Day Program Special Interest Group Meeting Minutes
Wednesday 2nd March 2016
Adelaide 13:30Brisbane 13:00
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1. Present
Sonja Skocic (Psychologist-Royal Melbourne Hospital-Eating Disorders Unit, The Melbourne Clinic Professorial Unit-The University of Melbourne, Private Practice)-Chair
Louise Grech (Dietitian-The Melbourne Clinic-Eating Disorders Day Program)
Cindy Tran (Psychologist-Westmead and private practice)
Natalie Crino (Program coordinator - Westmead)
Stewart Stubbs (Eating Disorders Day program, Parramatta, private practice)
Kate A’Beckett (Dietitian- Eating Disorders Day Program Hunter New England Local Health District, Newcastle)
Rachel McGloin (Manager Eating Disorders Day Program Hunter New England Local Health District, Newcastle)
2. Apologies
Morag Singh (Therapy team Coordinator – Wesley Mission -NSW)
Megan Dobbie (Therapy Manager- The Melbourne Clinic-Eating Disorders Program -VIC)
Cheryl Woellner (Wesley)
3. Policy and Procedures
· Other membership:
o We need at least 5 members and appear to have reached this minimum.
o Currently, membership is available to any interested ANZAED member. Rachel made the point that the representation of some regions is poor and it would be beneficial to invite people working in other regions to be a part of our interest group (although they may not be ANZAED members). Stewart made the point that if people join us in the interest group then they may be more likely to join ANZAED. ACTION: Sonja to follow up with Membership committee to clarify whether we can get an exemption from the guideline that members need to be ANZAED members even if it’s a temporary exemption.
· Terms of Reference;
a) a statement of the goals of the SIG. A discussion of the primary goals relating to:
· Network regarding clinical matters: Sharing wisdom, challenges, what works etc…what models people use, up skilling clients, common issues and strategies.
· Collaboration and support with research and evaluation: Sonja asked if people would be interested in a focus on clinical AND research matters. There was some interest. Rachel mentioned that evaluation is a part of their program and they routinely implement a suite of measures (ethics approved research). Westmead: quality assurance activities are conducted.
b) Proposed structure and procedures,
I. Two co-chairs were nominated and elected unopposed.
i. Stewart Stubbs (co-chair-available Wednesday/Thursday)
ii. Natalie (co-chair-available Monday/Wednesday)
II. AGM and meetings. All agreed that once a month meetings would be beneficial.
III. Taking of minutes
i. Sonja will continue to take minutes for the time being.
c) Proposed activities. Members discussed future activities that would be most beneficial to them and their teams. Suggestions were:
a. Sonja suggested the development and use of Webinars to support our learning and sharing specific to Day program matters
b. Sonja suggested the development of materials for distribution or evaluation.
c. Sonja suggested that we can support each other with research and evaluation tools/strategies
d. Natalie suggested a ‘Journal club’
e. Natalie also suggested the use of the interest group as a form of peer review/consult with relevant topics brought for discussion
f. Sonja flagged the idea of a regular presence in the ANZAED newsletter to keep people informed and interested
g. Stewart proposed that as of the next meeting, a summary of each day program could be presented. From this, we get an update on the activity of each organisation (i.e., the models people are using).
h. Stewart also suggested that we could organise a virtual group where guest speakers present and members have a chance to present aspects of their work, clinical dilemmas etc followed by a brainstorming, troubleshooting and discussion.
i. Kate suggested that it would be good to share resources including psych educational materials that are used in day programs across Australia and New Zealand. Moreover, the sharing of knowledge and practice relating to nutrition assessments, service issues relating to the nutrition analysis etc
j. Louise suggested that a dietetics approach / perspective for the issues that arise in our discussions and the sharing of materials for different stages of recovery.
Meeting close 14:35 (Melbourne time)