TL100M: Syllabus Page 2
TL100M: Syllabus Ralph Hammond
Winter Quarter 2004 Bethel Seminary
January 5 - March 15, 2004 Office: Rm. A213; 651/638-6172
Mod P1: M, 8:00 – 10:00 pm; Feb 21, 12:45 – 4:45 pm e-mail:
Mod P2: M, 5:30 - 7:30 pm; Feb 21, 8:00am - noon
Course Description
A biblically grounded examination of culture as the context of all ministry. This course applies understanding of culture to the global mission mandate of the church and examines how one’s cultural identity influences spiritual and personal growth as well as leadership potential. It explores in depth the issues of sexism and gender, race relations, and the pervasive and insidious nature of racism. The reconciling power of the Gospel to transform the church into a new community will permeate the course.
Course Objectives
Bethel’s environment: To contribute to a learning environment at Bethel that reflects the values of God’s Kingdom and includes all God’s people, no matter how diverse their cultural backgrounds.
Student self-awareness: To help all students gain a mature understanding of their own personal and cultural identity—including issues of generation, ethnicity, race, gender, and family history — under Christ’s Lordship.
Consideration of diversity: To examine the issue of diversity and how it relates to Christian ministry and the body of Christ
Identity and world interpretation: To elicit awareness of the impact of personal and cultural identity on an individual’s understanding of Bible and theology and on the practice of ministry and world evangelization.
Communication skill: To develop proficiency in communication and skill in faithful relationships across classic dividing lines like gender, ethnicity, race, generation, and family history.
Commitment to reconciliation: To foster a positive attitude toward, and to learn some practical strategies for biblical reconciliation.
Culture and ministry: To explore how awareness of personal/cultural identity, effective communication across social dividing lines, proper relationships of church to culture, and biblical reconciliation can maximize ministry in a world of multiple diversities.
Course Procedure
The required texts, lectures, video tapes and discussions are designed to address selected cultural
issues that are relevant to contemporary Christian ministry.
Required Texts
Clouse, Bonnidell and Robert G. Clouse. Women in Ministry: Four Views. Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 1989. Isbn: 0-8308-1284-9.
de Leon-Hartshorn, Iris, Tobin Miller Shearer and Regina Shands Stoltzfus. Set Free: A Journey Toward Solidarity Against Racism. Scottdale: Herald Press, 2001. ISBN: 0-8361-9157-9
Perry, Dwight, ed. Building Unity in the Church of the New Millennium. Chicago: Moody Press, 2002. ISBN: 0-8024-1589-X
Spencer, Aida B. and William D. The Global God: Multicultural Evangelical Views of God. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1998. isbn: 0801021634
Recommended Texts
Grenz, Stanley with Denise Muir Kjesbo Women in the Church: A Biblical Theology of Women in Ministry. Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 1995. ISBN: 0-8308-1862-6
Takaki, Ronald. A Different Mirror: A History of Multicultural America. New York: Back Bay Books, 1993. Isbn: 0316-83111-5
Class Expectations
1. Attendance Since a number of activities will take place during class time, each student is expected to attend all class sessions.
2. Book Reports (40 points): Each student will turn in a book report for each text. Each book report will be typed and double-spaced (with a minimum of two pages). Each book report will include the following:
Ø Author’s main argument or theme and the supporting evidence that is presented
Ø At least two strengths of the book
Ø At least three questions raised in your reading
Ø At least one area from the reading that you can apply to ministry
Book reports will be due: Spencer, The Global God Jan. 26
Clouse, Women in Ministry Feb. 9
Perry, Building Unity in the Church Feb. 23
de Leon-Hartshorn, Set Free Mar. 8
3. Term Paper (30 points): Each student will complete a term paper with a minimum of 2,500 words (10 pages; typed and double-spaced). The paper will be due March 15. Guidelines for the paper are as follows:
Part I: Discuss your worldview. In your discussion, include the following:
1. Describe how your worldview is biblical and Christ-centered.
2. What is your theological foundation of your worldview?
3. How is your worldview inclusive of diversity, race relations and sensitive to the issue of women in gender relationships? (This does not necessarily mean that you are in theological agreement with, in a formal sense, women in ministry). How is your worldview expressed in terms of cultural/social issues in general?
Part II: Discuss your proposal as to how you can implement a project in at least one of the following areas:
a. race relations
b. gender equality and sexism
c. any other cultural issue that has strong implications on ministry.
Include your theological framework for such a proposal.
4. Research Paper (30 points): Each student will complete a research paper with a minimum of 2,500 words, typed and double-spaced. The paper will be on some topic or issue related to culture and ministry. The paper will be written in acceptable style (Turabian), with a minimum of five sources. The paper should assist in making a contribution toward a further understanding of the topic or issue studied. The paper will be due March 15.
Grading Book Reports 40 points
Term Paper 30 points
Research Paper 30 points
The following is a course grading scale corresponding to the attainable course points:
A 96-100 B 87-85 C 77-75 D 67-65
A- 95-92 B- 84-82 C- 74-72 D- 64-62
B+ 91-88 C+ 81-78 D+ 71-68 F 61 &
NOTE: 1. There are no provisions for work for extra credit.
2. Work not turned in on time will suffer a penalty.
3. All written assignments will be of letter quality and double-spaced.
4. Please indicate the number of words at the end of the term paper and research paper. Both of these papers will be paginated.
5. Class lectures will not be repeated. It is the student's responsibility to request any information and/or notes from another student for a missed class.
Please contact the instructor as soon as possible if disability-related accommodations are needed. Accommodations for students with documented disabilities are set up through the Office of Disability Services. Contact Kathy McGillivray, Director of Disability Services, at (651) 635-8759.
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TL100M: Syllabus Page 2
Course Schedule
Winter 2004
Date / Discussion Topic / Assignment DueJan. 5 / Course Introduction
The Characteristics and Components of Culture
Jan. 12 / The Theological Basis for Understanding Culture
Jan. 19 / Holiday
Jan. 26 / A Global Perspective of God / Spencer Book Report due
Feb, 2 / The Influence of Culture on Ministry
Feb. 9 / The Influence of Culture on Ministry / Clouse Book Report due
Feb. 16 / Gender and Ministry: The Pursuit of Respect
Feb. 21 / The Nature and Impact of Racism on Ministry
Feb. 23 / The Road to Reconciliation / Perry Book Report due
March 1 / Diversity and Unity: A Biblical Theme
March 8 / Reflections: Leadership, Culture and Ministry / De Leon-Hartshorn report due
March 15 / Concluding Comments, Wrap-up / Term and Research papers due
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