AP Human Geography 2017-2018

Miss Daltorio

Hello scholars, and welcome to AP Human Geography. This is a brief rundown of the course and class rules and expectations. You will receive a course outline and more details about the class at a later date. In the meantime, Human Geography is the study of how humans have effected Earth’s geography; land use, shape, consequences of human actions, etc. This is an Advanced Placement course. It will be difficult. There will be a lot of reading. There will be a lot of work. There will be an AP Test in May, for which you will receive college credit, provided you pass. You need to be able to pay attention to and be familiar with global current events. I have the same level of high expectations for all of you.

Assigned Textbook: Human Geography: People, Place, and Culture.

Preliminary Materials:

*white, lined notebook paper

* 3 ring binder, at least 1” (bigger is better)

* pencil

* pens (dark blue/black)

* internet connection

*access to current events (viatv, newspaper, internet, etc)

*computer access

*color pencils

*Paper must be lined and white. Work done in pen must be dark blue or black. No shiny, reflective ink. I will not grade work that is not done to these specifications.


Be On Time: New lessons and instructions will be given at the very beginning of class. If you are late, you will miss these important announcements. Quizzes and do nows may also be given at the beginning of class, and these cannot be made up. You will also miss out on valuable class time to complete assignments. Your chances of passing this class are low if you are constantly late and unable to keep up with new assignments. Constant tardies will also result in me contacting home. Remember, the more work you get done in class, the less homework you will have, and the smaller the risk of having to turn work in late.

Lesson Directions: I will often post the directions for the day on the board/screen. I will go over all instructions after the bell rings, and leave the directions on the board. I will always post due dates on the board. It is your job to be listening when verbal instructions are given. I will not repeat myself because you chose not to pay attention. If you arrive to class early, or I am preoccupied and do not give verbal directions right away, and there are directions on the board, you need to get started on looking over and doing the assignment. You do not need my permission to start working.

Note** I will always explain verbally, often with directions on the board, what we are doing and/or what is due. If you come to me asking for instructions after I have explained it and/or put it on the board, I will probably respond by telling you to read the board. If the instructions are also in your book, I will ask you to read from the page in question. I am not being mean to you. I am trying to teach you accountability and responsibility. Do not ask me to give you personal instructions because you do not feel like reading the book, looking at the board, or paying attention to directions when they are first given. There is a difference between “I do not know what we are doing” and “I do not understand what we are doing.” “Not knowing” means you were not here or not paying attention. “Not understanding” means you were paying attention, but need more clarification. The second case is perfectly fine; the first case it not.

Phones: Phones are to be put away when instructed to do so. If I need to ask you multiple times to put away your phone because you are choosing to play with it over doing your work, I will confiscate it. If you are failing the class and playing with your phone instead of working, expect it to be confiscated. If I walk up behind you and see a game, social media, texting, etc, on your screen, I will confiscate the phone without warning. If you do not give the phone to me upon request, it will be confiscated by the office. YOU MAY use your phone as a research tool or to listen to music during independent work. These privileges can be revoked at any time due to your grades, work habits, or behavior. Consequences for misuse of your phone include loss of points, detention, parent and/or administrator contact, or parent conference. *If your phone is confiscated, you can still do research on the class computer.

Grading Breakdown: Grading is done on a standard A-F percentage scale.

90-100% A

80-89% B

70-79% C

60-69% D

0-59% F

Grades are determined by your performance in the following categories:

Tests/Writing Assignments45%


Participation/Do Nows15%


“Tests and Writing Assignments” include work designated as tests and large, multi-draft writing assignments. These writing assignments, unless otherwise instructed, will include notes, a rough draft, a peer edit, and a final written in ink or typed. Size 12 font, Times New Roman, double spaced for typed work. Not following these instructions will result in a loss of points. Do not let the fact this category counts as 45% scare you. The only way your grade will suffer drastically in regards to this category is if you turn in incomplete work or no work at all.

“Classwork and Homework” covers most work done in class. Homework, unless otherwise assigned, is the work you did not finish in class. It will be due the following day, unless otherwise instructed.

“Participation and Do Nows” is based upon your work habits, ability to follow instructions, and promptness to class. Good behavior will result in positive rewards such as extra points and positive incentives. Poor behavior will result in loss of incentives, shorter deadlines for assignments, and may also lead to detention and/or me contacting an administrator or your parents. If you are an athlete, I will also contact your coach to address poor classroom habits. “Do Nows” are brief questions assigned at the beginning of class. You may start working on them as soon as you walk in, but they are due 5-7 minutes AFTER the bell rings. You CANNOT turn them in late or make them up.

“Quizzes” are brief assessments which may include simple recall, short answers, multiple choice, Kahoot or other games, etc. They may be given at the beginning of class. Pay attention to the board and class announcements to know when a quiz will be given. I tend to not give pop quizzes, but I will if class behavior is poor.

*If I cannot read your writing, I will give you two options; write neater, or type all of your work. If I cannot read your work, it will earn a score of ZERO. Work that is completed on unlined, and/or nonwhite paper, and/ or in any ink color besides DARK BLUE OR BLACK will not be graded. Do not use shiny, reflective ink.

Cheating: Any and all assignments on which you are caught cheating will receive a score of ZERO. Repeat offenders will face consequences beyond a lowered grade.

Class Computer: The computer that is sitting by my desk is for your use. You may use this computer for SCHOOL needs. You may type, print, and research on this computer. Using it for anything else will result in loss of computer privileges or disciplinary action. Work for this class has priority on the computer, meaning, if you have finished all of your work and need the computer for another class, you may use it for that until somebody needs it for this class.

Due Dates: Pay attention to due dates. These include regular assignments, makeup work opportunities, and extra credit. Due dates will be posted on the board and verbalized.

Late Classwork: Late classwork/homework will be given automatic half credit after the first day it is late. You have until the end of the week (Friday) it was assigned to get it turned in, and then it will not be scored. I do not suggest you let yourself fall behind, as work will continue to be assigned regardless of if you are caught up. Nobody is going to want to do a pile of assignments on Thursday night.

Late Writing Assignments: Essays will be dropped one letter grade per day they are late, including weekends and days you are not in school. You need to alert me to when you turn in a late essay. They will be scored normally, and the late penalty subtracted from that score.

Turning in/Passing Back Work: It is your responsibility to turn in work to the proper location. The tray labeled “IN” is for work being turned in that needs to be graded. The tray labeled “OUT” is for work that is graded and ready to be passed back. Please be proactive in passing back work. Please do not just take your own. Work that is turned into the wrong location will not be graded, and will be treated as late work, with the same rules as late work. This means that if, for example, a classwork assignment sits in the “OUT” tray for a week, it will not be scored and will receive a “zero.”

*NOTE- quizzes and do nows that are turned in to the wrong location, and are not scored with the others, will not be scored at all.***

Absences: It is your job to get the work you missed when you are absent. You have the same amount of days you were absent to make up the work for full credit, unless I give you different instructions. PLEASE communicate with me, or your counselors, if you will be missing many days of school for whatever reasons. I will allow you to make up work, without penalty, given certain circumstances, but I need to have some sort of documentation as to the reason for your absences.

Make Up Quizzes and Tests: Quizzes (and do nows) cannot be made up, unless you are missing the work for a SCHOOL function or have proper documentation regarding your absences. Please communicate this with me. Tests may be made up with an excused absence (bring a note from the office or a doctor). You have ONE week upon your return to school to make up a test. You need to schedule a time before or after school to make up any tests. I will not remind you.

Completing Assignments: Put your name, period, and date in the top left corner of your paper. Failure to do so will cause you to lose points. Make sure your paper has a title that tells me exactly what the assignment is. A paper that is not properly titled will not be graded. Finished work is to be turned in to your period’s appropriate tray. Do not try to give it to me unless otherwise instructed. Follow any given instructions for completed assignments. Staple all parts of the same assignment together, or as instructed. Loose papers will not be scored. Number all vocab words and skip lines between questions/words. Not doing so will earn you a score of ZERO.

**Papers with no name or no titles/ambiguous titles will be stuck to the white board closest to my desk. They will be scored as ZERO until corrected by you.

Extra Help: Speak to me one-on-one if you need extra help with an assignment or the class in general. If something is going on outside of class that is affecting your performance, tell me or tell someone who can tell me. We may be able to come up with an individual plan to help your grade recover or to keep it from going down. My willingness to give extra time is contingent on the work effort you have shown thus far. Poor time management in other classes is not a valid excuse to ask for more time, or to set my work aside and work on something else in its place.

Extra Credit: Extra credit will be offered throughout the year. It is your job to do it. I will not offer extra credit on an individual basis right before final grades due.

Work for Other Classes: On the note of doing work for other classes- if I see you working on something for another class, and you have not finished the work for my class, I will confiscate the assignment you are working on. You will have get one warning, and that warning can span multiple days.

Organization and Trash: Put all books back on the bookshelf when class ends (last five minutes.) Pick up all trash and garbage (last five minutes.) The period that leaves a messy room will lose points. All classes will lose eating privileges if garbage is left behind. “No single raindrop believes it is responsible for the flood.” You are more than welcome to leave your textbook on the bookshelf in class… however, it is more than likely that it will disappear, and I am not the textbook police or booksitter. Leave your book behind at your own risk.

Restroom Use: One person may use the restroom at a time. Those who leave the classroom without permission will lose points and restroom privileges. You have SIX minutes in the restroom. If you routinely take longer than six minutes, or disappear from class completely, I will call home and ask if there is a medical issue of which I should be aware. Furthermore, you will not be allowed to use the restroom if you abuse your privileges. Excessive time out of class will also result in a lowered participation grade.

Class Rules: Not following these rules can lead to negative consequences. I will follow the Roybal Learning Center Positive Behavior Support Procedures. Extreme cases of behavior misconduct will be handled accordingly.

* Pick up your trash.

* No gang related material, regalia, signs, or writing/graffiti of any kind in class

* Be respectful to your environment and everybody in it

* Keep your phone and other distracting toys out of sight unless otherwise instructed

* Be prepared

* Keep track of your own books

* Be silent when someone else is addressing the class

* Do not touch anything on or behind the teacher’s desk without permission

* Do not change seats without permission

* Change seats if asked to do so

* Follow instructions

I am more than willing to give my time to help you, but you must be willing to help yourself. You are juniors (most of you), and I will treat you as such. I expect you to be able to take responsibility for your actions. If you feel I am constantly bothering you (or up in your business, as some like to say) take a look at why, and stop the behavior that is garnering my attention. I REALLY do not want to talk to your parents, coach, counselor, or administrator unless it is for something good. Be here on time, pay attention while instructions are given, and turn in work by the due date. If these steps are followed, you should have no trouble passing this APHG.

I certify that I have read and understand the expectations of this class, as well as the consequences for not meeting those expectations.

Student Name (printed)______

Student Signature______

Return this page to Miss Daltorio upon signing.