Geography Homework 20 Questions Brazil 3

  1. Name three countries that feature the Amazon rainforest?
/ HOT QUESTIONS / 11. What is the average temperature in the Amazon rainforest?
  1. How long is the Amazon river?
/ 12. What does the term ‘deforestation’ mean?
  1. How big is the Amazon rainforest?
/ 13. What does the term ‘conservation’ mean?
  1. What percentage of rainforests are in South America?
/ 14. What does the term ‘biodiversity’ mean?
  1. Which of the following continents does not have a Rainforest? Australia, North America, Madagscar
/ 15. Name two reasons for why the Amazon rainforest is being destroyed:.
  1. Rainforests cover what percentage of the Earth’s surface?
/ SQUIZZLINE QUESTIONS / 16. What does the term ‘environmentally sustainable’ mean?
  1. What percentage of the world’s plants and animals live in the rainforest?
/ 17. What is one local effect of deforestation?
  1. What percentage of the Amazon rainforest has been lost in the past 40 years?
/ 18. What is one global effect of deforestation?
  1. How many acres of the rainforest are destroyed every day?
/ 19. Name two groups of people who will benefit from deforestation:
  1. Why is the Amazon rainforest referred to as the ‘lungs of the Earth?’
/ 20. Name two groups of people who would oppose the deforestation of the Amazon rainforest:
  1. Name three countries that feature the Amazon rainforest? Brazil, Columbia, Peru
/ HOT QUESTIONS / 11. What is the average temperature in the Amazon rainforest? 26.6c (80F)
  1. How long is the Amazon river? 6,400 km
/ 12. What does the term ‘deforestation’ mean? The clearing of trees and forests
  1. How big is the Amazon rainforest? 5.5 million km²
/ 13. What does the term ‘conservation’ mean? The act of protecting something
  1. What percentage of rainforests are in South America? 50%
/ 14. What does the term ‘biodiversity’ mean? The variety of plants and animals in a particular area
  1. Which of the following continents does not have a Rainforest? Australia, North America, Madagscar
/ 15. Name two reasons for why the Amazon rainforest is being destroyed: Cattle ranching, logging, hydro-electricity etc.
  1. Rainforests cover what percentage of the Earth’s surface? 13%
/ SQUIZZLINE QUESTIONS / 16. What does the term ‘environmentally sustainable’ mean? Protecting the environment for future generations
  1. What percentage of the world’s plants and animals live in the rainforest? 50%
/ 17. What is one local effect of deforestation?Loss of homes and habitats for people and animals
  1. What percentage of the Amazon rainforest has been lost in the past 40 years? 20%
/ 18. What is one global effect of deforestation? Impact on global climate, destruction of cancer fighting drugs, cheaper furniture etc.
  1. How many acres of the rainforest are destroyed every day? 150
/ 19. Name two groups of people who will benefit from deforestation: Government, loggers, cattle ranchers etc.
  1. Why is the Amazon rainforest referred to as the ‘lungs of the Earth?’ Because of the amount of carbon dioxide it absorbs
/ 20. Name two groups of people who would oppose the deforestation of the Amazon rainforest: Environmentalists & indigenous tribes