Key Stage 1/2/3/4

*Please circle as appropriate
  1. Applicant details:
Current Funding Band:
Contributors / Invited / Attended / Report Attached
Home Tutor

2. Progress indicators:

Last A/R / This A/R
Test Used / Result / Date / Test Used / Result / Date
Reading Acc / * / * / *
Comp / * / * / *
Spelling / * / * / *
Last A/R / This A/R
Date / T Ass/Test / Date / T Ass/Test
English / * / *
Maths / * / *
Science / * / *
3. Progress against objectives in statement:
4. Overview of the year:
4.1 School Contribution:
4.2 Parent / carer’s contribution:
4.3 Pupils contribution:
4.4 Contributions from other professionals:
5. Have there been any significant changes in the pupil’s circumstances, which may have affected progress?
6. Is current provision, including the National Curriculum, or arrangements substituted for it, appropriate to the pupil’s needs? (e.g. misapplication from a modern foreign language).
7. What additional provision is made for this pupil?
8. What are the long-term targets for the next year? There should be 1 SMART (Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant and Time-Bound)
9. What steps can be/are being taken to develop the pupil as an independent learner? These should be explicit in the IEP.
10. Should the Statement be:
a)Ceased? Yes No
b)Maintained? Yes No
11. Are any significant amendments to the statement required? These should be supported by clear written evidence and agreed by all parties.
12. Recommendations of the Annual Review with reasons, including any significant amendments, including any requests for additional resources (please see appendix 1).
13. Is any further action required by:
Health Professionals:
Social Services Professionals:
Any Safeguarding concerns:
Education Professionals:
14. Does the Individual Travel Plan need amending?
If yes, please provide details:
(Advice on education transport policy can be obtained from the
SEN Assessment Team at Sanford House)
All Reports dated and signed?
All written advice enclosed?
Annotated timetable attached?
Reports circulated to all contributors?



Senior SEN Officer:

Please return to: SEN Assessment Team, Wat Tyler House, 3rd Floor, Beckhampton Street

Appendix 1 – Applying for additional resources

If you are applying for additional resources as part of the annual review, you must now complete the details below as this will be considered in line with the new funding reforms. Please see the guidance available on this on Schools Online. Please complete this and send in to SENAT with the annual review form for this to be considered by SENRAP.

  1. Special Educational Need (refer to SEND Universal banding descriptors)

SEN Descriptor (which is the best fit judgement/s using the band descriptors) Please number in order, 1 being the Primary Need (please note that you do not need to list all those below, only those relevant in order) and the relevant Band in terms of that particular need (1 to 6):
Cognition and Learning ☐ Band:☐
Communication and Interaction ☐ Band:☐
Physical and Sensory ☐ Band:☐
HI ☐ VI ☐ PD ☐ MSI ☐
Behaviour Emotional and Social ☐ Band:☐
Other (please specify) ☐
Please tick all that apply:
Medical needs ☐
Uses British Sign Language ☐
Uses Alternative Augmentative communication e.g. Signalong☐PECS☐ Switches☐
Autistic Spectrum Condition diagnosed ☐
Requires regular 1:1 (if 2:1 please state) manual handling ☐
Alternative methods of recording ☐
Proposed Banding Mainstream: ☐1 ☐2 ☐3 ☐4 ☐5 ☐ 6
  • Please use the banding descriptors and only tick one band – it must be best fit amongst all the child’s needs.
  • Please send in a copy of the Banding Descriptors with your highlighted sections.
  • Please state the reasons that the child falls into this proposed band:


The first £10,000 has already been delegated to the school to support this young person. Please provide details below of how this has been used to meet the child’s needs:
Strategies and interventions / Impact / Cost
If you are already allocating additional resource beyond the £10,000, or this has been delegated to you (above the 15 hours delegated) to this young person please provide detailed information, including costs:
Strategies and interventions / Impact / Cost
Please also attach a timetable of support (e.g. one-to-one and group work), IEP/IPP and any other information which evidences the use of the delegated and /or additional resource.
Please explain why you are seeking additional resources:
a)To fund additional resource already in place ☐
b)to fund additional resource not yet in place ☐
If (b) please describe in detail how you will you use the additional resource:
Strategies and interventions / Anticipated impact / Time / Resource Needed

Total time required for additional support across one week (in hours):