Richard Hall Senior to Ebenezer Kimball Rec’d on record

April 16, 1708 (deed took place March 24th, 1707/8)

Know all people by these presents that I, Richard Hall Senior, in Bradford in Essex of ye Massachusetts Bay in New England for & in consideration of Six Pounds Ten Shillings in money or other pay Equal in value to money already paid in hand down? To my son Richard of ye town & country aforesaid by Ebenezer Kimball of ye Town aforesaid,

I have bargained & sold & by these presents do bargain, sell, let, grant, alienate, ? for ever confir? To an Upon him ye above Ebenezer Kimball a certain Small Tract of upland & Meadow lying & being ? ye Township of Bradford aforesaid,

by Estimation Six acres be it more or less ? bounds & Limits are as followeth: at ye Norwest Corner it is bounded by a White Oak Tree that is Dead Markt with letters & so Runneth Southwardly to ye pond that is commonly called & known by ye Name of little pond having a great White Oake for its bound by ye Meadow Side Near ye pond Markt with these letters on ye west side WH and on ye East Side it is Markt with these letters of RH limited by Land of William Hascols? On ye side & on ye South it is bounded by ye pond above mentioned and at ye North End by Land called Ministry Land.

To have and to hold by him ye above said Ebenezer Kimball, his hiers, Executors, administer? & assignes for ever free & clearly discharged of & from all former Rights, titles, ?, Dowreys, Claimes, interests or any Incumbrances of what Nature so ever made & contracted ? ye date hereof likewise I ye above Richard Senior doo hereby Covenant, promise & ingage to & with ye above Ebenezer Kimball that I will from ? to Time defend ye above premises, land & at all times hereafter by my self my hiers & ? & assignes for ye above said Ebenezer Kimball, his hiers, executors & administrators & assignes for ever against my self & each & every of my hiers or Martha, my present wife or other person or persons that shall lay these to any Just or lawfull Claim or by vertue of former sight?

So that he ye abovesd Ebenezer Kimball may have, use, occupy, or despose of ye land or any thing that doth rightfully belong there as his own & proper estate of inheritance in witness whereof I ye abovesd Richard Hall Senior do set to my hand & seal this 24th day of March, 1707. Richard Hall & seal

John Johnson

Samuel Kimball

Essex March 29, 1707/8 Richard Hall Senior of Bradford personally appeared & acknowledged this Instrument on ye other side to be his act & deed.

? Richard Saltonstall, Justice of Peace

Bradford, March 24, 1708

Then received of Ebenezer Kimball ye full & just sum of Six Pounds, Ten Shillings in Money equal value ??? Mark? 6-10-0?

By me Richard Hall

Examined by ? Lea? Rec’d