Afifah School



AtAfifah School webelievethatallpupilshavearighttoplayandlearninasupportive,caringandsafeenvironmentwithoutthefearofbeingbullied.Wepromotegoodbehavior.Itismadeclearthatbullyingisaformofanti-Islamicandanti-socialbehaviorandwillnotbetolerated.


What is bullying?

Through the consultation process, Afifah School understands bullying as follows:

‘’ Behaviour by an individual or group, usually repeated over time, that intentionally hurts another individual or group either physically or emotionally.’’

Statement of intent

This School believes that:

  • Bullying is undesirable and unacceptable.
  • Bullying is a problem to which solutions can be found.
  • Seeking help and openness are regarded as signs of strength not weakness.
  • All members of our community will be listened to and taken seriously.
  • Everyone has the right to enjoy and achieve in an atmosphere which is free from fear.
  • All of us have a responsibility to ensure that we do not abuse or bully others.
  • Children and young people should talk to an adult if they are worried about bullying and have a right to expect that their concerns will be listened to and treated seriously.
  • Children and young people should be involved in decision making about matters that concern them.
  • We all have a duty to work together to protect vulnerable individuals from bullying and other forms of abuse.

“We believe in tackling bullying by encouraging an environment where individuality is celebrated and individuals can develop without fear.”

What types of bullying are there?

  • Emotional (being unfriendly, excluding, tormenting, threatening behaviour)
  • Verbal (name calling, sarcasm, spreading rumours, teasing)
  • Physical (pushing, kicking, hitting, punching or any use of violence)
  • Extortion (demanding money/goods with threats)
  • Cyber (all areas of internet, email and internet chat room misuse).
  • Mobile threats by text messaging and calls.
  • Misuse of associated technology i.e.: camera and
  • Video facilities including those on mobile phones.
  • Racist (racial taunts, graffiti, gestures)
  • Sexual (unwanted physical contact, sexually abusive comments)

What are the signs and symptoms of bullying?

A person may indicate by signs or behaviours that they are being bullied. Everyone should be aware of these possible signs and should investigate if the person;

  • Is frightened of walking to or from school or changes route
  • Doesn’t want to go on the school / public bus
  • Begs to be driven to school
  • Changes their usual routine
  • Is unwilling to go to school (school phobic)
  • Begins to truant
  • Becomes withdrawn, anxious or lacking in confidence
  • Becomes aggressive, abusive, disruptive or unreasonable
  • Starts stammering
  • Threatens or attempts suicide
  • Threatens or attempts self-harm
  • Threatens or attempts to run away
  • Cries themselves to sleep at night or has nightmares
  • Feels ill in the morning
  • Performance in school work begins to drop
  • Comes home with clothes torn, property damaged or ‘missing’
  • Asks for money or starts stealing money
  • Has dinner or other monies continually ‘lost’
  • Has unexplained cuts or bruises
  • Comes home ‘starving’
  • Bullying others
  • Changes in eating habits
  • Is frightened to say what is wrong
  • Afraid to use the internet or mobile phone
  • Nervous or jumpy when a cyber-message is received
  • Gives improbable excuses for their behaviour.


  • Bullyingisnottheoddoccasionoffallingoutwithfriends,arguments,callingofnamesorwhenanoccasionaltrickorjokeisplayedonsomeone.
  • Itisbullyingifitisdoneseveraltimesonpurpose.
  • Children sometimes fall out or say things because they are upset. Whenoccasionally,problemsofthisnature arises,itisnotbullying.
  • It is an important part of children’s development to learn how to deal with friendshipbreakdown.









Aims and Objectives

The aim of our anti-bullying policy

  • To assist in creating an ethos in which attending Afifah School, is a positive experience for all members of the community.
  • To make it clear that all forms of bullying are unacceptable at Afifah School.
  • To enable everyone to feel safe whilst atAfifah School and encourage pupils/ children/ young people to report incidents of bullying.
  • To deal with each incident of bullying as effectively as possible, taking into consideration the needs of all parties and of the community. As a result to reduce the incidents of bullying.
  • To support and protect victims of bullying and ensure they are listened to.
  • To help and support children/ young people displaying bullying behaviour to change their attitudes and understand why it needs to change.
  • To liaise with parents and other appropriate members of the school community.
  • To ensure all members of our community feel responsible for helping to reduce bullying.

The objectives of our anti-bullying policy

  • To maintain and develop effective listening systems for children, young people and staff withinAfifah School.
  • To involve all staff in dealing with incidents of bullying effectively and promptly.
  • To equip all staff with the skills and information necessary to deal with incidents of bullying.
  • To involve the wider school community (e.g. part time staff and volunteers) in dealing effectively with, and if necessary referring, bullying incidents.
  • To communicate with parents and the wider school community effectively on the subject of bullying.
  • To acknowledge the key role of every staff member in dealing with incidents of bullying.
  • To ensure that all incidents of bullying are recorded and appropriate use is made of the information, where appropriate, sharing it with other organisations.
  • To promote emotional health and wellbeing across the whole school and for all members of the community to role- model this in all situations.

Practices and Procedures


Implementwholeschool initiativesandproactiveteachingstrategiestodevelopapositivelearningenvironmentwiththeaimofreducingtheopportunitiesforbullyingtooccur.Thesecaninclude:

  • Monitortheextentofbullyingintheschoolandtheeffectivenessoftheanti-bullyingpolicy
  • Producea‘childfriendly’versionofthepolicyforthechildren
  • Makingnationalanti-bullyingweekahighprofileeventeachyear
  • Haveregularassembliesonbullying
  • Havecircletimeonbullyingissues
  • Childrenwritingstoriesandpoemsanddrawingpicturesaboutbullying
  • Childrenbeingreadstoriesaboutbullying
  • Usingdramaactivitiesandrole-playstohelpchildrenbemoreassertiveandconfidentandteachthemstrategiestohelpthemdealwithbullyingsituations
  • Displayanti-bullyingpostersproducedbythechildrenaroundprominentareasoftheschool
  • Haveaconfidentialcomplaintboxineachclassroomwherechildrencanwriteandposttheirconcerns
  • be supportive of each other
  • provide positive role models
  • convey a clear understanding that we disapprove of unacceptable behaviour
  • Be clear that we all follow the ground-rules of Afifah School.
  • be fully involved in the development of the anti-bullying policy and support anti-bullying practice
  • Support each other in the implementation of this policy

All members of the school community are expected to report incidents of bullying.

Theroleof the Head teacher

Itwillbetheresponsibilityofhead teacher toimplementtheschoolanti-bullyingStrategy.

  • Ensurethatallstaff(bothteachingnon-teaching)areawareoftheschool policy,andknowhowtoidentifyanddealwithincidentsof bullying.
  • Reportstothegoverningbodyabouttheeffectivenessoftheanti-bullyingpolicyonrequest.
  • Ensurethatallchildrenknowthatbullyingiswrong,andthatitisunacceptablebehaviour.E.g.Ifanincidentoccurs,HTcanuseassemblytimetodiscusswithotherchildrenwhythisbehaviourwaswrong.
  • Ensurethatallstaff,includinglunchtimestaff,receivessufficienttrainingtoidentifyanddealwithallincidentsofbullying.

All Staff have a vital role to play as they are at the forefront of behaviour management and supporting children's sense of well-being. They have the closest knowledge of the children in their care, and should build up a relationship involving mutual support, trust and respect.

Staffs have agreed to:

  • Provide children with a framework of behaviour including rules which support the whole school policy.
  • Emphasise and behave in a respectful and caring manner to children/young people and colleagues, to set a good tone and help create a positive atmosphere
  • Provide a key staff member who is responsible for the monitoring of the policy


  • Lookoutforunusualbehaviourinyourchildren–i.e.reluctancetoattendschool,feelillregularly,ornotcompleteworktotheirusualstandard.
  • Alwaystakeanactiveroleinyourchild’seducation.Enquirehowtheirdayhasgone,whotheyhavespenttheirtimewith,etc.
  • Ifyoufeelyourchildmaybeavictimofbullyingbehaviour,informthe school immediately.Yourcomplaintwillbetakenseriouslyandappropriateactionwillfollow.
  • Ifachildhasbulliedyourchild,pleasedonotapproachthatchildontheplaygroundorinvolveanolderchildtodealwiththebully.Pleaseinformthe school immediately.
  • Itisimportantthatyouadviseyourchildnottofightback.Itcanmakemattersworse!
  • Tellyourchildthatitisnottheirfaultthattheyarebeingbulliedandmakesureyourchildisnotafraidtoaskforhelp.
  • Ifyouknowyourchildisinvolvedinbullying,pleasediscusstheissueswiththemandinformschool.Thematterwillbedealtwithappropriately.

Implementation of the Anti-Bullying Policy

Through the development and implementation of this policy, Afifah School trusts that all children, parents/ carers and staff will:

  • Feel confident that everything is being done to makeAfifah School a safe and secure environment
  • Know who can be contacted if they have any concerns about bullying
  • Feel supported in reporting incidents of bullying
  • Be reassured that action regarding bullying will take place


Ifbullyingissuspectedanddependingontheperceivedseriousnessofthesituation,thefollowingstepswillbefollowed.Weemphasizeonacaring,listeningapproachasbulliesareoftenvictimstoo thatiswhytheybully.

1 / Talktothesuspectedvictim,andanywitnesses.
2 / Identifythesuspectedbullyandtalkaboutwhathashappened,todiscoverwhytheybecameinvolved.Makeitclearthatbullyingisnottoleratedat Afifah School.
3 / IfthebullyownsupthensanctionsproceduresoutlinedinthePolicywillbefollowed.
4 / Incidentsofbullyingarerecorded
5 / Ifthesuspectedbullydoesnotownup,investigatefurther.Ifitisclearthattheyarelying,continuewiththeprocedure.
6 / Informparentsifdeemednecessary.
7 / Continuemonitoringthesituationtoensurenorepetition. Thefollow-upfindingswillberecorded.

Ways in which bullying may occur

Child to Child Bullying

When a child is perceived to be the victim of bullying, the following steps will be taken:

. Staff will make themselves available to listen to the child.

. The bullied child will be protected from further recurrences. Staff will develop strategies to counteract the bully.

. The child will be reassured and supported

. The long term development needs of the bully will be assessed, leading to possible changes of programme and IEP.

. The incident will be recorded in the incident/accident book

Child to Adult Bullying

Staff will ensure that:

. The room is arranged in such a way as to lessen opportunities for bullying and aggression

. They plan interceptions and avoidance strategies

. They discuss the individual concerned at school staff meetings

. Also with parents/carers

Adult to Adult Bullying

Adults who witness or become victims of bullying in any form may

. Seek the advice and support of their manager

. Raise the issue with owner

. Expect that the issue will be dealt with fairly, promptly and without prejudice

Adult to Child Bullying

Bullying of children will not be tolerated. All staff has a collective responsibility to ensure that:

. All children are respected and valued

. All behaviour management programmes reflect a positive approach

. Parents/carers are advised of behaviour programmes in force and given the opportunity to contribute to the management of their child's behaviour

. Parents/carers who are experiencing difficulties at home are given time to discuss these issues and decide on positive solutions

. All programmes are updated, evaluated and reviewed regularly

. Where physical intervention is necessary to protect the child or others nearby, it is 'of the minimum level necessary to prevent escalation and avoid difficult or dangerous behaviour occurring'

Reacting to a specific incident


All incidents, either in or out of class will be recorded by the school on the electronic recording system. A senior member of staff will take responsibility for ensuring that the incident is properly recorded and that the record is updated as necessary throughout an investigation.

Afifah School will share with parents any concerns we may have about their child unless to do so may place a child at risk of harm. We encourage parents to discuss any concerns they may have with any members of staff.

We follow the procedures set out by the Area Child Protection Committee and take account of guidance issued by the Department for Education and Skills to:

  • The designated senior persons for anti-bullying areAbdul Huy Malik, Tazeen Ahamed, Romessa Iqbal.
  • Every member of staff (including temporary and supply staff and volunteers) and any members of the trustees know the name of the designated senior persons responsible for child protection and their role.
  • We ensure all staff and volunteers understand their responsibilities in being alert to the signs of abuse and responsibility for referring any concerns to the designated senior person responsible for child protection.
  • Where there is an unexplained absence of more than two days of a pupil who is on the child protection register, we will notify social services.

Monitoring, evaluation and review

The school will review this policy annually and assess its implementation and effectiveness. The policy will be promoted and implemented throughout the school.


We expect that Governors will:

 Support the Head teacher and the staff in the implementation of this policy

 Be fully informed on matters concerning anti-bullying

 Regularly monitor incident reports and actions taken to be aware of the effectiveness of this policy

Revised on December 2017

Next Revision September 2018Page 1