


Rules and Policies


Classroom Rules 

1. Arrive on time and prepared for class.

2. Be polite and respect the teacher, peers, materials, and the classroom.

3. Be an active listener and positively participate in class.

4. Follow all classroom expectations and Code of Conduct.

5. No food or drinks allowed in class. Bottled water is acceptable.

Consequences 

1. Verbal warning.

2. Student conference.

3. Parent/guardian phone call.

4. Parent/guardian conference.

5. Referral.

Materials 

  • Pen and/or pencil
  • Paper
  • Headphones with built-in microphone
  • Composition journal
  • Folder with fasteners
  • 1box of Kleenex

Grading Policy

  • Tests/Major Grades 40%

Tests, journal, essays, projects, country study

  • Daily Grades60%

Daily work, homework, quizzes, participation activities

Homework and Classwork Policy

  • Homework is due in homework basket as soon as student comes into the classroom.
  • Classwork is due in class. Any classwork not completed in class will be considered late unless otherwise specified by teacher.
  • No cheating is allowed. If a student is caught cheating, the student will receive a zero on the assignment, including tests, and will not be allowed to make it up.

*Note: Plagiarism and use of electronic translation sites count as cheating.

Make-up / Late Work / Re-take Policy

  • Student will only be able to make-up work for full credit if student had an excused absence. The students will have a week to make-up daily work, tests and quizzes. After that, the missing work will be considered late.

Make-up / Late Work / Re-take Policy 

  • For late work, the student will have one week to turn in the missing assignment for a maximum 75% of the credit. The second week, student can turn in the missing assignment for a maximum of 50% of the credit.
  • Students will be able to re-work assignments and re-take tests and quizzes. Students have one week to earn 75% of the credit back.
  • If there are extenuating circumstances, other arrangements can be made. I will need a parental or guardian contact if that is the case.

Cell Phone Policy 

  • Cell phones should be put away in backpacks unless you have been given specific permission to use them for classroom. Students do not have permission to charge electronic devices in this classroom. Failure to follow the cell phone policy will result in confiscation. Teacher will turn in cell phones to the student’s assistant principal at the earliest possibility.

El laboratorio

  • Class will frequently be conducted in a classroom with individual student computer stations. Students must have their student account information to be able to log-in to their school accounts. We will occasionally use Google classroom to turn in assignments. The following are the computer lab rules:

1. NO food or drinks.

2. Use the computer only to complete classwork or how teacher has instructed you.

3. Never change, delete, or rename any computer files or programs on the computer.

4. Immediately inform the teacher if there are any issues with logging in or the computer.

5. Do not share your log in information.

6. Only use your own student account.

7. Do not change settings on the computer.

8. Use headphones when listening to audio on your computer.

9. Before leaving class, log out of your account, clean your work area, and push in your chair.

10. If you do not follow lab rules, you may use computer privileges.

Tutorials and Contact Information 

  • Tutorials:

Monday and Wednesday – 3:00 – 3:45

*Please speak with me ahead of time to avoid potential conflicts and to receive a tutoring pass.

  • Contact Information:

by phone at (972)708-3859

by e-mail at

Google Classroom- 9wf8aw5

Quizlet - lescobardville

Remind- text: @span418 to 81010

AP Spanish Language


Course Overview:

The AP Spanish language course is the equivalent of the learning experience of a third-year college course in the Spanish language. The course is conducted entirely in Spanish. We encourage students to study and practice speaking and listening to Spanish on their own. In class, students will increase their proficiency of the Spanish language through the following elements of the language: writing, reading, listening, and speaking. We will use a variety of textbooks and authentic materials to increase the students’ proficiency in the language. There is also a language lab available for students to use.

Teaching Strategies:

The 4 Elements of the Spanish Language:

Everyday students will practice the four elements of the Spanish language in class. There will be days when there will be a greater focus on one or two of the elements.

-informal/formal letters
-formal compositions
-short essays
-journal entries / Reading
-short stories/readings
-music / Speaking
-formal/informal presentations
-formal/informal dialogues
-class discussions
-country/culture opinions and presentations


Grammar is an important part of the language therefore students need to have their knowledge of grammar reinforced everyday. For the first semester, students will have a short grammar review everyday in class and will complete exercises. Repaso and Abriendo Paso: Gramática will both be used for the grammar explanations and exercises. It is suggested that students review grammar concepts before class begins.

Country and Culture Study:

At the beginning of the school year students will choose a country to study for the year. They will research and study culture and current events of the country using newspaper articles and news reports. Every three weeks students will give an oral presentation of articles and information they have found of the country.


Each student needs to keep a journal for the year. Students will complete warm-ups and write notes in the journal. Every day when students come in, they will have a journal entry to complete. The journal entries will include formal and informal writings; some will be creative writings and some will follow the AP format. Students will be responsible to keep this journal up-to-date all year long.


Essays are an important part of the class as composition as an important element of the curriculum of languages in colleges. It is important to learn the ideal organization for essays and practice writing essays to improve overall writing skills. Full format essays will be required to be turned in at least once a grading period. Essays will count as a major grade.


Listening and comprehension is important to become fluent in a language. To practice listening and comprehension skills podcasts will be assigned to be listened and answer comprehension questions at least once a grading period. Students will be required to listen to the podcasts online and answer questions online or written and turned in as homework.

AP Spanish & Culture Exam

Practicing for the AP exam is extremely important for the students’ confidence. The more students practice for the AP exam the better prepared they will be. Everyday during the second semester, students will have practice activities from the preparation AP book. All these activities are formatted like the AP Spanish Language exam. Students will also practice these activities at home. Students may purchase the book on their own, AP Spanish – Language and Culture Exam Preparation – Vista Higher Learning.

Useful Websites:

Al Día Newspaper

BBC Mundo

Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes

CNN en español


Internet Activities for Foreign Language Classrooms

Materiales (Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia de España)

Radio Naciones Unidas


Spanish Grammar Exercises

The Paperboy

Think Spanish

World Newspapers


AP Spanish Language & Culture

Sra. Escobar

DuncanvilleHigh School


Contract for student and parent


 I understand that the class is conducted in its entirety in Spanish.

I have read and understood the class rules, policies, and syllabus.

If, the student does not pass the 1st semester, he or she will have to drop the class.

The student will be required to assist 1 Saturday session in preparation for the exam.

The student will be required to take the AP Spanish Language exam in May.

I understand that this is a college level class and it has very high standards. As a student, I understand that with hard work, effort, enthusiasm and desire I will be able to advance in my Spanish language education and will have success.


Name: ______

ID #: ______Grade Level 2017-2018: 9 10 11 12

E-mail: ______

Signature: X ______Date: ______


Name (s): ______

E-mail: ______

Phone number (s): ______

Signature: X ______Date: ______

Signature: X ______Date: ______