School of Administrative Studies
AP/ADMS 3330 3.0 Section- Quantitative Methods II
Fall 2011
Course Description:
This course continues with a case-oriented approach to quantitative business analysis and research methodologies. Statistical techniques, operations research techniques such as linear programming and modeling, metric and non-metric data analysis are amongst the techniques used.
Prerequisite: AK/ADMS 2320 3.00 or AK/ADMS 3320 3.00 (prior to Summer 2005).
Required Textbook:
- Keller, G.,STATISTICS FOR MANAGEMENT AND ECONOMICS, 8th ed., South-Western Cengage Learning © 2009.
- Quantitative Methods II: the Custom Course Text (abridged version of the original text of Anderson, Sweeney, and Williams,QUANTITATIVE METHODS FOR BUSINESS, 10th ed, West Publishing Co. 2006) by author Bartel from York University Bookstore.
Marking Scheme:
4 Quizzes/Assignments (Best 3) / 20 %
Midterm Exam / 40 %
Final Exam / 40 %
Total / 100 %
Quizzes/Midterm Exam/ Final Exam
- Students are NOT allowed to bring a reference/formula sheet. Formula sheets are given by the instructors.
- Students MUST write quizzes and exams in the section they are registered in.
- Students MUST mark their student numbers on the scantron sheet properly.
- All assignments must includea cover sheet signed by each student. Assignments that do not include the signed cover sheet will not be accepted. The cover sheet will be provided with the assignment.
- Please be advised that Assignments are due on the day and time designated at the BEGINNING of classes. Late assignments will NOT be accepted and no extensions will be granted.
- Students are not allowed to bring their assignment problems to any tutorial.
- Assignments must be TYPED (except for graphs). NON-TYPED Assignments will NOT be accepted.
- Assignments must be done on an individual basis. Cheating will result in zero for all involved students.
- Assignments submitted by students registered in other sections will not be accepted by other professors.
General Policy
- Concerns regarding marks will not be accepted after a week from the posting of the result.
- In case of a fire alarm, students are to get up instantly, collect their personal belongings and leave the building. (They should not wait until a Professor or an invigilator tells them to do so.)
- Students will not be allowed to write the mid-term exam, final exam, quizzes or submit assignments, unless they are on the class list / sign in sheet. There will be no exceptions. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that they are properly enrolled.
- See the following Deferred Standing Agreements Notice:
The School of Administrative Studies has discontinued use of Deferred Standing Agreements
effective the Winter 2007 term. Students taking ADMS courses who wish to defer term work or
final examinations are now required to petition for deferred standing.
Included with the petition forms is a Course Performance Summary (CPS). Please enter your
enrolment details on the CPS and take it to room 282 Atkinson for completion.
Academic Conduct
Do not plagiarize other people’s work. As specified in the University’s course calendar, there are serious penalties, including failure and expulsion. More generally, students should be aware that anyone who engages in actions prohibited by the University’s policy on academic honesty will be subject to similar disciplinary action.
Please review Senate Policy on Academic Honesty at:
Deferred Standing Policy
Deferred standing may be granted to students who are unable to write their final examination at the scheduled time or to submit their outstanding course work on the last day of classes. In order to apply for deferred standing, students must complete a Deferred Standing Agreement (DSA) form and submit their request no later than five (5) business days from the date of the exam. The request must be properly submitted with supporting documentation directly to the main office of the School of Administrative Studies (282 Atkinson), NOT to the Course Director. These requests will be considered on their merit and decisions will be communicated to the students by the main office. Students with approved DSA will be able to write their deferred examination during the School's deferred examination period, which for Fall term courses will be administered during the period Friday January 20th through Sunday January 22nd. No further extensions of deferred exams shall be granted. The format and covered content of the deferred examination may be different from that of the originally scheduled examination. The deferred exam may be closed book, cumulative and comprehensive and may include all subjects/topics of the textbook whether they have been covered in class or not. Any request for deferred standing on medical grounds must include an Attending Physician's Statement form; a “Doctor’s Note” will not be accepted.
DSA Form:
Attending Physician's Statement form:
1 / Simple Linear Regression / Keller, Ch. 16
2 / Multiple Regression / Keller, Ch. 17
(Omit 17.4 - Regression Diagnostics III)
3 / ModelBuilding / Keller, Ch. 18 / Quiz 1 - Covers Ch. 16 & 17
(Omit 18.4 - Logistic Regression)
4 / Forecasting / ASW, Ch. 6
5 / Decision Analysis / ASW, Ch. 4
6 / Linear Programming (LP) - Graphical Method / ASW, Ch. 7
Midterm Exam - TBA / TBA
7 / LP Computer Solutions, Sensitivity Analysis / ASW, Ch. 8
LP Formulation / ASW, Ch. 9
(Omit 9.5 - DEA Analysis)
8 / Network Models / ASW, Ch. 10 / Quiz 2 - Covers Ch, 7, 8 & 9
9 / Integer Linear Programming / ASW, Ch. 11
10 / Project Scheduling: PERT/CPM / ASW, Ch. 12 / Quiz 3 – Covers Ch, 10 & 11
(Omit 12.3 - Crashing) / Assignment Due
11 / Simulation / ASW, Ch. 15
Final Examination - TBA / TBA
**Outline subject to changes by coordinator.
Tutorials: Information will be posted on the course website.