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Submitted by Barbara Crafton Vulgamott, March, 2002.

From A History of Hamilton County, Iowa Vol. I by J. W. Lee 1912


Joseph Dillow. Age 33. Residence, Hamilton county; nativity, Indiana. Enlisted May 17, 1864. Mustered July 13, 1864. Mustered out Oct. 21, 1864, Rock Island, Ill., expiration of term of service.

Eri Dodge. Age 21. Residence Hamilton county; nativity, Maine. Enlisted May 17, 1864. Mustered July 13, 1864. Mustered out Oct. 21, 1864, Rock Island, Ill., expiration of term of service.

John P. Frakes. Age 18. Residence Hamilton county; nativity, Illinois. Enlisted May 17, 1864. Mustered July 13, 1864. Mustered out Oct. 21, 1864, rock Island, Ill., expiration of term of service.

The following Hamilton county soldiers were killed in battle:

Suell Dodge, killed at Big Bluffs, Mo., July 11, 1862

Edward F. Cutting, killed at Shiloh in April, 1862

George W. Russell, killed at Shiloh in April, 1862

Charles M. Stark, killed in action June 14, 1864, Big Shanty, Ga.

Those who died in prison were:

George S. Dorland, wounded, taken prisoner and died in 1863

John Bramann, taken prisoner and died at Baltimore, Md., April 16, 1865

The following died of disease and wounds:

Charles F. Dalley, wounded, and taken prisoner Feb. 21, 1864, died at Starksville, Miss.

Daniel R. Hopper, died of lung fever March 17, 1863, at Spring Valley, Mo.

Charles Porter, died at Little Rock, October, 1863.

Henry C. Skinner, died of disease at Mountain Grove, Mo., March 9, 1863

Clinton E. Biggs, died of camp sickness at his home in Hamilton county

John Brock, died of chronic dysentery, March, 1865, at Jeffersonville, Ind.

John C. Clemens, died Oct. 1, 1862, at Mound City, Ill.

A. T. Munson, died January, 1862

James V. Neary died at St. Louis, January, 1862

L. J. Parks, died of wounds at Hambert, Miss., in 1862

Robt. A. Lanier, died at Memphis, in 1864, of smallpox

John D. Stryker, died of typhoid fever, at Memphis, June, 1894.

Daniel Okeson, died at Memphis, Aug. 20, 1864.

O. C. Faught, died at Cottonwood Springs, October, 1863.

George W. Courrier, died of brain fever, May 29, 1863, at Davenport, Iowa

Alexander Maxwell, died at St. Louis, Mo.

Daniel Hill, died at Paducah, Ky., of fever, in 1862.

George C. Browning, died at St. Louis in 1864.

Jesse McGuire, died November 30, 1863.

Solomon Orcutt, died at Jackson, Tenn., Sept. 3, 1862.

Elijah Dillon, wounded and died at Marietta, Ga., Aug. 9, 1864

Lyman Fairfield, died at Columbus, S. C. Dec. 9, 1863

John J. Hartman, died of chills, at Dubuque, Iowa, Nov. 12, 1862

A. Belville, died at Little Rock, September, 1863

David A. Adams, died, date and place unknown

James D. Stryker, died of pneumonia, February, 1863

Michael Walters, died of Chronic Diarrhea, at Cape Girardeau, Nov. 8, 1863.

James Wilcox, died Dec. 5, 1862, at St. Louis, of fever

Andrew Williams, died May 22, 1864, at Tyler, Texas

C. C. Sanford, died Sept. 11, 1864, at Lakin’s Grove, Iowa, of disease contracted in the army

William H. Renner, died of disease, Oct. 21, 1863, Little Rock, Ark.

Sherwood Brock died at home.

Thomas C. Allen, died of disease Nov. 27, 1862, at St. Louis, Mo.

It will be seen by the above that out of the 163 soldiers who entered the service from this county, 38 were sacrificed. Out of this number, four were killed in battle, two died a worse death in prison, the remaining thirty-one died of disease or from wounds received in battle.


The following is as near a complete list of army officers, who served from this county, as can be determined from data at our command:

Major – Julius M. Jones (paymaster)

Captains – Charles Aldrich, Granville Berkley

First Lieutenants – William L. Church, Peter Riley, George R. Ammond, Joseph Bone, John Eckstein

Second Lieutenants – James Faught

Sergeants – William Spring, John N. Maxwell, V. A. Ballou, James V. Neary, Harris Hoover, Isaac Soule, John H. Williams, Hiram Battles, John J. Berkley, Fred A. Harris, James J. Hassey, Nathaniel Haydn, Albert Listenberger, John A. Norwood, Daniel Okeson, John B. Pfeffer, Parker C. Harder, Benjamin C. Cunningham, H. N. Chancey, William K. Laughlin, Thomas J. Person.

Corporals – Samuel Gilpin, William Cheeney, David Carroll, Daniel R. Hopper, J. C. Schaller, Clinton E. Biggs, Charles F. Dalley, Thomas Fisher, Levi M. Harris, John W. Kimberlin, Delmer Lake, Richard T. Lyons, Thomas Wheelock, Beden Eslick, Lyman Fairfield, Lewis Holcomb, Marion Seeley, George H. Welch, Chilson C. Sanford.

Surgeon – Jesse R. Burgess

Musicians – Robert W. Guthrie, George W. Russell, Leonard Hinkle, A. W. Maffit, James Brock

Regimental farrier – Fred A. Harris