Minutes of Regular Meeting

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

1) Call to Order – Chairman Cunningham called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm.

2) Approval of minutes – Jim Hannon’s name was noted as Jim Cannon in the public input section and needs to be corrected.

MOTION: To approve the minutes from the Regular Meeting of June 10, 2009 as amended

Roger Nelson Seconded by George Hall

Motion Passed Unanimously

3) Public Input –


4) Executive Session –

MOTION: To move Executive Session so that it takes place as the last item in New Business.

Roger Nelson Seconded by Ed Lanati

Motion Passed Unanimously

5) Chiefs Report

6/18 Attended Labor Board Hearing

6/18 Attended Board of Education meeting regarding skateboard park

6/30 Attended Board of Finance meeting regarding reinstitution of Canine Unit

7/2 Attended Town Hall Staff meeting

7/8 Participated in Police Union contract negotiations

7/9 Attended citizens open form regarding bears

7/9-7/11 Attended Fireman’s Carnival

7/21 Attended P.O.S.T graduation re: Officers Joe Malone and Mike Koistinen

7/28 Attended MPP regarding dispatchers union

8/6 Attended Town Hall Staff Meeting

6) Correspondence –

To Chief Suchocki from Debra Banasiak, Director, Middle School Day Camp – Thank you for tour of Police Department, noting Officer Joe Oliveira as the person giving the tour.

To Chief Suchocki From Andrew Dorr, Asst. Director for Grants Administration for US Dept. of Justice – Letter regarding the grant for COPS Hiring Recover Program noting that the grant was not awarded at this time.

To Chief Suchocki from William Schultz, Director of Basic Training for State of CT – Invitation to attend graduation exercises for the two officers who will be participating.

D.A.R.E. Program – Program that includes the names of students who participated in the program.

To Chief Suchocki from the family of Christine Smedick – Thank you for flowers that were sent for the funeral service.

To Chief Suchocki from Maria Lopez, 108 Center Street, Windsor Locks – Thank you for an outstanding job by one of the police officers (not named in the letter).

To Chief Suchocki from several residents of the South Elm / Juniper Drive location – Letter requesting extra attention for stop sign and speeding violations in the South Elm, Juniper and Gantley Road locations.

To Chief Suchocki from Doug Mellis, Chief of Police in Longmeadow MA – Looking to use a dog pen that he believes is no longer used.

To Chief Suchocki from Nelson Riner, prior Vice Principal at WLHS – Thank you to Chief Suchocki and Captain DeGray for support at the High School.

Publicly read letter as requested from William Rousseau:

To Chief Suchocki from William Rousseau – Letter requesting retired police officer ID and retirement badge. Note – the Police Commission will follow up on this.

7) Old Business –

a) Review Budget – The budget was reviewed. Chief Suchocki noted that Overtime includes Metro Traffic, which gets reimbursed. There are also more people off during the Summer months.

8) New Business

a) Discuss request for no parking signs on North Street – The discussion was in regard to the section of North Street between Suffield Street and North Main Street.

MOTION: To contact Public Works to place No Parking signs on the south side of North Street, between Suffield Street and North Main Street.

Jim Gaylord Seconded by George Hall

Motion Passed Unanimously

b) Discuss final draft of agreement with Windsor Locks Ambulance – This agreement will be forwarded to the Town Attorney.

c) Discuss resolution to give Finance Director the authority to request unclaimed property – There are unclaimed goods within the State Department that Windsor Locks is entitled to. A resolution needs to be passed to give the Director of Finance authority to request the property.

MOTION: Resolution to give Chief Suchocki the authority to give the Director of Finance authority to pursue unclaimed property being held by the State of CT for the Windsor Locks Police Department.

Jim Gaylord Seconded by Roger Nelson

Motion Passed Unanimously

MOTION: To add item 8d as “Discussion of ‘Children at Play’ signs on Deborah Road”.

Jim Gaylord Seconded by Roger Nelson

Motion Passed Unanimously

d) Discuss Children at Play signs on Deborah Road –

MOTION: To place “Children at Play” signs by the parking lot entrance for Reed Park on Deborah Avenue.

Jim Gaylord Seconded by Roger Nelson

Motion Passed Unanimously

e) Executive Session –

MOTION: To enter into executive session at 7:43pm for the purpose of discussing personnel issues. The Chief was asked to remain for his expertise.

George Hall Seconded by Roger Nelson

Motion Passed Unanimously

MOTION: To end the executive session at 8:05pm.

Roger Nelson Seconded by Ed Lanati

Motion Passed Unanimously

9) Adjournment

MOTION: To adjourn at 8:06 pm

George hall Seconded by Jim Gaylord

Motion carried unanimously

Respectfully Submitted,

Peg Spath

Recording Secretary

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