Guidelines for University Facilities Usage

I. Purpose

The primary purpose of Texas Christian University facilities – e.g. classrooms, meeting rooms, common space, residence halls, etc. - is to serve the University’s academic and operational activities. However, University’s facilities will made available for community or educational functions in a responsible manner, without undue cost to Texas Christian University and without undue interference to the University’s activities. These policies also recognize that all facilities belong to the University to meet multiple objectives employing approval procedures, but no given facility does not rest with an academic or an administrative unit.

Contact for use of facilities:

Facility / Contact Department / Ext
Athletics / Athletic Department / 5658
BLUU & Campus Commons / Brown-Lupton University Union / 7927
Classroom use / TCU Registrar / 5091
Kelly Center / Dee J. Kelly Alumni & Visitors Center / 7755
King Family Commons / King Family Commons / 4963
Rickel Rec Center / TCU Campus Recreation / 5630
Tucker Technology Center / College of Science & Engineering / 7727

II. Users Definitions

A. University Academic Activities – These activities directly relate to the instructional mission of the University such as: credit bearing classes, programmatic activities resulting from academic course work, and faculty/administrative departmental meetings. Activities that fall in this category are exempt from event-related fees except for any catering, security, housekeeping, staff overtime or special equipment-related costs.

B. University-Sponsored Events – These activities directly relate to the life of the campus community beyond the classroom -- i.e. athletics, recreation, student programming activities, faculty and staff development, etc. Programs in this category may be scheduled or sponsored by faculty, staff, administrative offices and student organizations/clubs. Activities that fall in this category are exempt from event-related fees except for any catering, security, housekeeping, staff overtime or special equipment related costs and those costs will be the responsibility of the sponsoring group. University-sponsored events include the following categories:

1. Official University Events – Event scheduled or sponsored by faculty, staff, administrative offices and departments that are planned primarily for members of the community and/or the benefit of the University. It is recognized that members of the community, faculty, students and staff, guests and alumni may attend these programs. Examples of such events include: Athletic Events, Leadership Weekend; Awards Ceremonies; Commencement; Convocation; Family Weekend; Reunions; etc.

2. Student Events – Events offered by Student Development Services that are officially registered student clubs, recognized organizations, programs, activities or services planned by and primarily for members of TCU community. It is recognized that members of the community, guests and alumni may attend these programs. Examples of such events are student organizational meetings, workshops, lectures, conferences, shows, and other social activities.

C. University-Related Events – These are academic/educational/administrative conferences and/or workshops arranged by students, administrative units, faculty or staff that charge a registration fee. These programs or events must be developed and managed by a University sponsor and cannot be affiliated with any outside organization/association. Activities that fall in this category could be assessed a nominal event-related fee if the activity is designed to generate revenue for the planning or sponsored group. The standard fees for any catering, security, staff overtime or special equipment-related costs will be applicable to the sponsoring group.

Note: Understanding that a University-Related Event is charging a “registration fee” to cover some basic costs, the rationale for assessing a nominal fee is to cover “real” expenses in the use of facilities since such events are not considered basic or expected functions of the supporting departments. Thus, in determining registrations fees, sponsoring units are encouraged to consider other "real" expenses.

D. University Co-Sponsored/Co-Hosted Events - These are academic programs, conferences and/or meetings involving two entities – a University, school, academic department, administrative unit or student organization and an external organization such as a professional association in which the University holds membership or maintains a relationship that directly benefits the University community or one of its organizations. An individual faculty, staff, or student membership in an organization does not necessarily make an event sponsored by that external organization an integral part of the University’s mission. If the organization is not associated with the University or a TCU organization meetings cannot be held on campus. In general, University Co-Sponsored Events will involve a contractual arrangement with the University.

Activities that fall in this category may be assessed an event-related fee. The standard fees for any catering, security, housekeeping, facility usage costs, staff overtime or special equipment-related costs will apply.

All on this list apply and is without exception in order for the event to be considered co-sponsored/co-hosted:

1.  Support from an appropriate academic dean or vice chancellor to ensure that the University’s educational mission is properly maintained. Co-sponsorship/co-hosted will be established after a fee waiver request has been signed by the academic dean or vice chancellor indicating that the activity/event does not compromise the educational mission of the University.

2.  The on-campus department will provide a TCU contact/coordinator person for the event. All questions and arrangements will go through that person.

3.  A member of the on-campus department must be on-site with the event at all times.

4.  The on-campus department or external organization is responsible for all costs involved in the event that is incurred by the University.

5.  The external organization should not have a revenue-generating interest in the co-sponsorship. Its primary mission must be educational or community.

6.  To minimize liability risks, the University will require the external organization to issue the University a Certificate of Insurance as outlined in the terms of the university contract. The on-campus department is the client of Conference Services not the off-campus group.

7.  All co-sponsored/co-hosted conferences and events must have the University name and logo on all conference materials, including all marketing and pre-conference publications. Publication and materials should also be pre-approved by the Office of Marketing and Communications at least 30 days prior to start of event. Please Note: All University Co-Sponsored Events/co-hosted events will need to start with a phone call to TCU Conference Services #7641 or e-mail at

E. Non-University/External Events - These programs and activities organized by educational or community groups not included in the organizational structure of the University. Activities that fall in this category are responsible for full event-related fees including facility rental, security, staff overtime, catering, etc. In general, Non-University/External Events will require a contractual arrangement with the University.

In order to minimize liability risks, the University will require the outside organization to issue the University a Certificate of Insurance as outlined in the terms of the contract.

Still Photography and Filming/Videotaping – Recognizing that in general, Texas Christian University campus is open to the public and buildings and grounds serve as a backdrop, amateur still photography and filming and videotaping will not be prohibited unless the recording affects University operations or policies.

Under these guidelines commercial filming/videotaping would be considered a Non-University/External Event. A location request will be required, downloadable form from the Marketing and Communications office. After approval from the Marketing and Communications department a contract and a certificate of insurance will be required from Conference Services. The University holds the right to review the nature and scope of any commercial filming/videotaping and determine if the activity supports the University’s mission. Such reviews fall under the purview of the University's Office of Marketing and Communications and supports the University’s mission.

Please Note: All non-University/External Events will need a phone call to TCU Conference Services #7641 or an e-mail

III. Fee Assessment

Facility and administrative fees will not be assessed for:

•University Academic Activities
•University-Sponsored Events
•Official University Events and Student Events

Facility and administrative fees are applicable to:

·  University-Related Events

·  University Co-Sponsored Events

·  University Co-Hosted Events

·  Non-University/External Events

University fees will be based on the type of space, the length of usage and competitive market rates for comparable event spaces.

Other Support Service Fees

Events requiring more than routine services from University operations could be required to pay a support service fee. Non-routine fees may apply to:

·  Custodial support

·  Grounds

·  Public safety

·  Logistical services

·  Media services

·  Telecommunications

·  Information technology

·  Physical plant (i.e., electricians, carpenters, plumbers)

Fee Waivers

Requests for facility fee waivers for any event will require a fee waiver letter from Conference Services and approved by the appropriate Dean/Vice Chancellor/Chancellor for input. Fee-waivers will be given utmost consideration if the nature of the events provides:

•High recruitment potential/visibility for prospective students
•For an educational public forum
• Professional development opportunities for faculty and/or staff
•Internship opportunities for students
•Reciprocal waivers to the University, but do not create a conflict of interest
•A beneficial relationship to the University

Note: Anyone requesting a fee waiver must disclose if they have a business or a donor relationship with the University or a staff member. Any request that has the appearance of "quid pro quo" will not be processed.

Insurance Requirements

In providing activities that not only provide visibility for the University, but also reach out to the local community, the University recognizes the exposure to losses through liability. With this in mind, the following classification of events will require a certificate of insurance:

·  University-Related Events

·  University Co-Sponsored Events

·  University Co-Hosted Events

·  Non-University/External Events

The external organization shall purchase and maintain at its expense the following types of insurance:

·  Texas Christian University must be listed as additional insured and shall state that the insurance is primary and non-contributory

·  Texas Christian University must be listed as certificate holder (2800 South University Drive, Fort Worth, TX 76109)

·  Limits should provide NOT LESS THAN $1,000,000 per occurrence and in the aggregate

·  A waiver of subrogation in favor of Texas Christian University is required regarding Worker’s Compensation

·  Coverage must include Sexual Abuse and Molestation coverage with limits NOT LESS THAN $100,000 per occurrence and $200,000 in the aggregate

·  Certificate of insurance needs to be approved by the State of Texas – Acord 25 (2010/05 or newer) preferred