
anthorum – very large flowered mid-blue. 2.00

hemslyanum – floriferous blue/white climber, choice. 2.00

pseudolaeve – pinkish mauve spikes 2.00

Acis autumnalis – the very dainty and beautiful autumn snowflake 2.00


rubra – lovely bright red fruits 1.50

rubra var neglecta – the striking white fruited form 2.00

spicata – white starry flowers, lovely blue/black fruits 1.50

Adenophera capillaries ssp leptosepela – slender palest blue, choice 2.50

Alcea cannabinum – a small pink flowered graceful hollyhock. 2.00


atropurpureum – a striking purple onion. 2.00

caeruleum – a well behaved soft blue onion 2.00

canadense – evergreen, pink flowered, good for butterflies 2.00

crispum – a superb purply-pink dwarf onion 2.00

macranthum – many deep plum bell shaped flowers2.50

sp. Not atropurpuream but very dark purple and wonderful!2.00

obliquum – a fine, well-behaved yellow onion2.00

victoriae – creamy-green fls, good leaves, clump forming. Unusual1.50


cylindrical x hirtella – a ‘vigorous’ hybrid.2.00

pubescens – a white flowered cushion former 2.00 Anthericum

lilago – St.Bruno’s lily. White, starry profusion1.50

ramosum – very graceful white starry flowers in late summer. 2.00

Antirrhinum braun-blanquetii – a slender, pale-yellow perennial snapdragon1.50


bertolonii – a dainty pale blue charming dwarf. 2,00

‘Green Apples’ - creamy-green double fls in profusion 2.00

‘Mellow Yellow’ – lovely golden foliage2.00

saximontana – a charming dwarf, soft blue and cream 2.00

‘William Guiness’- striking ‘black and white flowers. 1.50


ciliatum – a fine Chinese cobra lily, upto 50 cms. 2.00

speciosum magnificum – the larger more colourful form 2.50

tortuosum – leaf sheaths purple spotted, spathe green and purple 2.50

Aristaea ecklonii – deep blue, clump forming Iris relative. Hardy in Norfolk. 2.00

Arum creticum – magnificent yellow spathes in May. 2.50

Aubretia glabrescens ex. MESE 536 – a neat large flowered aubretia2.00

Azorina vidalii – very showy shrub with large pink bells. Unusual2.00

Beesia deltophylla – an understated shady gem. Cream fls and textured lvs2.00

Belamcandia chinensis (Iris domestica) the ‘blackberry lily’2.00


dubia – grape hyacinth relative with turquoise brown and yellow2.00

pycnantha – a very dark blue, hardy grape hyacinth relative. 2.00

Berkheya multijuga – bright yellow flowers. 2.50

Calochortus barbatus – mustard yellow with purple hairs2.00


aethusifolia – greeny yellow flowers,very fine foliage. 2.50 campaniflora – a mass of small blue bells, late summer 2.00

hirsutissima – herbaceous, hairy purple Pulsatilla like flowers 3.00

integrifolia alba – herbaceous white nodding fls. All summer. 1m.2.00

Colchicum autumnale ex wild – small, dainty, delicate purple. Early flowering2.00

Cornus officionalis – small tree, like mas, fabulous bark 2.00


gilanicus – a pretty,small,whitish autumn flowerer2.50

serotinus salzmanii – deep lilac, good in garden, in full sun.2.00


balearicum – silver-washed lvs, palest-pink2.50

cilicium – hardy Sept/Oct, good in garden here1.50

coum-very best mix 2.00

cyprium – elegant and floriferous. Hardy in our garden.2.00

graecum graecum f. Album 2.00

hederifolium var crassifolium (confusum) thick lvs, late, deepest pink2.50

hederifolium-silver leafed forms 2.00

x hildebrandii – a vigorous hybrid. Hardy here. Excellent leaves.2.00

intaminatum – a tiny hardy gem2.00

libanoticum – probably the most elegant of all.2.00

mirabile – very pretty, neat and hardy with us. 2.00 mirabile ex. ‘Tilebarn Nicholas’- outstandingly pink leaves 3.00

persicum – ex. Wild collected, very elegant flowers2.00

pseudibericum – outdoors, one of the very best2.00

pseudibericum ‘roseum’- fabulous colours3.00

purpurascens ssp. purpurascens from Fatra Slovenia 3.00

repandum – deep pink, hardy, for shade2.00

rhodium – lovely lvs with the palest pink fls 2.50

Dactylorhiza praetermissa – the beautiful Southern marsh orchid. 2.00


laureola philippi – dwarf very compact evergreen. ,Feb/March 2.00

oleoides – a beautiful small white flowered bush 2.50

pontica – long gold/green flowers in spring 2.00

mezereum – masses of purple fls in spring1.50

mezereum f. album – the lovely white form2.00


maakianum – deep violet fls. With brown bracts. 2.00

pylzowii – dwarf deepest purple. 2.00

requinii – blue, green and cream, above glossy foliage. 2.00

sutchuanense – pinky-purple and late flowering. 2.00

tatsiense – a delicate blue larkspur-relative2.00 Dichelostemma congestum – a pretty lilac/blue cormous perennial. 2.00


ambigum – the most floriferous of all. Purple/pink 2.00

ex. ‘blackbird’ – the darkest of all. 2.00

ex. ‘Snowbells’ – pure white 2.50

igneum – old rose pink, very floriferous. 2.00

mossii – graceful, deep pink medium sized. Easy, 40cm2.00

pendula – flared purplish-pink bells. 1m.2.00

pulcherrimum ex ‘Blackbird’ – the darkest of all2.00

robustum – the biggest and most elegant 2.00


parviflorum – one of the best. Compact reddish-brown flowers.1.50

‘Dwarf Carilon’ – a superb dwarf yellow large flowered foxglove.2.00


media – a beautiful ‘shooting star’. 1.50

media alba – the striking white form. 2.00

Eccremocarpus scaber coccinea – a lovely crimson climber1.50


acmopetala – a very good border plant2.00

affinis – greenish-white bells. Easy in the garden2.00

michaelovskii - dwarf with gold and plum bells.2.00

pallidifloralora – large soft yellow bells.2.00

pontica – green and purplish, good in the garden1.50

pyreniaca – sunny spot. One of the best2.00

garden mix – Rod and Jane Leeds hardy mix! Not to be missed.2.50

Genistapilosa minor – a charming dwarf prostrate broom. 2.00

Gentiana acaulis – the well known trumpet gentian2.00 Geranium fremontii – clump forming, long flowered pink geranium. 2.00


italicus – a dainty pink gladiolus for May.2.00

papilionacea . ‘Ruby’ – stunning red flowers, in late summer.2.00

Heleniopsis orientalis – unusual spikes of pink bells in spring.2.00

Hypericum athoum – a prostrate lemon yellow St. John’s wort.2.00


delavayi – large rose pink to purple flowers.2.00

delavayi ex. ‘Snowtop’ – the lovely white form2.00

mayeri – purple crimson flowers, white and yellow throat3.00


californica - beautiful blue heavily veined flowers2.00

setosa - dwarf form – a lovely upright beardless dwarf iris2.00


aureus – amber coloured, non-climbing perennial pea2.00

hirsutus – very pretty mauve/blue annual, all summer. 2m1.50

odoratus ‘Black Knight’- deep blue and purple, highly scented.2.00 roseus – perennial clump former, deepest pink fls 2.00

rotundifolius – medium sized climber with brick-red fls2.00

tingitanus – Tangier pea, deep coloured form, large fls1.50

tingitanus roseus – salmon-pink form of the above2.00

venetus – perennial clump former with reddish and blue fls2.00

vernus vernus – clump forming purple and blue spring pea1.50

vernus ex pinks – pink form of the above1.50

vernus – narrow leaves and pale flowers2.00

Libertia tricolor – small tight clump-forming, red/orange/brown and green lvs2.00

Ligusticum scoticum – ‘Scots lovage’. Glossy lvs, neat large white umbels 2.00


ciliatum – a rare Turkish lily to 60cm. Covered in silvery hairs with

deep yellow purple-spotted Turk’s cap fls. 3.50

martagon – a fine mixture of colours and forms 2.00

pyreniacum – up to 12 greenish-yellow Turk’s caps2.00

Linum arboreum – a 25cm shrub with golden-yellow fls. A super plant2.00

Linaria purpurea f. alba - the rare white form of this familiar plant2.00

Lychnis yunnanensis- a very floriferous white catchfly2.00

Mandragora officionarum – grey-purple fls and fabulous fruits2.00


betonicifolia - the classic Himalayan blue poppy2.00

betonicifolia f. alba – the lovely white form.2.00

ex ‘Lingholme’ – probably the best of the blue poppies2.00

prattii – a superb blue prickly poppy.2.00


huttonii – easy and hardy in the garden. Soft yellow2.00

spathulata – tall plant with large deep yellow fls2.00

Morinia persica – scented white fls, aging to reddish-pink2.00


armenaicum pink forms - a really good garden plant 2.00

aucheri – a neat plant flowering from Oct. toMarch.2.00

comosum – the characteristic tassel hyacinth1.50

commutatum – dwarf and darkest blue – a favourite2.00

grandifolium populeum – very large blue-black bells2.00

macrocarpum – scented and yellow,for full sun.2.00

pseudomuscari – early large turquoise fls, good lvs2.00

Narcissus fernandesii – a vry good dwarf garden jonquil.2.00

Oenothera stricta var sulphurea – large scented palest yellow fls1.50

Omphalodes linifolia – very pretty creamy-white fls, grey lvs. Charming.2.00


magnum – non-invasive, large flowered2.00

narbonense – elegant spikes, good garden plant2.00

pontica – silvery-white, broad spikes in May, 20cm2.00

pyreniaca – green to cream spikes, very beautiful2.00

Orobanche hederae – reddish and cream unusual fls. A bit different2.00

Orthrosanthus chimboracensis – dainty, pure pale-blue fls. Hardy here.2.00


cambessedessii- soft pink fls and beautiful leaves, dwarf. 5 seeds2.00

mlokoswitschii – single yellow, good grayish-green lvs. 6 seeds2.00

officionalis var villosa2.00

peregrina – fabulous red single flower, good glossy foliage. 6 seeds2.50


anomala ‘Ladybird’- stunning red with black spots1.50

rhoeas ‘Mother of Pearl’ – fabulous! Greys, pinks, corals etc.1.50


Paris quadrifolia – a wonderful woodlander2.50


fruticosus – small, well-behaved shrub, pale purple fls1.50

hirsutus var pygmeus


scheuchzeri – tuft-forming, violet-blue rampion, 30cm2.00

spicata – dark blue long flowered rampion, 50cm2.00

Podophyllum hexandrum – a woodlander with white fls, excellent lvs2.00

Polygonatum zanlanscianense – blue-black berries follow purple/green fls2.50


capitata- a fine mealy primula with flat lilac-purple fls2.00 scotica – tiny bird’s eye primrose. The best British endemic. 2.50

Ramonda myconi – a shady gem. Good in trough. Large purple fls.2.00


scillifolia dark form – dwarf with lots of purple/black flowers.2.00

scillifolia pink form – palest pink flowers in profusion.2.00

Saruma henryi – Chinese woodlander with 3-lobed clear yellow fls2.00


bulleyana – a fine Chinese yellow salvia2.00

hians – large purplish fls, upright and scented, 60cm2.00

omeianum – beautiful foliage, chocolate beneath2.00

przewalskyi – an unusual large purple flowered Chinese salvia2.00

Scilla cilicica – large deep blue fls for shade2.00

Seneccio pulcher– carmine/purple daisies, perennial with good leaves2.00

Silene delavayi – a creamy-white very floriferous catchfly2.00

Sisyrinchium macrocarpum – large deep yellow fls, neat plant2.00

Smrymium perfoliatum – striking acid-green bracts for shade2.00


chloropetalum giganteum – stunning large form 2.50

kurabayashii – highly marbled lvs and purple fls, very showy2.50

Trollius hondoensis – a spectacular double orange ‘globe flower’2.50


clusiana – ex wild coll. A white and pink delight2.00

sprengeri Trotter’s form – tall vigorous, red and gorgeous2.00

sylvestris – an elegant yellow tulip with pointed segments2.00

tarda – a pretty white and yellow dwarf2.00

Welcome to our list of recently harvested seed.

Quantities of seed will be sufficient for a 7cm pot i.e. a minimum of 6 seeds of the scarcer plants but usually more.

As many items are in short supply please add a few alternatives and use the ‘limited cheque’ method of payment i.e. in crossed lines ‘amount not to exceed…..’ followed by the maximum amount of your order plus post and packing charge. Please make cheques payable to ‘Witton Lane Seeds’.

Postage and Packing - £1 for the UK.

Overseas customers including Europe – P & P £2.50 – please pay by International Money Order in sterling or a sterling cheque drawn on a London clearing bank or you can use the IBAN system. If you wish to send cash please send Pounds sterling or Euros. If in doubt please email - . If you would like to receive our lists by email in future please let us have your email address.

Please note minimum order is £10.00

Thanks to Bob and Anne Armstrong, Mike Ireland, Rod and Jane Leeds, Pattie Peck and Rosie Steele.

Garden open – Sunday April 29th – 11 - 4pm. For details see ‘Yellow Book’.