The day camp will be filled with crafts, games, campfire, and fun outdoors. Beavers and parents will need to bring: Mess kit, extra socks, outdoor clothing including rain gear and extra mitts. The warmer the boys are the more fun they will have.

Any questions please feel free to contact us,

Kevin Seward – 780-266-9442 or

Amy Churchill – 780-278-7378 or


October 14, 2017

10:30 am Arrive at Elk Island Retreat, opening ceremony, site orientation

11:00 am Hike

Noon Weiner Roast Lunch

1:00 pm Leather craft, compass, and games (done in 3 rotating groups)

3:15 pm Snack

3:45 pm Campfire, skits/songs

4:30 pm Depart camp

*Times are tentative, and will be driven by the youth.

Day Camp October 14, 2017

Camp Gear List

Packs / Mess Kit
1 Back Pack / R / 1 Net Bag for Dishes
R / 1 Day Pack / R / 1 Plate
R / 1 Cup (with lid)
Clothing / R / 1 Bowl
R / 1 Necker / R / 1 Spoon
R / 1 Long Pants / R / 1 Fork
2 Long Sleeved Shirts / R / 1 Knife
2 Underwear
3 Socks / Sleeping Gear
2 T-Shirts / 1 Groundsheet
1 Shorts / 1 Pillow
R / 2 Heavy Socks / 1 Sleeping Pad
O / 1 Thermal Underwear / 1 Sleeping Bag
1 Sleeping Bag Liner (optional)
Outerwear / 1 Toque (for sleeping)
R / 1 Warm Sweater / 1 Sleeping Wear (stuffy optional)
- / 1 Light Jacket
R / 1 Warm Jacket / Personal Items
R / 1 Rain Gear (jacket and pants) / 1 Paper Pad and Pencil
O / 1 Wide Brimmed Hat / 1 Flashlight/Headlamp/Batteries
R / 1 Gloves / 1 Survival Kit
O / 1 Winter Jacket / 1 Campfire Blanket
O / 1 Snow Pants / 1 Toilet Paper
R / 1Toques / 1 Wide Brimmed Hat
R / 1 Mittens / Gloves / 1 Sun Glasses
1 Sun Screen (15 SPF or higher)
Footwear / 1 Insect Repellent
- / 1 Camp Shoes (Indoor camps) / O / 1 Lip Balm
R / 2 Hiking or Running Shoes / O / 1 Kleenex
O / 1 Rubber Boots / O / 1 Hand Towel
O / 1 Winter Boots / 1 Face Cloth
1 Toothbrush and Paste
1 Comb/Brush
1 Soap (biodegradable preferred)
Medication / R / 1 Lawn Chair
R / Medication must be in a zip lock bag, with clear instructions on dosage and frequency. Labeled with childs name. Prescription medication must be in pharmacy container with a valid Rx label.


Day Camp – October 14, 2017

Camp Rules

·  All Beavers and parents (if they choose to stay) will participate in planned activities. There will be no individual activities.

·  There will be no running in campsites.

·  Please respect each other’s private space.

·  All Beavers will dress in appropriate fall outdoor clothing (mitts, toque, ski pants, boots or rain gear, may be required) while participating in activities outdoors.

·  All Beavers are expected to help out (cleaning up after meals and crafts, preparing meals, dishes)

·  No horseplay around the fire.

·  Stay off the ice.

·  Snacks are available, if you’re hungry please ask.



Emergency Plan

1.  The Event Coordinator (EC) for the Fall Camp is Kevin Seward.

2.  All activities that have been planned have been examined for risk in accordance with Scouts Canada’s “BP&P, Section 10000”. There are no activities planned which are at an unreasonable risk for the youth during this camp period.

3.  Prior to the camp, all Registration forms held by the group will be reviewed by the appropriate person (parents/guardians for youth; the person himself for adults) and they will be resigned in the appropriate space. All persons attending the camp (youth, leaders, and parent volunteers) must have a copy of the Scouts Canada Registration form left on file with the EC. Youth and leader Registration forms will be held by the EC or his designate until the end of the Scouting year, at which time they will be forwarded to the BC/Y Operations Centre.

4.  Strathcona County, Alberta is a 911 community and as such emergency services can be contacted by dialling “911”. If it becomes necessary to contact any emergency services, the Group Commissioner shall be informed as soon as possible, and an Incident Report Form {Section 20000 of BP&P dated May 2005}, included in this package shall be submitted.

5.  The nearest medical clinics to our camp location are detailed in the attached listing (Medical Plan).

6.  The First-Aider(s) for this day will be Brittney Pawlyna and Gavin Palmer. Brittney and Gavin will be made aware of ALL medications prescribed by a doctor at the beginning of the camp with written instructions about their use. They are not authorized to prescribe any medications without permission of the parent/guardians or competent medical authority. If competent medical authority is sought, the parents/guardians and Group Commissioner shall be notified at the earliest opportunity.

7.  Emergency communications with the Colony will be through Amy Churchill’s cell phone, at 780-278-7378.

8.  A copy of the camp plan and emergency/action plan shall be left with the Group Commissioner and Group Administrator.

9.  There will be a full first aid kit available on site at all times. Additionally, in those outdoor activities where appropriate, the designated first-aider or his/her designate will carry personal first aid kits as well as emergency supplies as appropriate.

10.  An action plan, appended to the end of this emergency plan, will detail the actions of the leaders after foreseeable incidents such as an injured person, lost youth or adult, and fire. Any other actions shall be discussed with the leadership team and appropriate action shall be taken with the consensus of all leaders. Also, a copy of the Emergency Plan and Action Plan shall be made available to parents/guardians by request and a copy will be available at the camp.

11.  In case of emergency the emergency muster point will be the parking lot east of the campsite (by road gate), as identified on the map.

Action Plan

This action plan states the actions that should be carried out in case of the following emergency situations. Any emergency not listed below should be discussed with all leaders and a consensus developed on the actions to be taken. If any of these actions are carried out, the Group Commissioner, and the parents/guardians shall be informed at the earliest opportunity.

Injured Person

The designated first-aider shall take control of the situation until medical personnel arrive. This person will:

q  Assess the nature of the accident and the extent of the injury or injuries.

q  Direct others to call for appropriate assistance and to manage the crowd.

q  Treat and/or oversee treatment of the casualty or causalities. This is to be continued until medical personnel arrive

q  Document and report the incident

q  Evaluate the accident for future consideration


If the fire is small and can be readily extinguished, extinguish the fire. The Group Commissioner needs to be informed immediately. If the fire cannot be readily extinguished, then the following steps must be taken:

q  Raise the Alarm “Fire, Fire, Fire” and pull any local alarms.

q  Ensure the site is evacuated in a timely fashion

q  The Scouter-in-Charge shall ensure all youth and adults are accounted for.

q  Ensure that everyone is located at the safe gathering place designated in the Emergency Plan

q  Dispatch a leader to call for appropriate assistance.

q  Ensure that the Group Commissioner is informed immediately.

q  Document and report the incident

Lost Youth or Adult

The Scouter-in-Charge shall control this situation. With the assistance of the others, this person will:

q  Immediately co-ordinate and conduct a local area search for the person, ensuring all of the other youth are moved to a safe and secure area.

q  If after ten (10) minutes in the case of youth or twenty (20) minutes in the case for adult the person is not found, the appropriate authorities shall be contacted.

q  Ensure that the Scouter-in-Charge, Group Commissioner, “At Home Emergency Contact” and the Parents/Guardians of the youth are contacted immediately.

q  Ensure all remaining youth are kept safe.

q  Document and report the incident.

Severe Weather Storm

At this time of year the risk of severe weather, with snow, rain and high winds is a potential:

q  Stay Calm and find a safe place indoors for youth and adults.

q  Youth and adults will be kept inside out of the elements.

q  The Scouter-in-Charge shall monitor weather and road conditions and when advisable, parents will be advised to head home.

q  Document and report the incident.

q  Set-up a reporting structure to ensure families arrive home safe.

q  If possible, contact the Group Commissioner, “At Home Emergency Contact”, and parents/guardians and ensure them that the youth are safe.