Answers to Chapters 4 & 5 Study Guide

1. 1848 Revolutions: Caused by economic conditions, it took place in the German states, Austria, France and Italy.

2. What was the peace settlement following Napoleon’s rule?The Congress of Vienna agreed to the principles of legitimacy, conservatism and intervention.

3. Who governed France between 1815 and 1830?King Louis XVIII

4. Compromise of 1867: Following its defeat to Prussia, Austria formed the Dual Monarchy of Austria-Hungary.

5. Napoleon III actions as emperor: Censorship and loss of civil liberties

6. Who opposed Bismarck as a leader in the government?Austria, France, the German legislature, liberals and socialist groups

7. Why did Britain avoid the Revolution of 1848?The industrial middle class received the right to vote.

8. Romantic Movement: Inspired by imagination and the mystery of nature, sought to stir emotions of people

English authors: Wordsworth, Shelley, Byron, Scott, Austin

French Authors: Dumas, Hugo

9. Louis Pasteur: Came up with the Germ Theory of Disease

10. Realist novels: Critical of society, identified social problems.

Authors: Dickens and Flaubert

11. Second Industrial Revolution elements

12. Varieties of Marxist socialism

Communists want a violent revolution

Christian Socialists seek the utopian state over time by peaceful means

13. What do Marxists believe?Capitalists own the means of production and will never share equally with the proletariat.

14. Southern and Eastern Europe during the late 19th Century: Produced raw materials and agricultural goods.

15. Results of compulsory education:Higher literacy, newspapers are widely read

16. Public education and politics: Students become more patriotic and nationalism grows

17. Why did cities grow much larger in the late 19th century?Cities became cleaner, sanitation and clean water, public transportation

18. The Elite: The top 5% controlling 40% of wealth are Industrialists, bankers and financiers

19. European Middle Class: Doctors, lawyers, accountants, merchants believe in hard work and Christian morals

20. Conflict between Russia and Austria Hungary was over Bosnia

21. Triple Alliance: Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy

22. Strongest military and industrial power of Europe by 1890:


23. Impressionists and Post Impressionists: Paintings show a world of no absolutes, in studies of light reflecting off objects.

24. Freud: Father of Psychoanalysis; one’s behavior is determined by past experiences held in the subconscious

25. Scientific discoveries in the late 19th and early 20th Centuries

26. Ministerial Responsibility

27. The two parties in the British Parliament: Conservative and Liberal