AP EUROPEAN HISTORY: Industrial Revolution

ID’s/QUESTIONS: Answer the id’s and questions using the textbook reading or supplementary reader. Most of the questions require more than a word or two to answer thoroughly for full credit. For the id’s, include something about why it is a big deal (what happened there/when, something they did, etc). Id’s are worth 1 point; questions are worth 3 points.

1.  James Hargreaves

2.  Spinning Jenny

3.  Richard Arkwright

4.  Water Frame

5.  Edmund Cartwright

6.  James Watt

7.  Henry Cort

8.  George Stephenson

9.  The Rocket

10.  Joseph Turner

11.  Crystal Palace

12.  Thomas Malthus

13.  David Ricardo

14.  Charles Dickens

15.  William Cockerill

16.  Friedrich List

17.  Zollverein

18.  Credit Mobilier

19.  Freidrich Engels

20.  Karl Marx

21.  Edwin Chadwick

22.  Robert Owen

23.  Factory Act of 1833

24.  Mine Act of 1842

25.  Combination Acts

26.  Chartists

1.  What were the long-term effects of the Industrial Revolution?

2.  Why did the Industrial Revolution begin in Britain?

3.  What industry experienced the first breakthrough in industrialization? Why?

4.  What were some of the results of the new boom in the cotton industry?

5.  How did industries manage their growing demand for energy?

6.  How did the emergence of railroads change society and production?

7.  Justify the statement that Britain was the “workshop of the world”?

8.  What were the predictions of Thomas Malthus and David Ricardo? Why did they help earn economics the title of the “dismal science”?

9.  Why was industrialization on the continent slow? What factors helped it eventually spread?

10.  Why was the 19th century the “golden age” of the middle class?

11.  Describe life for the various newly emerging classes during industrialization?

12.  Did the quality of life improve or decline for the working class during industrialization? Defend your answer.

13.  Compare working conditions in pre-industrial times to industrialization.

14.  How was the work different for men and women?

15.  What was the goal of the early labor reformers?