Tuesday 10June 2014

Conference Room James Watt A & B, Atlantic Quay, Broomielaw, Glasgow.



Alan Boyter – Director of HR and Organisational Development, NHS Lothian

Wilma Brown – UNISON

John Callaghan – Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists

Calum Campbell – Chief Executive NHS Borders(Chair)

Theresa Fyffe – Director, Royal College of Nursing

Jane Hamilton - Head of Staff Governance and Employee ExperienceUnit, Scottish Government

Ann Holmes (attending on behalf of Ros Moore) – Scottish Government

Rona King – Director of HR, NHS Fife

Shirley Johnstone (attending on behalf of Lyn Turner) - Unite

Derek Lindsay – Director of Finance, NHS Ayrshire & Arran

Pamela McLauchlan – Director of Finance, Scottish Ambulance Service

Christine McLaughlin (attending on behalf of John Matheson) – Scottish Government

Matt McLaughlin – UNISON

Alex McLuckie – GMB Scotland

Patricia McNally – Chartered Society of Physiotherapists

Lilian Macer – Unison

Mark O’Donnell (attending on behalf of Michael Kellet) – Scottish Government

Shirley Rogers – Deputy Director, Workforce, Scottish Government

Jacqui Simpson – South East and Tayside Regional Planning Group

Caroline Sharp –NHS Dumfries and Galloway

Gillian Smith – Royal College of Midwives

Jill Vickerman – British Medical Association

In attendance:

Karen Algie – Head of Human Resources

Douglas Black – Unison (Local Authority)

Anna Gilbert – Scottish Government

Ali Grant – Royal College of Nursing

Janice Lennen – Scottish Government (Minute)

Madam Ishwori Devi Shrestha – Chief Nurse to the Ministry for Health and Population in Nepal

Madam Kiran Bajracharya – President of MIDSON (Midwifery Society of Nepal) & Associate Professor of Midwifery at Tributhevan University in Kathmandu

Robyn McCormack – Scottish Government (Minute)

Morag McLaren – NHS Forth Valley

Brian Nisbet – Scottish Government

Laura Simpson – Society of Personnel & Development (Local Authority)

Garrick Smyth – COSLA (Local Authority)

Malcolm Summers – Scottish Government

Alison Taylor – Scottish Government

Kate Thomas – Scottish Government

Alan Tipping – Nursing & Midwifery Council


John Connaghan – Director of Health Workforce and Performance, Scottish Government

Sharon Duncan - Unite

Paul Gray - Director General of Health and Social Care

Aileen Keel – Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Scottish Government

Michael Kellet - Policy Director, The Quality Unit, Scottish Government

Colin McKenzie –SOLACE

John Matheson –Director of Health Finance, Scottish Government

Ros Moore – Chief Nursing Officer, Scottish Government

Claire Ronald – Chartered Society of Physiotherapists

Andrew Russell – NHS Tayside

Harry Stevenson – Social Work Resources

Agenda Item 1 – Welcome, introductions and apologies

The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. Members were informed of the list of apologies (noted above) and that the meeting today was quorate.

Agenda Item 2 – Minutes and summary of action points of meeting held on 4 February 2014and matters arising

In the main the minute of the previous meeting held on 4 February was agreed as accurate but it was agreed to follow up on a paper produced by Staffside members of the HR Working group on “Points of agreement” within the integration of health and social agenda.

Progress on the action points were noted and it was agreed that Action Point 1 (NHS Event) is to be marked as “on-going” rather than “completed”.

Outcome: Minute and status of action points were agreed.

Action: The Scottish Government to source and circulate Staffside’s paper on “Points of agreement” within the Integration of Health and Social Care agenda to SPF members.

Agenda Item 3 –Revalidation of Nurses and Midwives

Fact Sheets were circulated to SPF members in advance of the meeting. Alan Tipping (Nursing & Midwifery Council)gave a presentation on the revalidation of Nurses and Midwives. During the discussion the following points were covered:

  • The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) is the largest professional healthcare regulator in the world with 670,000 people on the register; Its primary role is to protect the public;
  • In September 2013, the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) agreed upon the proposed model of revalidation for nurses and midwives that it seeks to implement by the end of December 2015;
  • This model will rely upon an enhanced Code of Conduct, third party input and employer-led appraisal systems;
  • The NMC formal consultation period of six months began on 6 January 2014. Part I of this consultation began on 31 March. Part 2 (on line survey) started in May 2014 and will conclude on 21 August 2014, it will focus on the draft code and revalidation model. SPF members were urged to take part in the on line consultation and share the web site address with others:
  • It is likely that any model of revalidation will have a significant impact on nurses and midwives, their employers, and on the health and social care system in Scotland;
  • Concerns surrounding the robustness of the employer led appraisal system and the need to assure consistency in approach across all health and social care settings, the scale of the revalidation exercise, the resource and financial implications were thoroughly discussed by SPF members;
  • Concerns were expressed about the appropriateness of appraisal systems;
  • The benefits to employers is to have well trained and motivated workforce; Moving away from “fitness to practice” to “revalidation and development”. There will be an appropriate Appeals Process; The revalidation process will highlight any development needs earlier rather than later;
  • Integration may have an effect on the access and efficiency of Continuous Professional Development;
  • Revalidation shouldn’t create new problems – only highlight existing ones;
  • A Programme Board will be set up at Government Level to look at implications for Revalidation in NHSScotland.
  • NMC is undertaking 4 country work to explore possible impact on systems and staff and NHS Tayside is participating in this work. A paper on the on the scope of the NMC work will be circulated around SPF members in due course;
  • It was highlightedthat the exercise to Revalidate Medics (10% of workforce) was resource intensive, and that numbersbeing referred to the Medical Council hadincreased. In comparison, nurses and Midwives constitute 50% of the workforce and Boards must considerthe resource implications and timescaleneeded to carry out Revalidation of Nurses and Midwives.

Outcome: SPF members had a full and frank discussion. Alan Tipping will feedback SPF concerns to the NMC.

Action:Scottish Government to circulate the Revalidation of Nurses and Midwives power-point presentation to SPF members.Completed

Action: The Scottish Government to cascade a paper covering the scope of the Tayside Revalidation pilot to SPF members.

Agenda Item 4 –Integration of Health and Social Care

Brian Nisbet and Alison Taylor gave a presentation on the Integration of Health and Social Care. Web Link to the Scottish Government Integration of Health and Social Care web site was circulated in advance of the meeting. During the presentation and subsequent discussion the following points were made:

  • The Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Acthas now gained Royal Ascent and the new legislationgoes live April 2015;
  • The purpose of the Act is to ensure that health and social care provision for adults across Scotland is joined-up and seamless, especially for people with long term conditions and disabilities, many of whom are older people;
  • Draft regulations are currently out for consultation,due to end in August 2014. The Regulations will then go to Parliament for debate in September 2014;
  • It was noted that Boards were finding the Regulations and Explanatory Notes difficult to interpret. The Scottish Government explained that the Explanatory Notes had been written by Solicitors and had to cover all the complex legal aspects which may explain their complexity. The Scottish Government Integration and Reshaping Team will give some thought to making the Regulations and Explanatory Notes less complex – this may be through providing “Question and Answer” briefing on the Integration web site.
  • It is anticipated that Integration of Health and Social Care will “go live” in local areas in April 2015 with all integrated arrangements to be in place by April 2016;
  • The Scottish Government Integration team are currently working on the communications strategy and are building up the Integration of Health and Social Care web site:
  • The Workforce Development Strategic Group (WDSG), chaired by Professor Jim McGoldrick and includes members from NHS, local authorities, third and independent sectors, hasworked up an activity plan based around five workforce outcomes which were developed with stakeholders;
  • Workforce issues are currently being taken forward by the Human Resources (HR) Working Groupand theIntegration Workforce Development Strategy Group. Consideration is being given to merging these groups;
  • Concerns were expressed around workforce planning and it was pointed out that work is currently underway with ISD at a national level to look at what needs to be done at a national and local level to support workforce planning for Integration; All agreed that taking forward workforce issues feels complicated at the moment;
  • Staffside colleagues raised the importance of building Staff Governance (making decisions in Partnership) arrangements into the Integration agenda, they had indicated previously that they would like to see this being prescribed in Regulations rather than having a set of principles in place;
  • The Scottish Governmentconfirmed that the HR Working Group is working through Staffside challenges across both Organisations and that discussions are ongoing;
  • A Chief Officer support network has been set up – this is not a decision making network;
  • Each Integrated Partnership will put in place a joint strategic commissioning plan for the services and budgets under its control and they will establish locality arrangements for its area;
  • Localities will provide an opportunity for local professionals, staff, the third and independent sectors, carers and service-users to lead the planning and delivery of services for their communities, based on their experience and knowledge of local needs;
  • Transition funding of £7 million has now been disseminated to 31 Partnerships for:
  • The development of integration schemes;
  • Establishment of integration joint boards;
  • Strategic commissioning;
  • Locality planning arrangements;
  • Development support for the workforce and
  • A comprehensive communication plan.
  • Staffside asked if details of the Integration Transition funding awardedto each Integration Partnership could be shared for transparency;
  • Assurances were given that funding has also been set aside at a national level for Primary Care services (hearts and minds of GPs etc.).

Outcome:SPF members had a full and frank discussion and unanimously agreed to keep the Integration of Health and Social Care a high priority on the agenda.

Action: The Scottish Government to:

  • Send the Integration of Health and Social Care power-point presentation around SPF members. Complete
  • Send web link to the Governance document held on the Integration web site around SPF members. Completed
  • Consider how they can make the Regulations and Explanatory Notes less complex.
  • Share details of the Integration Transition Funding awarded to each Integration Partnership for transparency.Completed

Agenda Item 5–Financial Position of NHSScotland

Christine McLaughlin gave apresentation on the financial position of NHSScotland. During the presentation and subsequent discussion the following points were made:

  • Subject to audit review the provisional 2013/14 Financial Outturn for Health is Breakeven for the 6th year in a row;
  • Boards have achieved efficiency savings of £274.9 million (3.0% of baseline), an increase of £7.1 million on agreed financial plans for 2013/14;
  • Territorial Boards Uplift is 3.1% in 2014/15 and 2.7% in 2015/16; With Capital budget falling over the next two years, there is an on-going reliance on capital receipts;
  • Special Board Uplift is 1.0% in 2014/15 and 2015/16;
  • There will be an additional NRAC funding of £47.5 million invested in 2014/15 and based on current planning, by 2016/17 all Boards behind NRAC parity will be within 1% of their target allocation;
  • The draft budget for 2015-16 is to be published prior to October 2014 parliamentary recess;

Outcome: SPF members noted the update.

Action: Scottish Government to cascade the NHSScotland Financial Position power-point presentations to SPF members.Completed

Agenda item 6 –AOB

The Vale of Leven Paper – The investigation is being carried out independently of the Scottish Government. A further update on the reporting date will be provided once the Chair has had time to consider all responses and made any necessary amendments to the report.

The SPF Committee agreed that they found they worked more productively when there was less on the agenda.

Action:Scottish Government to cascade the HR Shared Services paper once the update paper has been agreed by the Project Board.


Date of Next Meeting 7 October 2014 (10.00– 13.00) in Conference Room 4ER, St Andrews House, Regent Road, Edinburgh


Directorate for Health Workforce and Performance

Staff Governance and Employee Engagement

T: 0131-244-1718