APES Study Guide for 1st Semester Final
Unit 1: Chapters 1, 2 (sections 1, 4 and 5) and 3 (sections 1-4)
Terms to know:
Sustainable Yield
GDP, per capita GDP
Developed nations/developing nations
Tragedy of the Commons (examples)
Open access resource
Point source/ nonpoint source pollutants
Biodegradable/ nondegradable
Positive and Negative Feedback Loops
Time delays
Tipping points
Range of tolerance
Limiting factors
Trophic level
- Be able to solve problems using dimensional analysis (review on website)
- Be able to state and explain the 1st Law of Thermodynamics (Law of Conservation of energy).
- Be able to state and explain the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics. Understand the implications of the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics on the transfer of energy in a food chain (why food chains form energy pyramids and how this relates to biomagnification, energy implications of eating higher on the food chain etc.)
- Understand the basic processes of the water cycle including infiltration, percolation and transpiration. Also know the following nutrient cycles: nitrogen, carbon, sulfur and phosphorus. Know the importance of nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the soil and in root nodules of certain plants.
Evolution and Biodiversity: Chapter 4 and 9
Terms to know:
Natural selection
Artificial selection/selective breeding
Gene flow
Genetic drift
Divergent evolution
Selective pressure
Convergent evolution
Niche vs. habitat
Generalist vs. specialist species
Endemic species
Invasive (non-native, exotic, alien) species
Keystone species
Indicator species
Resource partitioning (evolutionary process)
Symbiotic relationships
-Mutualism, Commensalism and Parasitism
Primary vs. secondary succession
Species diversity: species richness and evenness
- Be able to explain the requirement for natural selection: variability in the population due to mutations,heritability of trait, differential reproduction (differences in survival and or reproductive success due to favorable/unfavorable traits).
- Be able to explain the types of natural selection: directional, stabilizing and diversifying including how each of these affect the normal distribution of allele frequency (allele= form of gene).
- Be able to explain the advantages and disadvantages of generalist species and specialist species.
- Be able to give characteristics of extinction-prone species.
- Be able to explain the general trend after a disturbance from an immature ecosystem (early succession) to a mature ecosystem (late succession): (Figs. p. 116 and 117)
Toxicology: Chapter 17 sections 3-5
Terms to know:
Endocrine disruptor
Threshold level
Ppm and ppb
Concepts to know:
- Be able to explain what a serial dilution is and be able to calculate the concentration of serial 10 fold dilutions.
- Be able to interpret dose-response curves and determine the LD-50 or TC-50 from the graph as well as threshold (if any).
- Be able to explain the common sources/usesof the following toxins: BPA, dioxin, lead, cadmium, mercury, phthalates, formaldehyde, PCB and DDT. Know that PCB and DDT are currently banned in the US but are very persistent chemicals.
- Know the most common metric prefixes (including micro and nano)and be able to determine concentrations that are ppm (1 mg/kg or 1 mg/L water) and ppb (1µg/kg or 1µg/ L water).
Population Dynamics: Chapters 5.3 and 6
Terms to know:
Population size and density
Dispersion (random, uniform, clumped), Fig. 5-10
Age structure
Age groups (pre-reproductive, reproductive, post-reproductive)
Biotic potential
Intrinsic rate of growth (r)
Logistic Growth
Carrying capacity (K)
Environmental resistance,
Population cycles (irruptive, irregular, stable, cyclic)
Habitat fragmentation
Habitat corridors
Zero Population Growth
Replacement level fertility
Total fertility rate
Concepts to know:
- Understand how scientists estimate the size of large populations and know how to solve a mark-and-recapture population estimate.
- Know the population dispersion types and which is most common
- Understand exponential growth and the relationship to intrinsic growth rate and biotic potential
- Know the shape of a logistic growth and be able to identify carrying capacity. (Fig. p. 112)
- Know factors that affect the carrying capacity, including revolutions in human evolution
- What happens when species exceed their carrying capacity?
- Be able to explain what r-strategists vs. K-strategists and identify examples of each. Know the advantages and disadvantages to each strategy.
- Survivorship curves for K and r-strategists
- Know the most populous countries/continents and fastest growing countries/continents
- Know how to calculate growth rate problems- given that birth and death rates are typically given per 1000 and growth rates are as a percentage.
- Know factors that affect US fertility— (what makes us different from other developed countries?)
- Know factors that affect life expectancy and birth, fertility, infant mortality, and death rates
- Differences in birth rates between developed and developing countries
- Be able to interpret age structure diagrams: what they look like for different types of population growth (Figs. p. 131)
- Understand the demographic Transition Model (preindustrial, transitional, industrial, postindustrial stages): birth vs. death rates for each of the 4 stages and why(Fig. p. 134)
- Ways governments can control/affect/reduce population growth
- Know the formula for the rule of 70, and know how to use this formula to calculate the doubling time of a population.
Climate, Weather, and Biomes: Chapter 7
Terms to Know:
Water vapor capacity
Specific Heat
Convection cells (Hadley, Ferrell)
Coriolis Effect
Regional winds (westerlies, trade winds)
Rain shadow
Ocean Conveyor, Thermohaline circulation
El Niño
La Niña
Concepts to Know:
- Difference between climate and weather
- Cause of seasons: relationship between Earth’s tilt and position relative to the sun
- Differential heating of land vs. water: relationship to specific heat of water, and effect of this differential heating on heating of air above land and water
- Relationship between high and low pressure areas and amount of precipitation. (Fig. p. 143)
- Effect of temperature on water vapor capacity and how increasing altitude reduces air’s ability to hold water vapor because air usuallycools as it rises
- Be able to explain convection cells. Know the driving force of the Hadley cell. Know general latitude locations of rising and sinking air. Be able to identify low pressure and high pressure zones created by convection cells. Relate this pattern with the location of rainforests and deserts. (Fig. p. 144)
- Coriolis Effect: deflection in each hemisphere
- Global wind pattern on Earth: Interaction of convection cell air movement and Coriolis Effect
- Ocean conveyor belt: driving force of current at pole and Gulf Stream portion of current pattern
- Upwelling: causes and effects on weather and marine ecosystems
- El Niñodefinition and effects