IDAVOAD Meeting Minutes
Date: January 19, 2017
Location: Central District Health Department



  • Dave Tish, Church of the Nazarene
  • Mary Marsh, IOEM (phone)
  • Levi Claussen, IDHW (phone)
  • David Lowenstein, Cloverdale SDA Church
  • Dan Gasiorowski, Episcopal Diocese of ID
  • Jessica Gasiorowski, Episcopal Diocese of ID
  • Marta Tanikuni, Bureau of EMSP
  • Mike Bullard, Inland NW VOAD (phone)
  • Mike Riedy, FEMA Region X (phone)
  • Levi Claussen, Bureau of EMSP (phone)
  • Robert Unrau, Mennonite Disaster Services
  • Wade Gayler, ARC
  • Dave McCune, LDS Charities
  • Jerry Riener, SILC
  • Zack Ward, CDHD



Review and Approval of Meeting Minutes

Minutes approved as presented with two spelling corrections.

Treasure’s Report

Dave McCune provided the treasurer’s report. There is a current balance of $59,522.11 with $51,384.86 of that being the balance designated to WUNCCIL.


A HUGE “Thank You” to Levi Claussen for taking on and already making great changes and updates to the IDAVOAD website! Levi provided an update on what has currently been done to update the IDAVOAD Website and provided a sheet that walked through proposed guidance as we continue to move forward.

Levi recommended that hosting of the website be transferred to IDAVOAD as an organization. Wade will get in touch with Levi to move forward on this piece.

Levi outlined the website and talked about how this is IDAVOAD’s public facing site and that basics will be included such as (but not limited to); Who we are, What we do, Why we do it, Goals/Successes, Partners, Resources, etc. Documents and information that is internal to the group will not be posted on the IDAVOAD website but will be kept on WebEOC. Drop down menus will not be used on the website, as these are difficult for those who use screen readers.

Levi will continue to update and manage the website and will work with the Executive Committee to ensure that submissions to the website are appropriate.

Update on WUNCCIL

Wade Gayler provided an update on the WUNCCIL. To date, a total of 6 homes have been re-built, with 3 additional homes in process of being built.

Volunteer Reception Center Committee

Wade Gayler gave an update on the Volunteer Reception Center committee. Members of the sub-committee include; Wade Gayler, Joe Lombardo, Natalie Bodine, Greg Adams (Teton County), Mary Marsh, and Mike Neelon (Latah County). The first meeting of this committee is tentatively scheduled for February 23, 2017.

Update on MARC and Arbor Crossing Apartment Fire

Wade Gayler, Mary Marsh, and Dave McCune gave an update on the recent Arbor Crossing Apartment Fire and the opening of a MARC. There was an apartment fire on December 10th at a 24 unit apartment complex with a large population of refugees. A MARC was opened to help all of the families with needs match up to available resources. All echoed the same feeling that a MARC was so beneficial to these families and that they couldn’t imagine not being a part of this process for disasters, big or small, in the future.

Formation of a Membership Committee

A committee was formed to identify ways that IDAVOAD can increase membership; looking at both reaching out to past members to try to re-engage and reaching out to new members and inviting them to participate. Committee members include; Jessica Gasiorowski, Dan Gasiorowski, Dave Tish, Jerry Riener, and Mike Riedy.

Jessica will contact members and schedule their first meeting.

Meeting Schedule and Locations

March 16, 2017 – Central District Health Department