Chapter 5: Attitudes


• Any cognitive representation that summarizes our evaluations of an attitude object

• ABC’s of attitudes:




Attitude Formation

1. Classical conditioning: you come to associate things that occur together

2. Operant conditioning: the effects of reinforcement and punishment

3. Observational learning: the effects of watching a model on one’s behavior

Why Do Attitudes Form?

•Serve various functions

1. Ego-defensive: a protective function

2. Knowledge function: make sense of the world

3. Value-expressive function: express our true self, underlying values, and personality

4. Social-adjustive function: allows individuals to fit in with their various social groups

Attitudes Predicting Behavior

• Fishbein and Ajzen (1977)

• The primary cause of behavior is not necessarily the attitude one has toward the behavior, but rather one’s intention to engage in that behavior

• Intention based on the subjective norms surrounding that behavior

• Explains simple behaviors

• What about behaviors that are not completely voluntary?

Theory of Planned Behavior

• Attitudes Predicting Behavior

• Addresses a person’s ability to get the resources, opportunities, and skills needed to perform the behavior

• Extends theory of reasoned action by adding the component of a person’s perceived behavioral control

– person’s perception of ease or difficulty


1. Spontaneous behavior

2. Role of habits

Other Factors

1. Time: the longer the time interval, the poorer the relationship

2. Self-awareness: Privately self-aware are more internally focussed; whereas, publicly self-aware tend to be more externally focussed

Froming, Walker, & Lopyan (1982)

Diener and Wallbom

• Ss asked to complete an anagram test indicative of IQ (test was bogus)

• Told to stop working after bell rang and left alone

• Mirror vs. No Mirror

• Would students cheat by working past the bell?

3. Attitude strength: Stronger attitudes have more influence on behavior

– Increase by providing more information

4. Personal involvement: Being personally involved in an issue influences behavior

• Sivacek & Crano (1982)

5. Direct Experience: Stronger attitudes

• Regan and Fazio (1977)

– Housing shortage at Cornell forced 1st year students to several weeks on cots in dormitory lounges

– All students were upset with the housing situation and the administration

How Attitudes Are Changed


– Festinger (1957)

• When our attitudes, thoughts, and behaviors are inconsistent with one another

– For example, people smoke while believing that smoking causes illness

• Only important or self-relevant inconsistencies have the potential to arouse dissonance

– Actions that jeopardize moral integrity or threaten a positive view of the self

• Motivated to reduce this negative feeling

• 4 Processing Steps





• Aronson and Mills (1959)

• Ss volunteered to discuss the psychology of sex

• 3 conditions to joining:

– Read list of obscene words and graphic sexual encounters

– Read list of mildly sex-related words

– No initiation

Eliminating the “Sting” of Dissonance

• Self-Affirmation Theory

• Affirm themselves in another area

• Dissonance still exists

• Enhanced self-esteem decreases the “sting” of dissonance

Hypocrisy and Attitude Change

• Aronson (1992)

– Carried out at a swimming pool in CA

– Ss induced to urge other people to take shorter showers during the drought in CA

OR not

– Ss reminded that they themselves had been wasteful in the past OR not

Alternative Routes to Self-Persuasion

• 1. Self-Perception Theory

• 2. Impression Management Theory

• 3. Self-Affirmation Theory

Theories of Self-Persuasion: Critical Comparisons

Elaboration Likelihood Model

• The probability of message elaboration

- Argument strength and quality

- Central route to persuasion

-Unmotivated tend to irrelevant cues

-Peripheral route to persuasion

Other Factors

• Persuader Attractiveness

• Speech Rate

• Credibility

• Sleeper effect

• Fear Appeals

Fear and Attitude Change

• Rogers Protection-Motivation theory

1. Dangers mentioned are serious

2. Dangers are quite probable

3. Advice effective

4. Perform the recommended action