Due Date: ______Name:


100 Words Every Middle Schooler Should Know: Words 1 – 5

Due Date: ______Name:


Due Date: ______Name:


1. apprehensive (adjective) fearful or anxious, especially about the future
Students were apprehensive when the principal announced they were in a lockdown.
If you study for a test, you most likely won’t feel as apprehensive.
-apprehension (noun)
2. sociable (adjective) enjoying the company of others; friendly
After we hung out a few times, I began to feel very sociable when I was with my new friends.
During first hour, many students don’t seem as sociable as they do as later in the day.
-socialize (verb)
.3. monotonous (adjective) dull or boring because it’s always the same
I find running around the track much more monotonous than running in the woods.
Hearing the same lecture from your parents can become monotonous.
-monotony (noun)
4. gusto (noun) great enjoyment; zest
The students ate the pizza with gusto, but they were less happy about the broccoli.
Mr. Friar reads the announcements with gusto!
5. scurry (verb) to move with light running steps
After the bell rang, students were seen scurrying down the hall.
The mice scurried away from the cat.
-scurried, scurrying

Due Date: ______Name:


Predict and Check

DIRECTIONS: Read the word and the sample sentence. Write your prediction. Check yes or no.

1. apprehensive (noun) SENTENCE: Students were apprehensive when the principal announced they were in a lockdown.
PREDICT: Was I right? Yes No
2.sociable (adj.) SENTENCE: After we hung out a few times, I began to feel very
sociablewhen I was with my new friends.
PREDICT: Was I right? Yes No
3. monotonous (adj.) SENTENCE:I find running around the track much more monotonous than running in the woods.
PREDICT: Was I right? Yes No
4. gusto (noun) SENTENCE: We ate our Thanksgiving dinner with a great deal of gusto.
PREDICT: Was I right? Yes No
5. scurry (verb) SENTENCE:After the bell rang, I watched students in the hallscurry to class.
PREDICT: Was I right? Yes No

Visual and Sentence

Draw and then write a sentence about what you drew using the word correctly.

Draw a picture of an athlete doing something that might make him/her apprehensive. / ______
Draw a picture of a child being sociable. / ______
Draw a picture of you doing something monotonous. / ______
Draw a picture of someone singing with gusto. / ______
Draw a picture of a lizard scurrying away from a predator. / ______

Partial Sentences Finish the sentences.

1. My friend might be apprehensivewhen ______


2. I don’t feel very sociable when ______


3. A household chore that might be monotonous would be ______


4. You can tell a person is dancing with gusto when she ______


5. A teenager might scurry away from ______


6. Being sociable might make someone apprehensive when ______


On Your Own Write a NEW sentence using the word(s) correctly.

1. apprehensive ______



2. sociable ______



3. monotonous ______



4. gusto ______



5. scurry______



6. monotonous ANDgusto ______



7. scurry AND apprehensive





Using all of the words correctly and at least once, write a story in your notebook about a 7th grader’s WORST WEEKEND EVER!!!!!!!! HAVE FUN! 